CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: THOMAS B. GREENWOOD - Anderson County, TX **************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Doris Peirce - 27 January 2002 **************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson THOMAS B. GREENWOOD Thomas B. Greenwood, of Palestine, was born in Monroe county, Miss., April 12, 1832. He was educated at Irving College, Tenn., and in 1852 53 read law in Palestine under the instruction of Hon. John E,. Cravens. Being admitted to the bar he began the practice in Athens, Texas, and continued there for eighteen years. At the beginning of the war between the states he enlisted as a private in Greer's 3rd Texas Cavalry, being in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, Chustonala and in numerous skirmishes. In 1872 Col. Greenwood removed to Palestine and for thirty years enjoyed a most lucrative practice at the bar. He was justly regarded as one of the eminent lawyers of Texas. He was a member of the political convention held in Austin in 1856 for the purpose of organizing the Democratic party in this state and nominating officers. In 1874 Gov. Coke tendered him the office of district judge, but he declined it. He was married in Henderson county, Feb. 8, 1865, to Miss Lucy Gee of the well known North Carolinian family. Their two sons, Hon. Albert G. Greenwood and Hon. Thomas B. Greenwood, are well known lawyers at the Palestine bar. Col. Greenwood died a year or two ago.