Smith County, TX, 1880 Mortality Schedule Submitted by Nancy Crain Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************** Copied from microfilm at the Tyler Public Library - on interlibrary loan TEXAS, SPECIAL CENSUS RECORD, Microfilm #1134-59 Schedule 5--Persons Who Died during the year ending May 31, 1880, in Smith County, Texas Column Key 1. No. of family in Column 2, Schedule 1 8. Mother's place of birth 2. Name of person deceased 9. Occupation 3. Age at last birthday 10. Month of death 4. Sex/Color 11. Disease or cause of death 5. Single/Married/Widowed/Divorced 12. How long a resident of county 6. Place of birth 13. State where disease was contracted if not at place of death 7. Father's place of birth 14. Name of attending physician ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervisor Dist. 1, Enumeration Dist. 94, Page 1A, Enumerated by Jeff Burnes Rogers, Harrison 30 M/B M Ark Laborer March Pneumonia 4 W.J. Goodman Clay, E.L. 5m M/W S Tex Miss Ark January Spasms W.H. Park Human, J.R.E. 13 M/W S Tex Ga Ga April Rheumatism Heart 13 J.F. Reid Abernathy, H.W. 55 M/W M NC Carpenter April Angina Pectoris 10 J.F. Reid Davis, Eliza A. 56 F/B M Va Va Va Keeping house May Congestive Fever 12 E. Jones Winters, M.A. 25 F/B M Tex Ga Ga Keeping house May Pneumonia 13 J.F. Reid Burus, S.J. 1d F/B S Tex NC VA August ? 1d J.F. Reid Phillips, Robt. 6m M/B S Tex Tex Tex June Consumption 6m D.A. Shuford Paulson, Katie 19 F/W S Tenn NY Penn At home May Consumption 8 W.J. Goodman Mims, W.D. 66 M/W M Va Ireland Ireland Printer August Congestion of Br 4 E. Jones Freedman, H. 1 M/W S Mich Poland Poland June Inflam. of Bowel 3m F.W. Holland Whitney, Jessie J. 18 F/W M Mo Ala Mo March Inflam. of Liver 7 F.W. Holland Beal, - 1d M/B S Tex Ga Ga October Inflam. of Bowels Smith, Bettie 52 F/W W Ga Ga Ga May Dropsy 13 W.J. Goodman McBride, A.E. 41 F/W M Ala Ga SC Keeping house March Consumption 9 D.A. Shuford Rainey, S.J. 34 M/W M Ala Ga SC Accountant May Conges. of Brain 2 D.A. Shuford Williams, S.R. 18 F/W S Tex SC At home September Pneumonia W.H. Park None found on Schedule 1 Ector, M.D. 56 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Housewife October Heart Disease Banks Smith Holcomb, Sarah 22 F/W M Tex Ga Ga Housewife October Brain Fever Holland Sanders, Florence 28 F/W S Ohio Ohio Ohio Housewife January Consumption Turner, Lebin 37 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer November Opium Additions to Smith Co. from Supplemental Schedule SD 1, ED 6, GA Asbury, Craig 23 M/W M Ala Ala Ala Housewife August Typhoid Fever SD 5, ED 115, San Saba, Texas Creek, Martin 53 M/M M Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer May Dropsy of Heart Banks Smith ED 90, Page 1B, Enumerated by John H. Smith 25 Edmond, Eddie 2 M/W S Tex NC Ala June Congest. of Brai 2 Park 78 Pinkerton, Mary 1m F/W S Tex Miss Tex September Congest. of Brai 1m J.F. Reid 90 Wallace, James 5m M/W S Tex Ala Ala June Measles 5m J.W. Shuford 99 Ingraham, W.B. 40 