Copyright. All rights reserved. 'Pine Springs Church' The pine stands by the flowing spring Which gives its name a pleasant ring. The setting is a country scene That would make beauty on a screen. The blended view of church and school Makes lodging for the Golden rule. We have the grandest folks we know To carry on and help us grow. The youth's great work is our dream They build the bridge across the stream By working in this little scope They bring much confidence and hope. Cooperation here with Him Will take us back to Bethlehem Where He gave us new love and light There, we can be a satellite. by Pearl Zorn Shamburger This Church History is respectfully submitted by the Historical Committee: Jewel Carrell Mildred Shamburger Becky Shepherd Jack Chelf, Jr. Mildred Bagwell Nora Larison Janie Cagle Foreward, . 0 0 0 In behalf of our entire congregation, I want to thank those who have so diligently and sacrificially labored to make this presentation possible. The historical committee and your associate minister, Jack Chelf, Jr., have done a tremendous job in presenting this important historical document about the Pine Springs Baptist Church of Tyler, Texas. I am convinced that a review of what God has done through dedicated people in this community is invaluable. As the Old Testament is a record of what God did through His people, so this presentation is a record of how God brought about the extension of His kingdom in Pine Springs through a redeemed group of people called Baptist. It is hoped that this presentation will not only allow you the privilege of reminiscence,,, and all that accompanies that, but that you will allow it to be an inspiration for" continuing the work of the kingdom of God in Pine Springs. It is our prayer that you wilU be more determined than ever to let your trail of influence speak to the greatness of th God you learned to love and serve through this church. The privilege of a history, demands the assuming of the responsibility to pass it on in both word and deed. Pete Freerna Pine Springs In Perspective ..... It seems good at this time to attempt to put the history of Pine Springs Church in perspective. The purpose of this book is to focus upon the history of the church itself, much as a photographer focuses upon an individual instead of the group. Let us take a short look at some of the historical identities which have surrounded and affected the church and her history. Early settlers came to this area in the late 1840's. The developing community came to be known as Fruit because of it's thriving peach orchards and canning industry. During the War Between the States, community life was greatly affected by the existence of Camp Ford. The camp, located one mile south of the present church site, served as confinement quarters for approximately six thousand Union soldiers at one time or another during the war. During the years 1894-1900 there was a United States Post Office at Fruit. About this same time the community began to be called Pine Springs. The name Fruit was no longer applicable because of the rapid decline of the peach orchards caused by the San Jose scale, a fruit tree disease not controllable at the time. During the twentieth century the church and community have grown together. What has been good for one has been good for the other. The church, along with the school until it's closing in 1963, has served as the community's most notable landmark and center of activity. This community has been dependent upon the rose industry since the turn of the century. It is interesting to note that the rose plant was listed, in a Shamburger family notebook, as a marketable item as early as 1879. Perhaps no single thing has affected the church and community as much as has the city of Tyler. The city, incorporated in 1850, has served as the marketplace for the Pine Springs community. It is difficult to imagine the growth of community and church separate from the growth of the city of Tyler. The geographical boundaries of the community have never been well defined. Perhaps these boundaries can best be seen in the smile of a proud resident when he informs you that "he's from Pine Springs." Every church is dependent, to a great extent, upon the community which she serves. Pine Springs Baptist Church is certainly no exception. The community which she serves is, indeed, a beautiful one. It has been an unparalleled privilege for me to have participated in the compiling of this history, to have lived in this community, and to have served this church. I thank God. Sincerely, Jack Chelf, Jr.