Rev. H. C. Risner, 25 Sep 1905, Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 15 April 2001 ***************************************************************** Tyler Daily Courier, Monday, September 25, 1905 A SON OF THE SOUTH VISITS PHILADELPHIA I know of no paper through which I would rather send a message to the Southern Baptists than the Herald. I have been a pastor in Philadelphia for over thirty years. I have seen men come and go and among them the most loyal and brilliant ministers there have ever been the noble sons of the South. I am thankful for unmistakable evidences that the South continues to furnish sons of strong convictions, large brains and generous hearts. I was forcibly reminded of the Southern talent as I listened to the eloquent address of "Stepping Stones," by Rev. H. C. Risner, of Baltimore, before our Baptist Minister's conference of Philadelphia on January 30th. Mr. Risner was a stranger to most of us, but he had been specially invited to address the conference. That the address was brilliant was the conviction of all who heard it. According to my own way of thinking I regard it as one of the finest addresses to which I have ever listened. It was packed with the product of rare thought: it was clothed in the language as chaste as that of De Quincy, and flavored with a humor worthy of the charming personality of the speaker. Tall and graceful as an oak, this magnificent speaker carried our intelects and hearts heavenward for fifty minutes. We thank God for his coming and it is the intention of some of us to have him return in the near future and deliver his popular lecture, "Shooting An Owl, or the Coming Man." We shall assure him of a large and enthusiastic hearing. Charles H. Thomas Pastor Fiftieth Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa. - The Richmond, VA., Herald