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer November Congest. of Bowe 8 E. Jones 102 Barbee, John 1 M/W S Tex Tex Ala February Congest. Stomach 1 E. Jones 113 Grayham, J.G. 42 M/W M Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer December Inflamation Live 7 E. Jones 110 Reese, Malinda 30 F/B M Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer March Puerperal Fever 15 E. Jones 132 Ray, M.A. 51 F/W W Ga Ga Ga November Remittent Fever 20 J.F. Reid 134 Ray, Nancy 71 F/W W NC NC NC January Abscess of Liver 44 E. Jones 144 Irvin, Gene 1m M/B S Tex Miss Tex May Smothered 1m None 146 Crawford, E. 40 F/B W Ala Miss Miss Farm Laborer August Typhoid Fever 5 None 152 Thompson, Nancy 5 F/B S Tex Tex Tex August Billious Fever 5 D.A. Shuford 153 Jackson, Ellen 28 F/B M Va Va Va Farm Laborer April Paralysis 4 E. Jones 154 Walker, D.B. 2 M/B S Tex Ala Miss September Congest. of Bowe 2 H. Hall 154 Walker, Mattie 6m F/B S Tex Ala Miss July Overlayed 6m None 178 Hutson, Emma 16 F/B M Ky Ark Va March Pneumonia 15 E. Jones 179 Goss, Sarah 18 F/B M Mo Mo Va Farm Laborer September Puerperal Fever 12 J.F. Reid 183 Phillips, George 21 M/B M Tex Ala Ala Farm Laborer June Consumption 21 Park Turner, C.G. 65 M/W M Va Va Va Farmer January Dropsy of Heart 13 D.A. Shuford (Resided in Henderson) 196 Rains, Thather 1m M/B S Tex Ark Ga August Croup 1m None 202 Arthur, Lizza 4 F/W S Tex Ala Tex September Croup 4 E. Jones 206 Smith, Patsie 100 F/B W Va Va Va March Congestive Chill 25 E. Jones 211 Stewart, Mary 1 F/W S Tex La Tex September Cong. of Stomach 1 W. Goodman 213 Johnson, Osro 9m M/B S Tex Tex Tex October Billious Fever 9m None 225 Young, Isah 13 M/B S Tex Ga Ga Farm Laborer June Spinal Affect? 13 W. Goodman 260 Loftin, Sintha 1 F/B S Tex Ala Va October Dysentery Acute 1 E. Jones 276 Davis, Conie 8d M/W S Tex Miss Tex July Hives 8d Park (Died in Navarro Co.) 252 Johnson, Willie 3 M/B S Tex SC Tex August Erycepalis 3 None 278 Branham, W. 54 M/B M Ga Ga Ga Farmer January Kidney Disese 28 E. Jones 281 Watson, Violet 40 F/B M Ala SC SC February Neuralgia 15 J.F. Reid Davis, Eliza 35 F/B W Ala Farm Laborer January Pneumonia 10 None (Unknown where family resided) None found on Schedule 1 SD 1, ED 96, Enumerated by Martin Jernigan 307 Yarbrough, Samuel 17 M/W S Tex Ark Ala Worked on Farm January Typhoid Pneumoni 17 At Home T.J. Bell 294 Carlton, Fannie 44 F/W M Ga SC Ga Keeping House December Got Burnt-? 27 Butler/Walker 257 Smith, Henry 23 M/B M Tex Va Ala Farmer June Bilious Fever 23 E. Jones 37 Langley, Infant 3m M/B S Tex Va Miss March Dysentery 3m S.L. Butler 37 Langley, David 10m M/B S Tex Va Tex November Dysentery 10m S.L. Butler 46 Robbins, Oswell 2m M/B S Tex Va Tex May Smothered in Bed 2m None 63 Love, Infant 1 M/W S Tex Tenn Ga February Pneumonia 1 Joseph Reid 71 Cox, M.P. 54 F/W W Ala Ga NC Keeping House October Pneumonia At Home J.W. Shuford 84 Burkett, G.T. 1 F/W S Tex SC SC June Dysentery 2m At Home S.L. Butler 129 Perdue, M.G. 1d M/W S Tex Miss Tex June Convulsions 1d At Home J.W. Shuford 136 Ginn, Carl 