Moore Grocery Company Purchases the Business of Starr-Mayfield - Smith Co, TX Submitted by East Texas Genealogical Society P. O. Box 6967, Tyler, TX 75711 *********************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Daily Courier, Tyler, Texas, Tuesday, April 11, 1905, Page 1: "BUSINESS CHANGE Moore Grocery Company Purchases the Business of Starr-Mayfield Gro. Co. of This City. The Courier learns that several important business changes have taken place in this city recently. The Moore Grocery Co. have purchased the Starr-Mayfield Wholesale Grocery business, including the stock and a long lease on the buildings. The transfer is to be made about May 1st. We learn also that the house has been leased by the Moore Grocery Company to Human & Brown Grocery Company who will occupy it as soon as it is vacated. The Moore Grocery Company, so we are informed, will open a branch house at Pittsburg, Texas, on May 1st. The purchase by the Moore Grocery Co., only applies to the Tyler wholesale house. It does not include the Starr-Mayfield Wholesale business at Palestine and Jacksonville." --------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler Daily Courier-Times, Monday, January 10, 1916, Page Five: STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF MAYFIELD COMPANY The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mayfield Company was held on the 8th day of January, 1916, at 2 p.m., in their offices at Tyler, Texas. About 95 per cent of the stock directly and indirectly was represented. A very enthusiastic meeting was held, endorsing and complimenting the managers for their very satisfactory showing as evidenced by their annual statement. Great enthusiasm was displayed by cheering and hand clapping when President Mayfield in his short address said in the management of this corporation there was no embargo up on honesty, no travesty upon justice, and no iron heel of oppression upon labor, and that he had refunded to his employees about $10,000 covering the 20 per cent cut on salaries for the year 1915. A unanimous vote of the stockholders endorsed this act as evidence of the fact that this corporation has soul power, as well as money making capacity. The following are newly elected officers: J. B. Mayfield, president. C. A. Caldwell, vice president. J. M. Burke, vice president. M. G. Mayfield, vice president. C. L. Porter, secretary. W. H. Neff, Treasurer. The capital stock of the company is $400,000. Surplus fund (earned) is placed at $100,000. Undivided profits (earned) are given at $54,066.50, and total capital invested is $554,066.50. Mayfield Company has branch houses at Terrell, Jacksonville, Henderson, Gilmer, Athens and Mineola. The main house is located in this city. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by Scott Fitzgerald, Tyler, Texas. A copy of this article can be ordered through the Tyler Public Library at for a small fee.