Obituary: Frances A. E. Dodd Robinson- Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 18 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, January 14, 1892, p. 7, c. 5 ROBINSON—Frances A. E. Robinson (nee Dodd) was born in Milam county, Texas, March, 1850; was united in marriage with Dr. L. J. Robinson January 14, 1875, and as the year 1891 was drawing to a close her probationary state ended, her work on earth was done, the conflict past and the victory won. On December 30, 1891, she bade adieu to earth. Her spirit returned to the God who gave it. Her body was consigned to the tomb, there to await the resurrection morn, when soul and body will be reunited, and with loved ones will vie around the throne and join the angelic chorus forever. Sister Robinson professed religion and united with the M. E. Church, South, in early life. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn their loss. May God's grace sustain them and the Holy Spirit lead them through life to that bright world on high. W. F. MAYNE. LINDALE, TEXAS.