11m M/W S Tex Tex Ala January Pneumonia 11m At Home Shuford/Overton 146 Swinney, W.M.R. 43 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer January Spinal Meningiti 12 At Home Saul Overton Perdue, Adline 21 F/W M Ark Keeping House January Spinal Meningiti 5 At Home Saul Overton 153 Childress, Mary E. 24 F/W M Tex Tenn Tenn Keeping House November Child Bed Fever 24 At Home Saul Overton 156 Overton, John F. 63 M/W M Tenn Farmer July Bronchitis 35 At Home Saul Overton 162 Crow, Mabelle 1m F/W S Tex Tenn Tex June Did Not Know 1m At Home T.J. Bell 165 Taylor, Charles 7 M/W S Tex Tex Miss August Flux 6 At Home Bell/Foster 190 Malone, Lourina 13 F/B S Tex Ga Va Worked on Farm February Dropsy 13 At Home Saul Overton 196 Wright, Elizabeth 36 F/W M Tenn NC NC Keeping House September Consumption 27 At Home Saul Overton 204 Brown, Fannie 31 F/B M Tex Keeping House February Child Birth 31 At Home Saul Overton 236 Moore, Jas. C. 32 M/W M Tex Ga Tenn Farmer April Consumption 32 At Home Bell & Overton 265 Mount, Martha J. 34 F/W M Tenn Tenn Tenn Keeping House January Consumption 30 At Home T.J. Bell 265 Hodnett, Mary 28 F/W M Tex Tenn Tenn Keeping House December Child Bed 28 At Home Saul Overton 314 Young, James 19 M/B S Tex SC SC Farm Laborer July Malarial Fever 19 At TylerE. Jones 323 Baird, Susan E. 18 F/W S Tex Ala Miss Dom. Servant February Typhoid Pneumoni 18 T. Barron Died in Van Zandt Co. 329 Lindsey, Mary 5m F/W S Tex Tex Ga May Brain Fever 5m At Home Saul Overton 331 Allen, Annie C. 7 F/W S Tex Ireland Ind July Flux 7 At Home D.C. Overton 341 Horton, Eliza C. 16 F/W S Tex Ind Dom. Servant June Flux 16 At Home W.M. Bradford 341 Hicks, Robert 9 M/W S Tex Ga Ind July Flux 9 At Home D.C. Overton 354 Moss, Mary A. 7m F/B S Tex Va Tex December Smothered 7m At Home None 358 Powers, John 40 M/W M NC NC NC Farmer December ? 360 Mills, Dora 1 F/W S Tex Tenn Ind June ? 4m W.M. Bradford 362 Gilstrap, Ellen 11m F/B S Tex Ga Ala June Flux 11m J.H. Hall 363 James, Mary 14 F/B S Tex Ala Ga Worked on Farm December Pneumonia 14 W.M. Bradford 387 Mason, Nancy 20 F/W M Tex Ga Ga Keeping House February Disease of Heart 20 Bradford/Overton 406 Brandaway, Infant 17d M/W S Tex Ala Ga November S- ? 17d None 408 Wade, Jeff 7d M/B S Tex Ark Ala March Hives 7d None SD 1, ED 87, Enumerated by John W. Robbins 25 Greene, Wm. 64 M/W M NC NC NC Farming November Typhoid Fever 30 27 Phillips, S.N. 13 M/W S Tex Ala Miss Farming January Dropsy 13 J.F. Reid 40 McWorter, Charles ? 24 M/W S IrelanIreland Ireland School Teacher March Paralysis 12 Had None 62 Ashcraft, J.W. 67 M/W M Ala SC SC March Paralysis 30 J.F. Reid 84 Smith, Smilie 1 M/W S Tex Ala Ala March Inflammation Bra 1 H.M. Rather 98 Irby, M.C. 30 M/W M Miss Miss Miss Farming June Consumption 1 H.M. Rather 100 McKeiver, F.L. 29 M/B S Ala Africa SC School Teacher February Cause Not Known 21 H.M. Rather 102 Irvine, Clara 1 F/B S Tex Tex Tex July Dysentery? 1 S.L. Butler 108 Siler, O.B. 3 M/W S Ga NY Tenn August Inflammation Bra 2 S.L. Butler 110 Prentice, West, Jr. 2 M/B S Tex La Ala August ? 