CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: MRS. THOMAS MOORE - Burnett & McClellan County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Peggy Brannon - 22 September 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson Even as a little child sinks placidly to sleep in loving mother arms, so was the transition into eternal slumber of the beloved Mrs. Thomas Moore, at Waco, Texas, on April 20, 1906. For more than fifty years she had lived in Texas, going there from Kentucky with her husband and children in 1853. Her maiden name was Eliza Jane Dodd, and she was born in Barren County, December 23, 1818. She was married to Dr. Thomas Moore in 1837, and on going to Texas they settled in Burnett, Burnett County, then far out on the frontier; but in 1867 they removed to Waco, and had lived there continuously since. Over sixty years they journeyed together. It was in 1897 that Dr. Moore and his wife celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary--a "jubilee' wedding" -- when friends and relatives came to pay their tribute of love and honor to this aged couple whose devotion had been such a beautiful example. It was their practice to have anniversary dinners, to which were gathered all the children and descendants as nearly as practicable. The family circle had grown to about fifty direct descendants, in which were numbered great-great-grandchildren, and it was in pride and happiness that this devoted couple gazed upon their stalwart sons, honorable and upright men, and their daughters, gracious, Christian women, with their children and children's children gathered about them. Some years ago Mrs. Moore wrote for the Pat Cleburne. Camp of Waco, a story of frontier life as she had known it, and its publication would be a revelation to many of the trials and tribulations attendant upon the life of those who went into that new and untried country.--Veteran.