CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: ROBERT F. McKNIGHT - Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 28 August 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson ROBERT F. McKNIGHT. Robert Felix McKnight, born in Rutherford County, Tenn., Feb. 2nd, 1845. Removed to Texas in 1876 and settled in Cherokee County, but a few years later moved to Smith County, where he now resides, He entered the Confederate service at Shelbyville, Tenn., and joined Capt. Settles com­pany, then and afterwards Gen. Bedford Forrest's escort. Participated in the battles of Thompson Station, Chicka­mauga, Prices Cross Roads. His company was always near Gen. Forrest and everybody knows that great cavalry leader was at all times in the thickest of the fight. Young McKnight was captured on a scout, on the 4th day of Dec. 1864 on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad and carried to Camp Chase, Ohio, as a prisoner of war. He was the son of Robert and Elizabeth McKnight who were early residents of the state of Tennee­see. On January 17th, 1877, he married Miss Mattie C. Hairgrove, a daughter of an early pioneer of East Texas. A good Confederate soldier makes a good citizen and Mr. McKnight comes up to that standard with a full measure. Postoffice Tyler, Texas.