2 S.L. Butler 132 Jeffery 1d M/B S Tex Tex Miss April Not Known 1d Had None 252 Nelson, Patsy 94 F/B W Ala Ala Ala Keeping House February Malarial Fever 30 H.M. Rather 252 Nelson, Louisa 26 F/B S Miss Ala Ala Worked on Farm January Malarial Fever 25 H.M. Rather 252 Nelson, Dan 18 M/B S Tex Ala Ala Worked on Farm January Malarial Fever 18 H.M. Rather 65 Smith, Henry 30 M/B M Tex La La Laborer July ? Morbus 30 Had None None found on Schedule 1 SD 1, ED 98, Enumerated by A. F. Conel 4 Williams, Martha 22 F/W M Tex Ala Ala Keeping House December Pneumonia 3 U.G.M. Walker 25 Johnson, Frank 1 M/B S Tex Tex Tex May Pneumonia 1 U.G.M. Walker 31 Williams, Elizabeth 50 F/B W Ga Ga Ga November Pneumonia 3 None 32 Daugherty, Hannah 30 F/B M Ala Ga SC Keeping House March Child Birth B.G. Selman 51 Clark, Charity 38 F/B M Ga Ga Ga Keeping House March Cerebrospinal Fe 5 U.G.M. Walker 91 Hankins, Joseph 2m M/W S Tex Tenn Tex April Cerebrospinal Fe 2m D. Jimmerson 92 Wilson, Margaret 7 F/W S Tex Ala Ark August Cerebrospinal Fe 7 Dr. Reed 92 Wilson, Millie 3 F/W S Tex Ala Ark July Cerebrospinal Fe 3 Dr. Greer 98 Verner, Charles 12 M/W S Tex SC Ala At Home August Malarial Fever 12 Dr. Jones 118 McFarland, Elizabet 20 F/W S Tex Ala Ala At Home July Congest. Stomach 20 Dr. Reed 118 Lyons, Robert 62 M/W W Ala Ala Ala At Home July Debility 15 Dr. Reed 127 Jones, Ephaline 19 M/B M Tex Md Ala At Home April Drowned 19 127 Jones, Rittie 3d F/B S Tex Md Ala August Dysentery 3d None 134 Wood, Stephen 3 M/W S Tex Ga Tex At Home June Congest. Stomach 3 A.J. Green 141 Bectel, -- 2d M/B S Tex Miss Miss December ? 2d Douglas 154 Saunders, -- 1d M/W S Tex Ga Ga January Croup 1d None 160 Alexander, Eliza 31 F/B M SC Va Va At Home April Dropsy 27 W.D. Roster 167 Taylor, Benjamin 3 M/B S Tex Tex Tex November Congestion 3 U.G.M. Walker 230 Farrow, Jessie 18 M/W S Miss Miss Miss At Home January Cerebrospinal Fe 5 Dr. Settles 236 Davis, Lizzie 2 F/B S Tex Ga Tex Ga September Malarial Fever 2 U.G.M. Walker 244 Prior, Elizabeth 25 F/B S Tex Ga Ga At Home June Malarial Fever 10 Dr. Selman 245 Willis, John 5 M/B S Tex Ga Ala May Congestion 5 Dr. Selman 265 Williams, Buck ? 9m M/B S Tex Ga Ga August Chills and Fever 9m Douglas/Selman 268 Flournoy, P-- ? 3 M/W S Tex Tex Tex April Malarial Fever 3 Dr. Douglas 306 Jackson, Mary 2m F/B S Tex Tex Tex July Fever 2m None None found on Schedule 1 SD 1, ED 99, Enumerated by Louis Sparkman 38 McCraw, Thomas 23 M/W M u/k Farmer February Pneumonia 15 G.W. Matthews 51 Malone, Mary 55 F/W M Tenn Tenn Tenn Keeping House September Pulmonary Conges 29 Miss Robertson 54 Roark, William 1m M/W S Tex Ark Tex May Whooping Cough 1m S.J. Robertson 61 Bettie, Florence ? 1 F/W S Tex Ala Tenn September Pneumonia 1 S.J. Robertson 65 Still, Allice 1 F/W S Tex La Tenn October Acute Dysertery 1 W.R. Barkley 67 Blue, James 11m M/W S Tex Fla Ala October Choler- Infant ? 11m W.R. Barkley 76 Tucker, Alonza 21 M/W S Ala Ga Ga Farmer January Pneumonia 10 W.R. Barkley 103 Wideman, Moses 60 M/B M SC SC SC Farmer February Not Known 16 ? 