CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: FOURTH TEXAS IN BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL.- Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by James H. Douglas 02 December 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, ppg.388-395. On the morning of the 26th of June, 1862, we left our camp near Ashland, Va., about fifteen miles north of Richmond, as the advance guard of Stonewall Jackson's corps, marching toward Cold Harbor, then in the rear of the Federal army. Nearly all of the afternoon and far into the night we could hear heavy firing on our right in the direction of Mechanicsville. About three o'clock in the afternoon we passed an old Virginia farmer sitting on his fence by the roadside. His negroes were in the field cutting wheat. He was delighted to see us, and, waving his hat, said: "Hurry on, boys; the Yankees have just gone flying over the creek." While he was cheering us, Reilly's Battery, of our brigade, pulled down the fence and ran into field just into the rear of where the old man was sitting and opened fire upon the enemy, who had burned the bridge and had taken positions on the hill beyond the creek in front of us. The first shot from Reilly's guns was a surprise to the old man. He fell backward from the fence and exclaimed, "My God! a battle here on my plantation;" and then, turning to his negroes, shouted to them to get to the woods as fast as their legs could carry them, and he led the procession. Company B were thrown forward as skirmishers. The enemy were soon dislodged from their position, and we continued to drive them back until we went into bivouac for the night. Early in the morning on Friday, June 27, we were again on the march through fields, crossing creeks, climbing hills, and finally wading a swamp about one hundred yards wide, and waist deep in mud and water. After crossing the swamp, we climbed another hill and passed through a pine forest into the edge of an old field, where a conference was held between Gens. Lee, Whiting, and Hood; which ended by Lee and Whiting riding rapidly away. In a short while Gen. Lee returned and, addressing Lieut. Walsh, of Company B, inquired for Gen. Hood, who was only a short distance from us and who heard the inquiry. He at once saluted Gen. Lee, who said that the efforts to break the enemy's lines in front of us had been unsuccessful and that it was of the utmost importance to do so. Gen. Hood replied: "We will do it." As Gen. Lee turned his horse o ride away, he lifted his hat and said: "May God be with you!" Just before we were ordered into line of battle, and while heavy firing ould be heard in our front and on each flank, Captain Owens of our regiment, was talking to some comrades of the battle in which we expected soon to be engaged, and drawing his sword and waiving it over his head, repeated the following lines from Scott's "Marmion:" "The war that for a space did fail Now, trebly thundering, swelled the gale, And 'Stanley!' was the cry; A light on Marmion's visiage spread And fired his glazing eye; With dying hand above his head, He shook the fragment of his blade And shouted 'Victory!' 'Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, on!' Were the last words of Marmion." While they were the last words of Marmion, they were almost the last words of Gallant Owens, who fell mortally wounded in less than half an hour from the time he quoted them with such prophetic inspiration. The other regiments of our brigade - Hampton's Legion of South Carolinians, the First Texas, the Fifth Texas, and the Eighteenth Georgia - were at once ordered forward on our left. Our regiment, the Fourth Texas, moved by the right flank farther into the field, fronting the Federal lines, which appeared to be about half a mile in fro...illegible. From our position we could form some idea of what was required of us. At the farther side of the field the enemy occupied a steep hill covered with timber; at the foot of the hill was a creek whose banks afforded protection by abatis and log breastworks; at the top of the hill was another line of infantry behind intrenchments and supported by artillery. The troops in front of us who had failed to break the enemy's lines were retreating in disorder, and to use the language of Gen. Whiting, our division commander, "some were skulking from the front in a shameful manner." The conditions confronting us vividly recalled the remark Hood had made when he was colonel of our regiment, that he "could double-quick the 4th Texas to the gates of hell and never break the line." About 6 o'clock in the evening our line was formed under fire from the enemy in front of us and from artillery that enfiladed us on our right and left. Gen. Hood had assumed personal command of the regiment and ordered us to dress to the center upon our colors and not to fire until he ordered us to do so. We started at quick-time march with our guns at "right shoulder shift." The fire from the enemy was falling upon us like drops of rain from a passing cloud, and as we advanced their messengers of death grew thicker until they came in teeming showers, "while cannon to the right and cannon to the left volleyed and thundered." At every step forward our comrades were falling around us. When we were within about one hundred and fifty yards of the enemy, we passed over a line of our own troops lying upon the ground. They had gone that far, but would not go further. A young lieutenant of that regiment was pleading with his men to go forward; and when they would not do so, he said they had disgraced their