CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: R. G. CHILDRESS - Nolan and Rusk Counties, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 7 September 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson R. G. CHILDRESS. R. G. Childress is a native of Alabama, born in Marshall Co. in October 1838. Remov­ed to Texas in 1844 and settled in Rusk County. Judge Child­ress served in the Texas Rang­er service in 1854-55 in the company of Capt. J. S. Bog­gess. This company was or­ganized in September 1854, doing active service on the Fron­tier until March 1855. Young Childress was noted for his gallantry while a Texas Rang­er. When the war broke out in 1861, he enlisted in Com­pany B, 3rd Texas Cavalry, and served with Whitfield, Mabry, Ross. W. H. Jackson with distinguished gallantry. He was a noted scout of the Western Army and kept in hand the men that were under and with him, being ever watchful, daring as well as prompt in giving reliable accounts of the movements of the Federal army. The last two years of the war he was the confidant of Gen. L. S. Ross as a scout. Young Childress participated in the battles of Oak Hills, Chustenahlah, Elk Horn, Corinth, Iuka, Thompson's Sta­tion, Yazoo City, Rome, and through the Georgia campaign under Joseph E Johnston, and with Hood at Franklin. Judge Childress bore himself gallantly in the war and since the arms were stacked has made a good citizen, just such as a gallant Southern soldier can do. His people loved him for his moral worth and honored him in civic life. Being honest, faithful and trustworthy, he has borne a romantic and historic part in turbulent times, and performed his duty in the serene quietude of peace and plenty. He is an honored citizen of Roscoe, Texas.