104 Wooton, Infant 3m F/B S Tex Ga Tex March Premature Birth 3m None 109 Linsey, Rosa 1 F/W S Tex Tex Tex October Congest. of Brai 1 William Peel 111 Walker, Cornelia 2 M/B S Tex Ga Ga July Not Known 2 None 112 Norman, George 1 M/B S Tex Miss Ga September Chol. Infant ? 1 None 142 Watson, Susan R. 37 F/W M Ga SC SC Keeping House December Pneumonia 9 G.W. Matthews 147 White, Martha 8 F/W S Tex Miss Tenn August Bilious Fever 8 Dr. Gray 171 Wade, Malinda 2 F/W S Tex Ark Tex May Bloody Flux 2 G.W. Matthews 165 Dorough, Millie E. 33 F/W M Ga Ga Ga Keeping House November Apoplexy 20 G.W. Matthews 321 Brooks, Mary A. 54 F/W W Ga Ga Ga Keeping House January Congest. of Bowe 1 Jas. Montgomery 347 Allen, Clayton 52 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer December Gastroenteritis 18 G.W. Matthews 347 Weide, Nora 4m F/W S Tex Ark Tex May Pneumonia 4m Jas. Montgomery 353 Green, Lucy 24 F/W M Ga Ga Ga Keeping House April Hemorrhage ? 11 None 368 McKinzie, John 1 M/W S Tex Ala Miss August Inflam. of Bowel 1 Jas. Montgomery 383 Webb, Columbine 30 M/W M Tenn NC NC Farmer December Pneumonia 10 L.G. Robertson 397 Duwell, Peter K. 44 M/W M Tenn u/k u/k Farmer February White Swelling 19 G.W. Matthews None found on Schedule 1 SD 1, ED 100, Enumerated by Sam A. Smith Clay, Manerva 30 F/B W Ala January Pneumonia 20 40 Jones, Harry 39 M/B M Ga SC SC Farm Laborer December Falling Off a Tr 20 E.R.W. McCrary 64 Erwin, Jane 3 F/B S Tex Ala Ala August Diphtheria 3 Luke Robertson 64 Jones, Epraim 19 M/B M Tex Ala Ala Farm Laborer April Drowned 19 89 Bryant, Ella 1 F/W S Tex La Tex August Diarrhea 1-1/2 E. Jones 93 Scott, Randall 7m M/B S Tex Ala Tex October Not Known 7m 116 Harvey, Nora 3m F/W S Tex Ga Ala October Fever A.D. Shuford 147 Teague, Winnie 65 F/B W February Coma Barclay 151 High, William 20 M/W S Tex Va Mo Farmer October Congest. of Lung 12 Sam Overton 160 Infant 7d F/B S Tex Tex La September Convulsions Robt. ? 160 Robison, Mollie 2 F/B S Tex Ala La January Croup Watkins 170 Land, Enoriah 58 M/W M Miss Farmer April Pneumonia 28 Watkins 172 Hicks, John 43 M/W M Miss Farmer September Consumption 24 Watkins 182 Bailey, Christian 63 F/W W Ala NC NC May Consumption 20 McGuffey 187 Ashcraft, Daniel 5m M/B S Tex Ala Ala December Croup 5m Gilley, Charley 6m M/W S Tex Tenn Tenn December Membranous Croup 6m McCrary 193 Jenkins, Jenny 10m F/B S Tex Miss Tex September Dysentery 10m 219 Yarbrough, America 23 M/W S Tex Ala Miss Farmer October Pleural Pneumoni 23 Y.A. Greer 256 Robison, Henry 66 M/W W NC Farmer October Paralysis 10m McCrary/Robertson 266 Newman, Jane 30 F/B W Miss Tenn Ga Farm Laborer April Dysentery 15 Watkins 302 Adkins, Littleton 9m M/B S Tex Tenn SC September Unknown 9m Harper, Alice Jane 9 F/W S Tex Tenn Tenn July Tetanus 9 Robertson 303 Eccuchas, George ? 2 M/B S Tex Ala Tex August Hydrocephalous 2 Robertson 226 Seffield, Pinkerey 13 F/B S Tex September Seropula ? 13 Barclay 256 Tarkington, Fannie 5m F/W S Tex Ark Tex January ? 