Confederate Biography : Buster HAYNES, Tennessee ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Susie McFarland Lemin 20 November 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, p. 164 Buster Haynes was a lieutenant in the Ninth Texas Cavalry. He was a native of Tennessee and received a common school education. Early in the war he enlisted and became an officer, and his gallantry and soldierly bearing soon made him poular with his men. He participated in the battles of Elk Horn Tavern, Farmington and Iuka, and was killed in the charge of Van Dorn and Price on the works of that city, then held by Gen. Rosecrans. His death was lamented by his comrades, as he had endeared himself by his chivalrous conduct in camp and on the field.