CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: EVERY WORD TRUE. *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Doris Peirce - 24 February 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson EVERY WORD TRUE. Senator Carmack in his splendid address on the character of Jefferson Davis paid this tribute to President Davis and the South. Every fighting Confederate soldier will endorse it: "Here let me say that there is no Southern soldier pusillanimous enough to accept that lenient judgment sometimes proffered by the charity of his critics that he was the innocent, deluded victim of a wicked leadership. No soldier of the South, however ruined in fortune or broken with wounds, no wife bereft of her husband, no mother bereft of her son, has ever raised an accusing voice against the leaders of the South. The Southern people are not of that coward breed that seeks a vicarious sufferer for its own deeds. "Let no man mistake us, the South, the whole South, gave both heart and hand to the war of secession; and as history shall Judge Jefferson Davis, so let it judge every soldier who fought beneath the flag of the Confederacy. Yes, and so let it judge us of a new generation who ask for ourselves no higher honor and no prouder fame than that by their deeds we may be judged, and whose most fervent prayer is that the sons of these heroes may be worthy of their sires. No, my countrymen, it is not a trembling penitent that the South approaches the judgment bar of history. "Standing in the presence of this noble and impressive monument, we proudly front the world and proclaim to the present and coming time: 'This was our here, and his cause was ours.'"