Confederate Biography: E. B. Wiggins, Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Susie McFarland Lemin 12 October 2001 ***************************************************************** TEXANS WHO WORE THE GRAY by Sid S. Johnson, p. 89. Ed B. Wiggins is a native Mississippian, born in 1842, and removed to Texas with his father's family, William Wiggins, in 1850 and settled in Smith county. Enlisted in Co. K. 3rd Texas Cavalry in June 1861, and saw active service. He was in the battles of Oak Hills, Elk Horn Tavern, Jackson, Thompson's Station, and Franklin, besides other engagements, and was wounded at Rome, Ga. Was one of the Ross Texas brigade with Gen. Joe Johnston in the Georgia campaign and with Hood directly under Gen. Bedford Forest on the retreat from Franklin. He served as a private during the war and was noted for his gallantry and duty as a loyal Confederate soldier, remaining true to his colors to the end. In May 15th 1866, married Miss Eliza Roberts, a daughter of Col. Willis Roberts. He was Tax Collector of Smith county, and is now clerk of the Criminal Court of Appeals at Tyler.