5m Robison 260 Castle, Mollie L. 34 F/W M Miss Tenn December Congest. of Brai 30 Robison/Barclay 260 Castle, John Marlyn 1 M/W S Tex Miss Miss May Enteritis Robison/Barclay 365 Guthrie, Burns 14 M/B S Tex Ala Tenn Worked on Farm December Throat Disease 14 Park 370 Wade, William S. 41 M/W M Tenn Tenn Tenn Minister December Consumption 10 Robinson 378 McBride, Dora 1m F/W S Tex Tenn Ala November Whooping Cough 1m Barclay 383 Wade, George 33 M/B M Tenn Tenn Tenn Farmer April Consumption 25 Patton 422 Thedford, Wm. Taylo 6 M/W S Tex Ala Ala August Malarial Fever 6 Tate 443 Ramsey, Emmet 19 M/W S Tex Tenn Ga Brick Layer March Pneumonia Taylor 443 Infant SB M/W S Tenn Miss September Stillborn Matheson 456 Barclay, Joseph A. 1 M/W S Tex Tenn Tex January Whooping Cough 1 Barclay Brown, Lona 2m M/W S Tex Ala Ala April Whooping Cough 2m McCrary Willmaker, Felix 56 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer February Typhoid Malarial Fever Barclay Willmaker, Sallie 30 F/W M Ga Ga Ga Housewife February Typhoid Malarial Fever Barclay Willmaker, Frank 10 M/W S Ga Ga Ga February Typhoid Malarial Fever Barclay SD 1, ED 101, Enumerated by John A. Powell 20 Baskin, Celia 108 F/B W Va Va Va None May Old Age 17 14 Jeffries, William C 14d M/B S Tex NC Tex November Pneumonia 14d Edwards 31 Bailey, E.A. ? 13 F/W S Tex Ga Miss March Pneumonia 13 A.M.Clinkscale 42 Gibson, Lodialler 3 F/W S Tex Tenn Ga March Diphtheria 3 A.M. Clinkscale 42 Gibson, Fannie B. 2 F/W S Tex Tenn Ga March Diphtheria 2 Clinkscale 47 Price, William 5m M/B S Tex Tex Tex March Bold Hives Tate 56 Preston, Sammy 6m M/B S Tex Tex Tex March Croup 6m None 58 Lott, Win-- 1d M/B S Tex Miss Ala May Not Known 1d None 58 Lott, Win-- ? 1d F/B S Tex Miss Ala May Not Known 1d None 120 King, Susan 18 F/W M Ga Ga Ga Keeping House September Consumption 3 Clinkscale 128 Hoke, William H. 11 M/W S Tex NC Miss At School January Typhoid Fever 11 Clinkscale 138 Green, Norah 16 F/B S Tex Tex Tex Laborer May Puerperal Convul 16 McCorkle 188 Rian, Mary ? 21 F/B M Tex Ala Ala Keeping House June Consumption 6 Clinkscale 198 Travis, Infant 1d F/B S Tex Ala Ala January Diphtheria 1d McGuffy 206 Deys, Lola ? 4 F/B S Tex Ala Ala October Pneumonia 4 208 James, Cora 2 F/B S Tex Ala Ala September Pneumonia 2 Taylor 209 Browning, James 74 M/B M Ala NC NC Farmer May Dropsy 25 Clinkscale 228 Sharpless, Laura 2 F/B S Tex Ala Ark August Thrush 2 McCorkle 236 Deaton, T. Infant 5d F/W S Tex Miss Miss March Convulsions 5d McGuffey 245 Johnson, Eda ? 4m F/B S Tex Ga Tenn June Measles 4m None 260 Kay, Earl 1 M/W S Tex SC NC January Penumonia 1 McGuffey 280 Marsh, Willie 8 M/B S Tex Tex Tex April Typhoid Fever 8 Shuford 312 Martin, Infant 4d M/W S Tex Ala Ga May Hives 4d None 312 Martin, Infant 1d F/W S Tex Ala Ga May Hives 1d None 217 Hester, John W. 49 M/W M Ala Ala Ala Farmer May Flux 31 Barclay 333 Brown, Joseph 20 M/W M Tex Ill Miss Carpenter January Pneumonia 20 Watkins 358 White, John ? 