TYLER DAILY COURIER, MARCH 4, 1905 - Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - marylove@tyler.net 25 August 2001 ***************************************************************** Tyler Daily Courier, March 4, 1905 PERSONALS Bill Butler of Starrville, was in town yesterday. C. R. Yarbrough of Chandler was to town Friday. W. W. Edge, of the Oil City laundry, of Corsicana, is in the city today. Miss Nellie Hinds of Noonday came in yesterday and is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Green. Mrs. James Douglas of Jacksonville, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Allen Gameron. Mrs. Ed Jones of Sherman, formerly of this city, is visiting her sons, Messrs. Sam and Lawrence Hunter. Mrs. R. B. Long, Sr., has returned from Malvern, Ark., and is in the city visiting Mrs. M. A. Williams on Earle street. Mr. Hal Medlin of Fort Worth, who has been visiting his parents on Ferguson street, has returned to his home. Miss Grace Gould, an interesting young lady who has been the guest of Miss Floy Rowland, returned to her home at Palestine this morning. Miss Minnie Gilliam, an accomplished and popular young lady, has accepted a position with LeGrande & McDonald, where she will be glad to see her many friends. Mrs. Bettie Hitt has returned from the easter market, where she has purchased a select line of millinery. She will begin to at LeGrande & McDonald's store in the near future. Mr. Fritz Pape, of the firm of Pape Bros., of Cincinnatti, manufacturer of fine picture mouldings and frames, was in the city Friday by special request of Bursh-Godfrey company, who placed with him a large order for these exclusive goods. Mr. Pape heretofore made only the larger cities exclusively. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEG BROKEN We learn from Mr. G. H. Butler that Billy Barron, living in the Pine Springs settlement, had the misfortune yesterday of having his right leg broken about three inches above the ankle. He was on his way to the saw mill and while near the residence of ex-County Attorney A. S. Johnson the wagon passed over a stump in the road and as his leg was swinging it was caught between the brakebeam and the stump, Mr. Barron was brought back home yesterday and was attended by Dr. Johnson, of Winona. Mr. Barron is a man about 45 years of age and has a wife and three children. He is a good citizen, has a large number of relatives in the town and county and a great many friends who sympathize with him in this misfortune. Mr. Butler reports that Mr. Barron is resting easy this morning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SERIOUSLY ILL Miss Willie E. Johnson is seriously ill at the family residence on Dawson Street, with pneumonia. Her symptons this morning were not favorable and the family are very uneasy about her condition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEVIL IS IN TYLER It is generally conceded that the devil is in Tyler all the time, but he will be in Tyler tonight in person, and all who go to the opera house tonight can see him. Lewis Morrison, the well known actor, is the man who will present the devil and you will be well paid for the trouble of seeing him. Morrison and his superb company will present "Faust," at the Grand tonight, and there are indications of a packed house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CHURCHER Marvin Church. Services tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Senior Epsworth League, 6:30 p.m.. All cordially invited to attend. W. F. Packard, Pastor Grace Baptist Church. Rev. Reddin Andrews will preach for us Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Remember the place, Catholic school building, on West Erwin St. over Cotton Belt general office Everybody invited. First Presbyterian Church. Sabbath School at 9:30 a.m. Preaching by pastor at 11 a.m. No preaching at night on account of Methodist revival services. Westminster League at 6:45 p.m. You are invited to worship with us tomorrow J. D. McLean, Pastor First Baptist Church Sunday school at 9:30 Preaching at the usual hours 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. by R. M. Inlow. We extend a most cordial invitation to the public to worship with us. PULPIT Com. Congregational Church sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Preaching, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting, 7:30 Tuesday evening Come and bring a friend, and worship with us. J. C. Calhoun Pastor Christian Church Preaching at 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. sunday school, 9:45 a.m. We will be glad to see everyone present to worship with us. You will be made welcome. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- METHODIST REVIVAL BEGINS WEDNESDAY Rev. J. E. Brown, Evangelist; and J. P. Curry, Singer, Will Conduct the Services While Will Last for Ten Days Beginning next Wednesday, a ten days revival, will be held at Marvin church. The meeting will be conducted by Rev. J. E. Brown, revivalist, and will be assisted by J. P. Curry, who will have charge of the song service. Mr. Brown is said to be one of the best evangelists who has ever visited this city and the Methodists are therefore especting a great meeting. As slated above, the meeting is scheduled to last ten days. Two services will be held daily -- at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. You and all your friends are cordially invited to be present at every service. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TO CONTEST FOR STATE PRIZE Party of 25 Will Go to Houston, From Rebecca Lodge, I.O.O.F., This city, to Attend State Convention Tomorrow morning, at 2 o'clock about 25 members of Rebecca Lodge in a special car for Houston to attend the State convention. The car was decorated in gay colors this afternoon and presents a fine appearance. The lodge here has a fine drill team, which has been practicing for several months, and they expect to win the first prize; and take the Courier's word for it, the team that beats them will know they have had a race. The team is composed of the following ladies: D. G., Mrs. Ella Ash; V. G., Mrs. J. C. Brown; P. C., Mrs. J. O Seastrunk; C., Mrs. Myra Gray; Conductor, Mrs. Bessie Lindsey; W., Mrs. T. F. Havenkott; I. G., Miss Kate Cunningham; D. G., Mrs. J. K. Beam; R. S. N. G. Mrs. Laura Bain; L. S. N. G., Mrs. Delia Nichols; R. S. V. G., Mrs. James; ?. S. V. G., Miss Katie Long. While waiting for the H. & T. C., at Corsicana, the lodge will have the pleasure of visiting the State Orphan Home at that place, through the Courtesy of the Cotton Belt. The Cotton Belt, by the way, is outdoing itself in providing accommodations for this party, providing them with a special coach and otherwise exerting itself in seeing that all enjoy the trip. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Copied from microfilm at the Tyler Public Library, 10 August 2001 Mary Love Berryman