CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: JAMES N. BOREN - Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Peggy Brannon - 17 November 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson JAMES N. BOREN James N. Boren, of Tyler, who gave his life for his country, was born in the Republic of Texas, at Nacogdoches, Feb. 12, 1840. He was the oldest son of Samuel Hampson Boren, a veteran of the Indian wars of the Texas Republic and of the Mexican war in 1846. His grandfather, Capt. James Boren (who married Miss Jane Blair of Nashville, Tenn.) was in the war of 1812, and his great-grandfather, Nicholas Boren, was a soldier in the Revolutionary army in 1776. James N. Boren was graduated from Franklin College, Tennessee,in June l860, and the following September entered the law department of the Lebanon University, where he remained until the proclamation of war against the Southern States, when he left for his native state to enlist in her cause. He joined Douglas' Texas artillery and was chosen lieutenant, and a few months later was promoted first lieutenant. He served in the campaigns in Arkansas and Missouri, and was in the battle of Elkhorn. He was killed at the battle of Richmond, Kentucky, being struck by a cannon ball while he was by the side of one of his guns aiding and inspiring his men. Lieutenant Boren's conduct was always marked with the self command and courage of the true soldier, while his consideration and generosity endeared him to his men. He lies buried on the battlefield in a few yards of where he fell. One of the camps of the United Confederate Veterans in West Texas is named in his honor.