Obituary: Claudie Secrest, 30 May 1887 - Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 8 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, June 16, 1887, p. 7, c. 3 SECREST.—Died at Tyler, at the residence of his parents, little Claudie, the only child of Maggie and Leander Secrest. He was born in Tyler, Texas, Jan. 4, 1879. soon as he could talk he was taught to say his prayers. Often before he was seven years old he voluntarily carried the Bible to his father and asked him to hold family prayer. He was baptized on his sixth birthday by Rev. Joel T. Daves. After this, was a pupil in the Methodist Sunday-school, which he attended on Sunday, May 29. He had a perfect lesson. Spent the evening as usual; was taken sick with congestion of the bowels at 7 p.m., and died next day, the 30th, at 10 a.m., which demonstrates the truth of divine revelation: "For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away; but the word of the Lord endureth forever." Dear brother and sister, remember, Jesus said: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." Claudie is gone in advance. He will be looking out for you. "Be thou faithful unto death," and he will greet thee in that "sun bright clime" where parting will be no more. The mother said "he had some of the faults of children; but much of his thoughts were of God and heaven, where he has gone to spend eternity." Comforting thought. Tyler, Texas. W. N. Bonner.