JOHN THEDFORD, OBITUARY, 1919 (?), Smith County, TX Copyright. All rights reserved. Submitted by Mary Love Berryman - ***************************************************************** This obituary was submitted to the East Texas Genealogical Society for publication several years ago - source unknown. Person submitting information unknown. I have judged the date to be that of the date in the Thedford Family Bible and information from other Thedford obituaries. - Mary Love Berryman From - . . ILY COURIER-TIMES (Probably the Tyler Courier-Times) IN MEMORY OF JOHN THEDFORD In the death of my good friend, John Thedford, I wish to say a few words in honor of him who has passed to the Great Beyond. I know him for fifteen years, and always found him kind and true to all mankind. If there was ever a man who wore out a pair of shoes walking in the right way, John Thedford did. He was honest, upright and fair in all of his dealings with men. He died leaving his sister, Ida, who has my deepest sympaathy and I claim unworthy to take the place of her brother, but will if need be. Through John's acquaintance, I acquired the friendship of the family, who have my deepest wympathy, and which I consider mine also. Some years ago he moved to Tyler and was living at his present home place when the end came. He was always loyal to his mother, who died several years hence, and made many sacrifices for her pleasure and comfort. Since his mother's death, he devoted all of his time to his sister, that she may be happy and comfortable, who now mourns his death, and may God in his way comfort her afflicted heart, and give my dear friend an everlasting dwelling place in Heaven, for if there is any hope for anyone, John Thedford ought to have it. He has always done the will of the Father in Heaven and those whom he associated with in the church will verify my statement. May God in his power bless the bereaved sister and friends, and may this good man's name live in the hearts of all forever. DAVE KORKMAS