CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: MRS. KATIE CABELL CURRIE MARRIED.- Dallas Co, TX *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 29 March 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson - Page 300 MRS. KATIE CABELL CURRIE MARRIED. A Dallas paper in giving account of the wedding, which took place at the residence of Gen. Cabell, states: "Before the ceremony Mrs. Henry Hymes sang 'Call Me Thine Own,' and Mr. Farris played the wedding march. Gen. R. M. Gano, the venerable Chaplain of Camp Sterling Price, officiated, Gen. Cabell giving the bride away. The house was radiantly embowered in flowers. The Confederate colors, white and red, predominated in the decorations, and formed an attractive floral background for a profusion of bride roses and white carnations. Four hundred names were inscribed in the 'guest book.' The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Camp W. L. Cabell (of which Judge Muse is a member), and Camp John H. Reagan were well represented, and with them came a Bright bouquet of pretty girls. The universal esteem in which Judge Muse and his bride are held was eloquently attested by a glittering array of costly bridal presents. Mrs. Muse is a gracious, attractive woman, whose wit, poise, and intellectual charm bespeak the culture and refinement of Southern ancestry, education and environment. Judge Muse is a courtly and accomplished gentleman, a brilliant and successful lawyer. The Cabell home has long been the 'Liberty Hall' of the old Confederacy. Rarely does so close and admirable tie bind father and daughter. Ever tenderly solicitous for his health and interest, proud of his record as a soldier and commander as well as a civilian, Mrs. Muse has been an ideal example of filial devotion. He has enshrined her in his heart, and cherishes with pride all the noble work she has accomplished for the Confederate cause and the veterans."