CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: James Coyne - Galveston, TX *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 7 June 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, page 198 JAMES COYNE. James Coyne, born 25th of December, 1842, in Castle Baghe, Ireland. His first service was in the Wigfall Rifles, a company organized in New Orleans, and his company as­sisted in the capture of the Star of the West. Soon after this his company was disbanded and he joined another com­pany, the Ragmuffins, and sailed for Indianola, Texas, where they were made a part of the 8th Texas Regiment, commanded by Col. Hobby. This regiment wintered at Port Lavacca, but was soon in active service, participating in the campaigns along the coast of Texas. On the 22nd day of June 1862, Mr. Coyne was married to Miss Mary James Keeley of Indianola, Texas. He was noted for his good conduct as a soldier and received the commendation of his dfficers for promptness in performing his duty. He was a noble repre­sentative of the Irish people, with an honest devotion to the cause he served, always loyal to the South in her unequal struggle for local self government. James Coyne died in the city of Galveston, August 18th, 1867, leaving a legacy to his family--the record of an honest and brave man.