Smith County, Texas - Britton Cemetery ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** This information was sent to me by Kelly Lambert who was kind enough to worry about what she found and please if anyone can tell us more about the grave, or perhaps whole cemetery that might be there . Please email with more information It is a headstone that she found getting trampled by Cows. The stone is located on CR. 3101 (Barber Road) in Winona. It's actually closer to Kilgore but the address is Winona. From FM 2767 it is approximately 1 mile down CR.3101 (going South, I believe). It is located under a big tree and it reads as follows: James H Britton B-1820 D Nov. 4 1864 It is in desperate need to be fenced around so the cows will not be able to completely destroy it.