CONFEDERATE BIOGRAPHY: Waul's Texas Legion *********************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 8 June 2002 *********************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson WAUL'S TEXAS LEGION. "Waul's legion served with Gen. S. D. Lee's brigade, under Gen. C. L. Stevenson, and made a glorious record. On May 22nd they performed a feat which both generals de­clared was as gallant as any of the war. The enemy had taken an angle of the works, but, said Lee, 'the angle was finally assaulted and carried by a gallant band of Waul's Texans, under command of the intrepid Lieut. -Col. E. W. Pettus, 20th Alabama. This brave officer, assisted by Maj. 0. Steele and Capt. L. D. Bradley, of the legion, and the he­roic Texans, captured the colors of the enemy and about 50 prisoners, including a lieutenant-colonel.'