flag, and, throwing away his sword, he seized a musket and joined our ranks; but the brave boy had gone only a short distance when he was killed. As we passed this regiment Lieut. Col. Warwick snatched up their colors, and, like the standard bearer of the 10th Legion of Ancient Rome, told them to follow their flag, but they did not do so. With that flag in one hand and his sword in the other, the gallant Warwick fell after he had crossed the second line of fortifications. Gen. Hood was in front until we were within about one hundred yards of the creek, when he wheeled his horse to our right and ordered us to fix our bayonets and charge at double-quick. Here the fire of the enemy was poured into us with increasing fury, cutting down our ranks like wheat in the harvest. More than half of our regiment had fallen upon the field, although we had not fired a gun. Raising the Rebel yell, we dashed across the creek (which we found to have steep banks, in some places twenty feet high, with sides cut to form a ditch) and climbed over the breastworks, when the enemy gave way in confusion. The Federal colonel in command of the line broken by the 4th Texas says: "All along the line our fire was opened on the enemy and maintained in a most vigorous manner. Nothing could have been better done. The effect upon his ranks was perceptible, and the slope of the hill bore testimony to the steadiness and accuracy of our fire, yet he moved steadily along until up and onto us, when unable to resist, our line broke." We fired into their retreating ranks as they ran up the hill, and, reloading as fast as we could, we followed them over their second fortifications, when their entire line gave way in disorder, but continued to fire as they retreated. A Federal officer who was on their second line says: "The enemy made a final and desperate effort to break through our lines, and were successful, but not until our weary men were trampled upon. The attack was desperate, and so was the defense. The noise of the musketry was not rattling as ordinarily, but was one intense metallic din." This position of the Federals was strong and well selected, and their double line of defense ought to have been held against almost any force that could have been thrown against them. After we crossed their second line of defenses, eighteen pieces of artillery massed on an elevation in the rear of their lines on our left opened a heavy fire of grape and canister upon us. Without halting to reform our lines, we charged the batteries, capturing fourteen cannon; but one battery with four guns succeeded in escaping before we reached them, which we had the satisfaction of capturing a couple of months later in the battle of second Manassas. We then turned upon the retreating infantry and drove them through an old orchard. In a short while we felt the ground begin to tremble like an earthquake and heard a noise like the rumbling of distant thunder. It was a regiment of United States cavalry charging us. This regiment was one of the most famous in the United States army. Albert Sidney Johnston had been the colonel, Robert E. Lee had been the lieutenant before resigning to enter the Confederate service. The captain of Hood's old company commanded the regiment in the charge, and was captured by us. To hear the trumpets sounding the charge, to see the squadrons coming toward us at full speed, and to see their sabers glistening in the sunlight of the dying day like a flame of fire from heaven was a spectacle grand beyond description, and imparted a feeling of awe in the bravest of hearts. When they were within about forty yards of us, we poured a volley into them and prepared to receive them on our bayonets; but our one volley had done dreadful execution. Horses and riders fell in heaps upon the ground, and the groans of the wounded and the shrieks of the dying could be heard above the roar of the battle as the setting sun shed a fading light over the battlefield. Capt. McArthur, who succeeded to the command of the regiment after the battle, in his official report says; "The regiment charged under a most galling fire until all the officers but one had been struck down, and being without officers, wheeled to the right and came off in as good order as could be expected." After the charge of the cavalry had been repulsed, we pushed on to the brow of the hill overlooking the valley of the Chickahominy. Desultory firing continued until it was so dark we could not distinguish friend from foe a few yards from us: in fact, we were fired upon by our own troops resulting in the killing of Lieut. Brooks, of Company F, of our regiment. The gentle breezes of that night in June were whispering requiems for the brave spirits who had fought their last battle when our regiment was re-formed in line about nine o'clock by Gen. Hood, who counted only seventy-two present; but others reported during the night who had been seperated from us in the darkness in the latter part of the battle. The charge of the 4th Texas Gaines's Mill was a dearly bought victory; but the Federal lines around Richmond , and for a time, at least, the capital of the Confederacy was saved. Out of less than five hundred who went into the battle, we lost two hundred and fifty- two men and twenty-three officers, killed and wounded, including Col. Marshall, Lieut. Col. Warwick, and Maj. Key. With a detail of one man from each company in the regiment, I stood picket that night at the corner of the garden fence of a farmhouse which we were informed had been the headquarters of Gen. Fitz-John Porter, whose corps we had fought