THE BAPTISTS HAVE DEPARTED, 25 Sep 1905, Smith County, TX ***************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - 15 April 2001 ***************************************************************** Tyler Daily Courier, Monday, September 25, 1905 THE BAPTISTS HAVE DEPARTED SMITH COUNTY CONVENTION IS CLOSED - INTERESTING SERVICES YESTERDAY COLLECTION FOR ORPHANS HOME The Smith County Baptist association which held a three days' session here and services yesterday, came to a close last night with the night services. The business part of the meeting closed Saturday night. The subjects acted upon and discussed Saturday evening and night were Sunday schools and B. Y. P. U. work, and prohibition and its effect. Rev. J. B. Fletcher, Rev. Jno. A. Held and Prof. A. W. Birdwell were the speakers for this occasion. Yesterday at the 11 o'clock service Rev. J. B. Gambrell, superintendent of state missions, delivered a one sermon, after which a good collection for Buckner's Orphans Home was made. In the evening a B. Y. P. U. rally was held and at night Dr. H. C. Risner preached an interesting sermon to a large and appreciative audience. The following resolutions wer adopted by the association: Whereas, the Nort Tyler Baptist church in the city of Tyler has so cordially welcomed and magnanimously entertained this body and whereas the pastor of this church has wiht untiring energy done so much to make our meeting a success, and whereas, the members of First Baptist church in Tyler co-operated with the North church in administering to our comforts, and whereas, the Brazelton Lumber company and John Towns have given the use of chairs and lumber for the tent, and whereas the Tyler Courier and the Democrat Reporter have reported our meetings. Therefore, Be it resolved, that we sincerely thank these brethren and sisters and companies for the courteosies and help extended to us.