VITAL RECORDS - SMITH COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1989 ********************************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lawrence E. Oliver - April 30, 2000 ******************************************************************** Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ******************************************************************** Name Date of Death Sex Aber, Evelyn Lucille 19890127 F Abla, Ricky Jason 19891114 M Abrams, Ulman Eugene 19890325 M Abruzzo, Leo Luca 19890509 M Adams, Emma Lois 19891003 F Adams, Joseph Eli 19891008 M Adams, Joe 19891230 M Addison, Della Mae 19891114 F Adkins, Virgie Goode 19891126 F Albright, Jennie Hester 19890518 F Alexander, Luther Lee 19890211 M Alexander, Viola 19890913 F Alexander, Lillie 19891106 F Alexander, Ivor Allen 19891231 F Alford, Sonny Lee 19890127 M Allee, William F. 19890616 M Allen, Lee 19890306 M Allen, Bonnie Belle 19890820 F Allen, Brittany Shantee 19890925 F Allison, A. D. 19890325 M Alwell, Andrew Alfonse 19890710 M Amburn, Ruby Bonell 19890103 M Amos, Hazel Dell 19890812 F Anderson, Corinne 19890129 F Anderson, Randolph Porter 19890518 M Anderson, Gudrun Bertha 19890530 F Anderson, Ruben Allen, JR. 19890718 M Anderson, Edna Fay 19890727 F Anderson, Sadie Greenleaf 19890809 F Anderson, Lynn Marlan 19891126 M Andrews, Allie Myrtle 19890513 F Andrews, Welton Lane 19890911 M Andrews, Gunby Houston 19891029 M Angon, Marisela V. 19890301 F Anthony, Jewel Dee 19891022 F Argote, Clemande 19891216 M Armstrong, Eulis Eugene 19890809 M Arnold, Edna Mae 19890302 F Arnold, Loys 19890607 M Arnold, Ernestine 19890615 F Ashby, Alton Alfred 19890413 M Ashfield, Earl Thomas, JR. 19890930 M Ashley, Nora Evie 19891008 F Ashlock, Mark Darius 19891114 M Aston, Willie Lynette 19891130 F Ates, Lee Dora 19890831 F Ates, Margaret E. 19891227 F Atkins, Fernanda 19890727 M Aubrey, Jaceller 19890723 M Aussicker, Lucile Ann 19890527 F Autrey, Jack Madison 19890307 M Avara, Burwell Elton 19890503 M Babb, Leroy 19890603 M Bacon, Murphy Brittie 19890301 M Baggett, Patricia Ruth 19891024 F Baggett, Lola Bell 19891210 F Bagnall, Alvin James 19890302 M Bailey, Alexander J. 19890301 M Baker, Sair Andrew 19890603 M Baker, William Frederick 19890803 M Baker, Meta Faye 19891127 F Balch, Henrietta Jean 19890801 F Baldwin, Clytee 19890328 F Banks, Troy Allen 19890115 M Banks, Hattie M. 19891219 F Barber, Irene 19890206 F Barlow, Joann 19890416 F Barnes, Leala Mae 19891024 F Barnhill, Valla Joan 19890924 F Barrett, George James 19890216 M Barrett, Richard Herman, JR. 19890411 M Barrett, Eddie 19890414 M Barrett, Eugenia Wray 19890629 F Barrett, Raburn Verlon 19890817 M Barron, James Kay 19890122 M Barron, Dora Virgielene 19891012 F Bartleson, Earl J 19891225 M Barton, Ennis Joe 19891121 M Baskin, Roland 19890728 M Bass, Louis Grady 19890702 M Bassett, Lucius Hiram 19890211 M Batie, Buster 19890112 M Batie, Ruby Earline 19890115 F Baus, Doris Willene 19891215 F Beal, Frederick, SR. 19890622 M Beall, Elizabeth Ann 19891010 F Beam, Gena Margaret 19890912 F Beard, Ardith D. 19890212 F Bearden, Arlie Leroy 19890920 M Beatty, Irma Belle 19890922 F Beaver, Laura Mae Todd 19891015 F Beck, Lois Vernita 19890617 F Beddingfield, Nellie Gordie 19890111 F Belcher, Nettie Maude 19890516 F Bell, Alvin Odric 19890614 M Bell, Clyde B. 19891001 M Bell, Shirley Virginia 19891016 F Bell, Mattie Jewel 19891112 F Belle-isle, Lionel Joseph, SR. 19890607 M Benedict, Mary Annett 19890526 F Benge, Laura Bell Victoria 19890725 F Bennett, Donald