Confederate Biography : J. S. KRITSON, Williamson County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Susie McFarland Lemin Sept 21, 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, pg. 151 John S-Kriston entered the Confederat army, joining Co., "E" 2nd Missouri cavalry, under Gen. Joe O. Shelby, called "Old Ironsides". He followed under Gen. Shelby's lead during the war and at its close went with him to Mexico. Company "E" was named the "Rough Riders", and well did it deserve the name, because of their members active service in the cause of the South. This young Missourian followed eagerly his command on many a contested battlefield of carnage until the end came, keeping the honor of his state pure and unsullied. After peace had been declared, he returned to Texas and has made a good citizen. Residence Taylor, Texas.