OBITUARY: Martha C. Boothe, 10 Nov 1886 - Smith County, TX Submitted by Vicki Betts 1 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, January 20, 1887, p. 7, c. 4 BOOTHE.—Martha C. Boothe, wife of J. H. Boothe, near Starville [sic], Smith county, Texas, died Nov. 10th, 1886. Sister Boothe professed religion in early life and joined the Baptist Church. She was married to Josiah Myrick early in life and lived a devoted Christian wife until death separated them, leaving her a widow with several children. In 1868, she was married to Bro. J. H. Boothe, after which she joined the M. E. Church, South, and lived a most exemplary life. She was beloved by all that knew her. Some months before her death, in a protracted meeting in Starville [sic], she was happy and resigned to the will of God. She was an affectionate companion, a devoted mother, a kind and obliging neighbor, and a mother in Israel. She lived well and died well. She was afflicted some time before her death, but bore her afflictions with patience and Christian fortitude. During her last illness, she often exulted in the love of God, talking to her friends and bidding them to meet her in heaven. She died praising God. Thank God for such religion. May the husband and children follow her example. Albert Little. Tyler, Texas.