From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Monday, January 17, 1916 Copyright. All rights reserved. Page One: J. M. WILSON GETS THE CAR The auto award by the Young Men's Business Club came off promptly on time and the car was awarded upon the third number called to J. M. Wilson, whose address is Bullard, Texas. Up to press time Mr. Wilson has not decided whether to take the automobile or the four hundred dollars. Judge Odom acted as announcer and told the crowd assembled that the committee which would handle the award was composed of A. S. Johnson, Winona, A. J. McKay, Pleasant Retreat, J. J. Pierce, Lindale, W. D. Kendrick, Hickory Grove, and J. M. McGinney, Tyler. The first number opened was 327,543 and as no one present has it another was read, it being 24,230. The third number was 163,763 and was held by Mr. Wilson and had been received from Caldwell, Hughes and Patterson. The award of the twenty-five dollars worth of groceries by Sam V. Goodman, went to Mrs. W. C. Sadler of East Charnwood street. ***** From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Monday, January 17, 1916, Page Four: MOVING TO DALLAS Mr. O. P. Whittington and family who have resided in Tyler for some time has moved to Dallas where they will make their future home. ***** NO ARRESTS FOR BANK ROBBERY A report reached the city today that officers had Kilgore, where a bank was robbed a few nights ago have several parties under suspicion. It is stated that they reside near Kilgore. No arrest have been made thus far it is learned. The robbers secured about $70. It is not believed they secured any mail of value. ***** FORMER RESIDENTS TO RETURN TO TYLER Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Faulkner, well known former residents of Tyler, but who have resided in Flanagan for some time expect to return to Tyler within the next few weeks to make their future home. They will occupy the G. M. Daniel home on Queen st. They have a cordial welcome by their many friends and acquaintances. ***** Y. M. B. C. LUNCHEON TONIGHT AT 7 O'CLOCK Tonight the Young Men's Business Club will hold a "Get Together" luncheon at Malavansos Café and every member of the Club as well as all boosters of the city are invited to attend. Plates are only fifty cents and the good resulting from mingling with your fellow man and discussing the many ways of advancing the interests of Tyler and East Texas will repay you many times this amount. It is the desire of the officers and directors of the Y. M. B. C. that every booster in the city attend the luncheon. If you can go phone Mr. McGinnis, phone No. 5 and get a ticker, but if you can't reach Mr. McGinnis, be on hand at 7 o'clock at Malavansos Café and get in the Booster Bank Wagon. The programs is as follows: W. B. Walsh, Toastmaster How the Y. M. B. C. Can Make a Better City - Love Smith. More Factories for Tyler and How to Get Them - Dabney White. The Agricultural Outlook for the Coming Year - John V. Hughes. New Members for the Y. M. B. C. of Tyler - Prof. W. M. Roberts. The Automobile Feature - J. E. Hargrove. Did the Auto Feature Aid Collections - I. F. Holt. How the Y. M. B. C. Can Aid the East Texas Fair - H. B. Marsh. The City Manager - Clay Hight. The City Commission - D. H. Rankin. The County Commission - Judge Jesse F. Odom. Co-operation, What It Will Mean - S. Bruck. What the Y. M. B. C. Can Accomplish - E. I. Wood. Shall These Luncheons Be Made Monthly Features? - W. B. Marsh. ***** From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Monday, January 17, 1916, Page Five: PERSONAL MENTION Sid Johnson of Winona is in the city today. Henry Acker came up from Whitehouse this morning. H. G. Edwards, editor of the Troup Banner, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Gilliam spent Sunday in McGregor with friends. Lon Cartlidge of Malakoff is visiting relatives and friends in the city. T. C. Reeves, a well known merchant of Winona, was in the city today. Fred Robinson, of the Waco Times-Herald, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Rev. G. M. Daniel has returned to his work as missionary in South Texas, after spending several days in the city. Miss Francis Taylor of Lindale has returned home after a pleasant visit to the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wooten. Mrs. J. E. Faulkner, has returned to her home in Flanagan, after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. G. M. Daniel, of Queen street. Miss Ruth Norton left Sunday for a visit to her sister Mrs. Thos. R. Glass. She was accompanied as far as MrGregor by Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Gilliam. A. B. Skinner, formerly city ticket agent of the Cotton Belt in Tyler, but now agent of that road at Shreveport, is in the city today, shaking hands with friends. Mrs. G. M. Daniel, of Queen street, who has just recovered from an attack of la grippe has gone to Galveston, to spend a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Devine, for the benefit of her health. Mrs. Devine, has returned to her home in Galveston, after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. G. M. Daniel of Queen street, who was ill, but now convalescent, and