Tyler Daily Courier, Tuesday, September 26, 1905 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm DR. RISNER TO LECTURE HERE ON FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6, AT OPERA HOUSE - "SHHOTING AN OWL" - TICKETS BEING SOLD RAPIDLY. As heretofore announced: Dr. H. C. Risner will deliver his famous lecture, "Shooting an Owl, or the Coming Man," Friday evening, October 6th, at the Opera House. a great many ladies of the city are interesting themselves in the advance sales of tickets for this occasion, and are meeting with great success. Those who have heard this lecture pronounce it the greatest lecture ever listened to. The lecture applies to business men of all classes, the merchant, the banker, the mechanic, the farmer, and in fact, all the classes of people who go to make up the commonwealth of our land. The lecture is full of wit, humor and pathos, and if given due consideration the man or woman who hears it can in many instances look upon a brighter future and can see the better opportunities offered to those who wish to make life worth living. There are many ideas to be gathered from this lecture that are happy thoughts, and we advise all who can possible do so to attend this great lecture.