Obituary: Martha E. Mathews, 29 Sep 1890 - Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 18 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, February 19, 1891, p. 7, c. 3 MATHEWS.—Sister Martha E. Mathews was born April 26, 1834, in Rutherford county, Tennessee; was married October 13, 1859, to John R. Mathews. She came to Texas, to Cherokee county, in 1850. The fruits of her marriage were nine children, four of whom preceded her to eternity. She was converted in early life and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. After coming to Texas she had no opportunity of joining the church of her choice. She lived a long time out of connection with any church until July, 1890, while on a visit to see her sick daughter, in Alto, at which time we were conducting a protracted meeting. She came one evening to the parsonage and said she wanted to join the church, and in the presence of a few persons who were there we received her. She was happy at the time. Soon she returned to her home in Angelina county and was attacked with slow fever, which lasted about six weeks, when the death angel came and bore her spirit away to the land of the blessed. She died September 29, 1890, leaving behind a husband and five children to follow on. May her true and patient life stimulate them to pattern after her. A. G. SCRUGGS