Obituary: Mrs. Mary White Overheiser, 8 Dec 1894 - Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 18 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, January 3, 1895, p. 7, c. 6 OVERHEISER.—Mrs. Mary Overheiser (nee White) was born in Smith County, Texas, October 10, 1871; married Mr. Lynn Overheiser June 27, 1888. To them were born three children, two of whom had preceded their mother to glory. One little girl, two years old, remains behind. Sister Overheiser professed religion and joined the M. E. Church, South, when about seventeen, living a consistent member thereof until her death, December 8, 1894. It was the writer's privilege to visit her frequently during her last illness, and he is rejoiced to state that he ever found her cheerful and confiding in Christ. She bore her sickness with great fortitude. Toward the last she lost hope of recovery, and emphatically expressed her readiness to go. She manifested great concern for the salvation of her devoted husband, and deep solicitude for the surviving child. May God bring them to her in the sweet by-and-by. The blessings of heaven abide upon all the bereaved. J. M. ARMSTRONG