CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: THOMAS R. BONNER - Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Peggy Brannon - 17 November 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson THOMAS R. BONNER Thomas R. Bonner, of Tyler, was a native of Holmes county, Miss., born September 11, 1838. He moved with his parents to Rusk, Cherokee county,Texas, in November, 1849, and for the next four years worked in a printing office and studied. From 1854 to 1861 he had charge of his father's farm. In April, 1862, he was elected captain of Co. C, 18th Texas Infantry, becoming major in 1863, and the following year lieutenant-colonel and then colonel. He saw active service until the close of the war, and then returning to Rusk studied law with his brother, Judge M. B. Bonner, and was his partner for five years in the practice. In 1872 he removed to Tyler and entered the banking business. He was in the legislature in 1866, and in 1876 was elected from Smith county and was chosen Speaker of the House, making an admirable presiding officer. At the time of his death, in 1891, Colonel Bonner was the leading banker of East Texas and was also receiver for the I. & G. N. Ry. Co. He was Grand Master of Masons in Texas, and a member of the Methodist Church, South. Col. Bonner andhis wife, who was Miss Mary Davenport, had two children, Thomas D. and Herndon, both bright young business men of Tyler.