46 M/W M Ala SC SC Farmer May Consumption 25 Watkins 364 Carrol, Elias 63 M/W M NC SC SC Farmer April Pneumonia ? Toner 389 Preston , Nelson ? 25 M/B M NC NC NC Farmer January Consumption 25 Toner 399 Phillips, Emeline 2m F/B S Tex Tex Tex February Croup 2m None 409 Sanford, Blanch 2 F/W S Ala Ala Ala July Measles 2 Forte 418 Roberts, Hardy ? 75 M/W W SC Ga Ga Farmer September Typhoid Fever 12 Reid 428 Clinton, Lillie 22 F/W S Tex Ala Ga None May Pneumonia 22 McCorkle SD 1, ED 102, Enumerated by W.A. Owens 1 Caldwell, Nathan 11m M/B S Tex NC Ga March Pneumonia J.T. Fortner Caldwell, Matilda 7m F/B S Tex NC Ga September Teething Conley Fonsa, Chaney 16 F/B S Tex Fla Ga June Pneumonia T.H. Hale Clorice, Robin 21 M/B S Ga Ga Ark Farmer April Murdered Thompson, Sis 1 F/B S Tex Ala Tenn April Croup Tucker, Nellie C. 3 F/B S Tex Ga Tex May Inflam. of Bowels W.F. Butts Moore, Bettie 6d F/B S Tex Ga December Fever Midwife Harlan, Fay 1 F/W S Tex Tenn Tex May Typhoid Fever H.L. Miller Florence, Seaborn 75 M/W W Ga Farmer June Inflam. of Bowels Bradford Sullivan, Alfred 45 M/B M Tenn Farmer March Pneumonia 8 W. Butts Warren, Thomas 1 M/B S Tex Ga Ga March Measles Butts Warren, Mary 1 F/B S Tex Ga Ga May Worms Butts Jones, Sidney ? 80 F/B W Va February Old Age Shuford Russell, Elisabeth 75 F/W W SC Va Va October Old Age McCorkle Bryant, John 32 M/B M Tex Farming February Murdered Williams, Muggy 1 F/B S Tex Ga Ga August Flux Steel, J.M. 1m M/W S Tex Miss Miss May Spasms Clinkscale Norman, Lucinda 9m F/B S Tex Ga Tex May Pneumonia McCorkle Norman, George 5 M/B S Tex SC Tex April Inflam. Bowels J.T. Fortner Jackson, Harry 60 M/B M Ga July Flux T.H. Hale Roberts, Thomas 54 M/B M Ga November Brain Fever 24 J.T. Fortner Wilson, Mary 38 F/B M Ga SC SC April Pneumonia 15 Tucker Additions to Smith Co. from Supplemental Schedules SD 3, ED 95, Texas Williams, Brice 55 M/W M Tex Tenn Tenn Farmer June Consumption J. Parker SD 1, ED 104, Enumerated by J. O. Collier 9 Wall, John H. 30 M/W S Miss Ill Ark? Grocer April Hemorrhage J.T. Rountree 30 Burton, Lawyer 8 M/B S Tex Tex Tex August Measles Rountree 111 Doty, Infant 3d M/B S Tex Tex La Mayh Unknown None Pierce, Tom M/B S Tex unkn Ala April Congestive Fever J.T. Rountree John, Babe 2 M/B S Tex SC Ga October Bil. Fever Bell Tunbow, Nana A. 50 F/W M Tex NC Miss Housekeeper June Pneumonia 30 Rountree Samson, Infant SB M/B S Tex SC Miss August Still Born L.J. Bell Delford, Emma 19 F/W D Tex SC Miss Housekeeper September Typhoid Malaria 19 D.C. Overton Daniel, Frank 29 M/B M Ga Ga Ga Farmer December Homicide Inquest-J.O. Collins Binson, Mariah 69 F/B W Va Va Va Housekeeper April Pneumonia None 329 Branch, Infant ? F/B S Tex Ga Ga June Still Born Additions to Smith Co. from Supplemental Schedules SD 1, ED 15, Texas Johnson, Wes 26 M/B M Tex Tex Tex March Homicide None SD 1, ED 16, Texas McCarthy, Ch. 32 M/W M Penn Pa Pa Farmer December Killed on RR Engine None SD 1, ED 35, Texas Moore, Narcisa 44 F/W M Tenn Tenn Tenn Housewife February Dropsy Sam Butler SD 2, ED 62, Texas Moseley, T.W. 2m F/W S Tex Tex