Murder of Peter Cooper, 1875 - Smith County, TX Submitted by East Texas Genealogical Society P. O. Box 6967, Tyler, TX 75711 Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************** Tyler Democrat, June 26, 1875 A BLOODY MURDER Yesterday morning Deputy Sheriff J. O. Collier gave us information of a murder, which occurred near Canton, in this county on the morning of the 19th inst; as follows: On the night of the 18th Peter Cooper, Ike Boyd and Wiley Sims, all colored, were out coon hunting. About daylight Saturday morning according to their own admissions, Boyd and Sims struck Cooper with an axe on the head, killing him instantly. They concealed the body in the brush during the day. At night they stole Cooper's mule out of his lot, lashed the dead body on the mule, carried it a mile and a half and threw it into a dry well twenty feet deep. Cooper being missed, the neighborhood was aroused, and the body was found. Whites and negroes of the neighborhood acting together, hunted up the murderers and arrested them - the negroes making the arrest. Mr. Collier brought the murderers here on the 24th and committed them to jail. Peter Cooper is said to have been an industrious freedman, and his death is generally regretted. The only reason given by the negroes for the murder is that Peter Cooper was a conjurer, and had threatened to conjure them. Mr. Collier declared that this doctrine of conjuring is very deeply seated in the minds of many of the most intellignt negroes in the country and yet they vote and sit on juries.