Confederate Biography : A SACRED TRUST - Major J. Dean, Smith county, Tx ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Susie McFarland Lemin 24 November 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, p. 170 Major J. Dean, just before the fall of Fort Donelson was detailed to convey to Tyler, Texas, for burial, the remains of Tom Jones, brother of the late Mrs Willis Roberts, of Tyler, and the ramins of Thomes Jordan Epperson, son of the late Green B. Epperson, of Smith county, both of whom were members of Company K, Seventh Texas Infantry, and had died of measles. The dread disease had been epidemic in the army of Albert Sidney Johnston, while it was stationed at Hopkinsville, Kentucky. This delicate and sacred duty Major Dean performed at the time of deranged transportation facilities, with the fidelity and thoroughness that always characterized him in all his undertakings. Tom Jones and Tom Epperson, early sacrifices on the altar of the Southern struggle for independence, were the first Confedrate soliers to be buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Tyler, where now sleeps so many lion-hearted men who wore the gray.