Tex October ? Joe Rountree SD 2, ED 35, Texas Shelley, Charley 5m M/W S Tex Tex Tex November Chol. Infantum ? Bradford SD 2, ED 128, Texas Jones, Thomas 30 M/B M La La La Laborer Auagust Shot SD 2, ED 119, Texas Bullock, Thos. R. 54 M/W M Ga Ga Ga Farmer April ? S.J. Robins SD 2, ED 117, Texas McClusky, Melenia 26 F/W M Ala Ala Ala Housewife October Cong. of Bowels Heath, Henry E. 9m M/W S Tex Tex Tex November ? SD 2, ED 125, Texas Campbell, Wm. C. 7 M/W S Tex Tex Tex July Cong. of Stomach Campbell, Infant 6m M/W S Tex Tex Tex September Cong. of Brain Robertson Additions to Smith Co. from Physicans Report PR Barrow, Sarah 78 F/W W MS MS MS Farming November Disease of Liver W.R. Barclay PR Johnson's Infant 5m F/B S Tex Tex Tex September Asphyxia Barclay PR Robinson's Infant M/W S Tex Tex Tex April Still Born Barclay PR Harrison, Victoria 22 F/W M MS MS MS Wife of Farmer May Pneumonia J.H. McCorkle PR Lyde, Davies 85 F/B W MS MS MS Farmer July General Debility H.L. Lotta PR Sharp, Nichie 1 M/W S Tex Tex Tex November Croup Lotta PR Gylround's Child 4 F/B S Tex Tex Tex September Congest. of Brain McCorkle PR --, (Miss) ? 14 F/B S Tex Tex Tex May Purperal Convuls. McCorkle PR Lott, Arthur 22 M/W M MS MS MS Farmer May Enteritis McCorkle PR Morrison, Peter 45 M/W M MS MS MS Machinist June Liver Inflamation McCorkle PR Andrew's Child 3 M/W S Tex Tex Tex September Malarial Fever J.T. Rountree PR Williams, -- 15 M/B S Tex Tex Tex May Gun Shot Rountree PR Morley, Richard 45 M/W M MS MS MS Farmer October Abdominal --? Rountree PR Florence, Seaborn 75 M/W W MS MS MS Farmer June Enteritis Bradford PR Allen, Mary 16 F/B S Tex MS MS Field Hand May Malarial Fever Bradford PR Florence, Lucy 1 F/W S Tex Tex Tex October Malarial Fever Robinson PR Choice, Patsy 20 F/W M Tex MS MS C- Field Hand April Pneumonia W.M. Bradford PR Jones' Infant 4m F/W S Tex Tex Tex December Unknown Shuford PR Brooks, Margaret 86 F/B W MS MS MS Housekeeping July General Dropsy Robinson PR Holland, Lydia 2 F/W S Tex Tex Tex August Malarial Fever Robinson PR Robinson, Sarah 43 F/W M MS MS MS October Cancer of Throat T.J. Bell PR Campbell, J.D. 1 M/W S Tex Tex Tex December Bronchitis Robinson PR Moore, Wm J. 40 M/W M MS MS MS Farmer February Heart Disease Bell PR While, Mary F. 20 F/W M MS MS MS April Typhoid Fever Bell PR Robertson, Andrew 1m M/B S Tex Tex Tex September Asphyxia None PR Prudem, -- 5m F/W S Tex Tex Tex June Malarial Fever Shuford PR Butler, Lila 1 F/W S Tex Tex Tex May Acute Dysentery Shuford PR Johnson, Jack 50 M/B W MS MS MS Laborer May German Measles Shuford PR Taylor's Infant M/B S Tex Tex Tex November Still Born Butts PR Mullins, ? 24 M/B M MS MS MS June Stabbed Shuford PR Hill, James C 72 M/W W MS MS MS Surveyor November Chronic Dysentery Butts PR Bailey, Victoria 1 F/W S Tex Tex Tex July Poison Butts PR Loyd, -- ? 2 M/W S Tex Tex Tex September Diphtheria Butts PR Ray, Patsy 20 F/B M MS MS MS Farmer's Wife July Heart Disease W.W. Peel PR --, Hamilton ? 1 M/W S Tex Tex Tex September Acute Dysentery None