CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 6 June 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, pages 230-231 BATTLE OF VALVERDE. In the battle of Valverde, which was a glorious victory for the Southern army, Col. Wm. R. Scurry says: "The country has to mourn the loss of four as brave and chival­rous officers as ever graced the ranks of any army. The gallant Major Shropshire fell early, pressing upon the foe and cheering his men on. The brave and chivalrous Major Raguet fell mortally wounded while engaged in the last and most desperate conflict of the day. He survived long enough to know and rejoice at our victory, and then died with loving messages upon his expiring lips. The brave, gallant Captain Buckholtz and Lieutenant Mills conducted themselves with distinguished gallantry throughout the fight and fell near its close. Of the living it is only necessary to say all behaved with distinguished courage and daring. . . Major Pyron was distrnguished by the calm intrepidity of his bearing. It is due to Adjt. Ellsberry R. Lane to bear testimony to the courage and activity he displayed in the discharge of his official duties, and to acknowledge my obli­gations for the manner in which he carried out my orders."