who accompanied her daughter home. ***** U. D. C. PROGRAM United Daughter of the Confederacy will meet January 20th, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock for the chapter session, Lee and Jackson Anniversary, Mrs. F. M. Bell, hostess to chapter, "The times that did create soldiers, And made women brave." Roll call; given name and brief sketch of a Virginian heroine of the 60's. Song: "Tenting on the Old Campground." Generals Lee and Jackson, as commanders, Then came their power as leaders of men? Give tribute to them as Christian soldiers and scholars. Paper: "A heroine of ‘61 and ‘65, I have known from the old dominion. Song: "Let us Cross Over the River and Rest Under the Shade of the Trees." Social hour. CHAPTER HISTORIAN ***** A. P. MOORE VERY LOW The condition of Mr. A. P. Moore is very unfavorable today. He was very much worse all day yesterday and last night, and it is feared he can not live many hours longer. ***** NEW AGENT SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Mr. R. T. Burns, formerly of Corsicana, has arrived in Tyler and assumed his duties as agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., succeeding Mr. A. R. Marshall who has been here for sometime. Mr. Burns comes highly recommended and a cordial welcome is extended him to our city. Mr. Marshall has made numerous friends during his stay here who wish him in whatever business he may engage in. The Singer Sewing Machine Company has moved their office from N. College to 118 West Ferguson street. ***** From Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Monday, January 17, 1916, Page Six: JNO. T. BONNER LEAVES KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ACCEPTS POSITION OF AGENCY DIRECTOR WITH THE SOUTHLAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The many friends of John T. Bonner for many year a resident of this city but now lives in Waco, will be pleased to learn that he has accepted a much better position with the Southland Life Insurance Company as Agency Director for that company. The Dallas Journal in speaking of the change says: "John T. Bonner of Waco, for many years general superintendent of the insurance department of the Knights of Pythias in Texas, has severed his business connection with the order to accept a position as agency director for the Southland Life Insurance Company. He will be in charge of the Southland offices at Waco. Mr. Bonner was formerly a citizen of Tyler and moved to Waco in 1914. He retired as grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias in 1903 and became head of the order's insurance business in this State. As a result of his work for the Knights of Pythias one-eight of all the business in force of the order in the United States and Canada is in Texas, making a total for this State of about $13,000,000. "I regret to leave my Pythian business associations," Mr. Bonner said. "I have made this change partly because of the growing sentiment in favor of patronizing Texas business institutions, and also because the Texas insurance companies have made a great record and have won the confidence of the people. I have contemplated for some time aligning myself with some one of the home companies. What is more natural, then, than I should give preference to the Southland with enviable record for progress, promptness and fair dealing and its splendid personnel of officers and directors?" ***** ENTERTAINED IN DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hart entertained the Merry Verna Five Hundred Club on Friday night at their home in Brynce Court, 2310 Ross avenue. In the game the high score prizes were won by Mrs. C. W. Fleck, Jr. and Claude M. McCallum. Mrs. Harvey B. Stephenson received the consolation. After the game a violet luncheon was served. The hostess was assisted by her mother and sister, Mrs. C. W. Fleck and Miss Maud Fleck of Tyler. The violet scheme was also carried out in the house decorations. The next regular meeting of the club will be with Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Tarr, 3031 Bryan Street. - Dallas News ***** TYLER MAN TAKES BRIDE IN DALLAS At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McCain, 801 Elsbeth street, yesterday at noon, N. B. Hudnall of Tyler, Texas and Mrs. Katherine Sullivan, formerly of Seamore, Ind., were united in marriage by the Rev. W. A. Hewitt. Only a few of the bride and groom's personal friends were present. The bride wore a traveling suit of navy blue with accessories to match. The only ornament worn was a broach, an heirloom more than 100 years old. After a buffet luncheon, a number of the guests accompanied the couple to the depot, where they took the train for Tyler, their future home. The following guests were present: The Hon. Horace Chilton, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Means, Mrs. Ralph Bunkley, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Johnson, Mrs. W. H. Fritz, Mr. George Dirmeyer, Mrs. C. Barglebaugh and Mrs. H. C. Rogers. - Dallas News. The groom is one of the best known farmers of Smith county, living in the Pine Springs community, four miles north of Tyler. His friends extend congratulations. *****