Obituary: Florence Head Butler, 7 Apr 1896 - Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 12 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, April 23, 1896, p. 8, c. 5 BUTLER.—Florence Head Butler, son of G. H. and Susan L. Butler, was born February 20, 1894, and died April 7, 1896. Little Florence was a sweet, promising little boy, and fondly loved by his parents and family and all who knew him, but was only permitted to remain on earth long enough to so entwine himself about the affections of the family when his little spirit was transplanted from mother's embrace to the loving Savior's bosom, who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God." So, dear parents, press onward and upward; while he can not come back to you, you can go up, through faithful discharge of Christian duty, to meet him and be forever with him and the Lord and all the redeemed host of God. Your pastor, T. B. VINSON. Starrville, Texas.