Obituary: Ethel Wynn, 22 Dec 1893 - Smith County, TX Contributed by Vicki Betts 18 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************************** TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, January 11, 1894, p. 7, c. 5 WYNN.-Little Ethel, daughter of J. S. and Carrie Wynn was born in Tyler, Texas, August 15, 1892; fell asleep in Jesus December 22, 1893, aged one year. Your dear babe has gone to dwell with Him who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Little Ethel was a sweet, pretty child, with a pleasant, smiling face, calculated to bring bright sunshine and joy to any home. Weep not, dear brother and sister. Put your trust in Jesus; by so doing you will meet little Ethel in heaven. She was buried by the writer, in the presence of many relatives and friends, in the family cemetery at Reeves' Chapel, to await the resurrection morn. J. F. BEVEL. MARTINBURG, TEXAS.