that day. As the rations issued to us at Ashland on the 25th had been exhausted, and as our commissary trains were far in the rear, we went on duty with empty haversack. We had been at our post some hours, and could hear the Federal troops pushing their retreat across the bridges of the Chickahominy as fast as possible, while the lonliness of the night was increased by the wail of the whippoor-wills that came to us from the swamps below us. We were recounting the incidents of the day and of the baptism of fire through which we had passed, when we heard the trampimg of horses and the clanking of sabres coming towards us from the direction of our own lines. When they were whithin a short distance of us, we halted them and demanded who they were, supposing them to be a scouting party of our own cavalry. Although it has been nearly forty-four years since then, the answer we received will never be forgotten. A pompous voice rang out clear and distinct, "Maj. Gen. McCall, of the Grand Army of the Potomac," which evidently came from one who had straightened himself up in his stirrups so as to get the answer out strong and forcible. Our surprise can scarcely be imagined, as we had heard that Gen. McCall was in command of the Federal forces the previous day at the battle of Mechanicsville. We at once demanded their surrender, but instead of doing so they put spurs to their horses and dashed by us down the hill toward their own lines, followed by a volley from us. Gen. Morell, whose division formed the left wing of Porter's Corps in the battle of Gaines's Mill, in his official report says: "The Confederates made their first attack about twelve o'clock upon the right, which was handsomely repulsed. The second attack was made about 2:30 and the third about 5:30 o'clock, each extending along my entire front, and both, like the first, were galantly repolsed. The fourth and last came (about 6:30 P.M.) in irrestible force, and swept us from the ground." Gen. Seymour, whose division went to the support of Gen. Morell's Division, in reporting the action of his artillery after we had broken the Federal lines, says: "The batteries which had already played an important part now endeavored to drive back the Confederates and opened with rapidity and precision, but could not contend successfully against the bullets of the infantry at short range. Capt. Easton, nobly encouraging and cheering his men, fell, and his battery (six guns) was lost with him. Capt. Kerns was wounded early in the battle, but in spite of his wound kept the field; and when the enemy came upon his battery, he loaded and fired the last shots himself and brought four of his guns off the field. Capt. De Hart's battery did its best service, keeping its ground and delivering its fire against the advancing enemy. Capt. De Hart was here wounded. All displayed the greateat gallantry; but no efforts could repel the rush of a now successful foe, under whose fire rider and horse went down and guns lay immovable upon the field." Gen. R. E. Lee, in his official report of the battle, in speaking of breaking of the enemy's lines says: "The dead and wounded marked the way of the intrepid advance, the brave Texans leading, closely followed by their no less daring comrades, driving the enemy from the ravine to their first line of breastworks, over which the impetuous column dashed up to the intrenchments on the crest of the hill, which were quickly stormed and fourteen pieces of artillery captured." The day following the battle of Gaines's Mill Gen. Jackson, in riding over the ground where the 4th Texas had charged, exclaimed: "The men who carried this position were soldiers indeed," and in his official report of the battle said: "In this charge, in which more than a thousand men fell, killed and wounded, before the fire of the enemy and in which fourteen pieces of artillery were captured, the 4th Texas, under the lead of Gen Hood, was the first to pierce these strongholds and sieze the guns. Although swept from their defenses by this rapid and almost matchless display of daring and desperate valor, the well disciplined Federals continued to fight with stubborn resistance as they retreated." Gen. Whiting, our division commander, in his official report of the battle says: "The battle was severe, hotly contested, and gallantly won. I take pleasure in calling special attention to the 4th Texas, which was the first to break the enemy's line and enter is works. Of the other regiments in the division, it would be invidious and unjust to mention one above another." Gen. Hood, who commanded us in the charge, says; "With a ringing shout we dashed up he steep hill, through the abatis, and over the breastworks upon the very heads of the enemy. At this juncture the artillery stationed on a hill to the left opened fire upon the 4th Texas, which changed front and charged in their direction. I dispatched every officer of my staff to the main portion of the brigade in the woods on our left, instructing them to bear the glad tidings that the 4th Texas had pierced the enemy's line and were moving in his rear and to deliver orders to push forward with utmost haste. Meantime the long line of blue and steel to the right and left wavered, and finally gave way as the 18th Georgia, the 1st Tesas, the 5th Texas, and Hampton's Legion gallantly moved forward from right to left, thus completing a grand wheel of the brigade into the very heart of the enemy. Simultaneously with this movement burst forth a tumultuously shout of victory, which was taken up along the whole Confederate line." -M. R. Hamby.