CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: SOUTHERN MEN and WOMEN - Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Peggy Brannon - 16 October 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson In his address Col. E. L. Russell at the Tupelo Miss. monument dedication said: "If the issue of State sovereignty was the cause of the war, the Confederate soldier has won a great victory. There has been since the war a gradual growth of the views and sentiments of the South on this question throughout the North. The class of statesmen at the North contending for increased centralized Federal power is growing smaller and weaker year by year. Today the sovereignty of the State, with all of its powers and rights, is absolutely recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States. "God bless the women of Tupelo and of Lee County and of the South! They never allowed defeat and disappointment and deprivations to weaken their interest in the cause and their sympathy for the Confederate soldier. They went to their looms and wove homespun dresses and wore them, and they went to the oat fields and with their deft fingers made their oat straw bonnets. I can remember when I saw them in homespun and oat straw bonnets, and they looked as beautiful and lovely as any queen who ever sat upon a throne. "Now, comrades, I say to you--you gray-headed and weather-beaten citizens who were once the bravest and most intrepid and the most fearless soldiers who ever trod the terrible ridge of battle--I have seen you when the sun and heavens were concealed by the smoke and flame of battle, and I looked into your faces and saw the determination to win, regardless of your own lives; I heard your Rebel yell ring out above the din and roar of small arms and artillery on clear, crisp mornings when some almost impregnable position was to be taken; I have seen you scale the breast-works over bayonets and in the face of flaming artillery. You have a record as soldiers that has never been surpassed in the history of the world."