Martin 19890718 M Benson, Lottie Mae 19890731 F Benson, Nona Mae 19891210 F Benton, Elsie Dealva 19890822 F Berndt, Jewel 19890714 F Berry, James Edward 19890818 M Beville, Jared Sanders 19891225 M Biggs, Finis Wayne 19890713 M Biggs, Dorothy Mae 19891231 F Bircher, Johnnie Bell 19890710 F Biscoe, Comie Lee 19890208 F Bishop, Elizabeth Ann 19890902 F Bishop, Glenn 19891012 M Black, Ethel 19890302 F Black, Derryl Ray 19891104 M Blackburn, Helen Willadene 19891004 F Blackmon, William Cory 19890313 M Blackmon, James Lester, JR. 19890411 M Blackmon, Doris (''pete'') 19891004 M Blackmon, Robert Obie, JR. 19891008 M Blackmon, Jerry Elmo 19891107 M Blackstock, Sallie Cagle 19890919 F Blackwelder, L. P. 19890209 M Blair, Anna Lavinia 19891125 F Bland, Willis Archie 19891212 M Blankenship, Joy Marie 19891230 F Blasingame, Clora Hayden 19890330 F Bobbitt, James George 19890304 M Boggess, Frank Sharp 19890513 M Bohannan, C. James 19890607 M Bohlender, Dorothy Lillian 19890123 F Boles, Lula Maurice 19890705 F Bolin, Morris 19890317 M Bolton, Jessie Mae 19890106 F Booker, Wilford 19890928 M Bookman, Thomas Jefferson 19891218 M Boone, William Raymond 19890106 M Bott, Helen Alice 19891231 F Boudreaux, Billye Jonell 19891021 F Bowden, Gary Don 19890416 M Bowdoin, Marion 19890520 F Bowles, Warren Debbs, JR. 19890911 M Bowman, Ardis Jackson 19890303 M Box, Jack Thomas 19891119 M Box, C. G., JR. 19891201 M Boyd, Leslie Braziel 19890609 F Boyd, Freida L. 19890831 F Boyd, James Berniece 19890929 M Boykin, Emma Ruth 19890321 F Boykin, Virginia Belle 19891215 F Bozeman, Patricia Ann 19890110 F Bozman, Tot Wallace 19890522 M Bradford, William Elmore 19890119 M Bradford, Floreta B. 19891127 F Bradshaw, Edward Rachall 19890711 M Brady, Clarence Norman 19890822 M Brady, Beulah E. 19890910 F Brady, Faye Lydia 19891217 F Brager, Lois 19891009 M Branch, Albert Sanford 19890929 M Brandt, Mary Alice 19890729 F Branham, Katie Mae 19890902 F Brassell, Burruss 19891214 M Bratcher, Staci Jill 19890613 F Braxton, Merlen 19890904 F Breeden, Ella Lucille 19890531 F Breedlove, Leta 19890509 F Brewer, John Gilmore 19891231 M Bridges, Thelma Willie 19891219 F Briggs, Dempsey Mae 19890313 F Bright, Eddie Lee 19890728 M Bright, Marietta 19890811 F Brinson, Lelia Lucille 19891229 F Britt, Harold Benjamin 19890423 M Brittain, Joe Wayne 19890120 M Britton, Foy Vernon 19891223 M Brockhan, John George, JR. 19890206 M Brodnax, Everest H. 19890315 M Brodnax, Marjo 19890821 F Brooke, Velton Reese 19890306 M Brookshire, Mildred Hazel 19890321 F Broom, Arthur Paul, JR 19891207 M Broughton, Robert 19890311 M Broughton, Opal Virginia 19890610 F Brown, Jeanettie 19890118 F Brown, Louie 19890216 F Brown, James Edwin 19890225 M Brown, Clarence Elmo 19890302 M Brown, Edna Earl 19890416 F Brown, Laura Myrtle 19890505 F Brown, Letha Irena 19890529 F Brown, Lillian Elizabeth 19890617 F Brown, Eloise Elizabeth 19890703 F Brown, Cliney, II 19890706 M Brown, Lois 19890709 F Brown, Larry Wayne 19890720 M Brown, James Melvin 19890916 M Brown, Dilly E. 19891005 M Brown, Corrine Faye 19891009 F Brown, Alvis Lee 19891017 M Brown, Odessa 19891121 F Brown, Clover Blossom 19891228 F Brown, Ethel Lee 19891229 F Brown-williams, Halloice 19890225 F Browning, Billye Mary 19890619 F Browning, Lela Mae 19891206 F Browning, Howard Robert 19891208 M Browning, Imogene Woods 19891211 F Brumbelow, Rinda Elaine 19890913 F Bryan, Wilma D. 19891224 F Buckner, Conway 19891222 M Bufford, Mary Louise 19890106 F Bullis, Helen Childress 19891231 F Bullock, Irwin Fraulein 19890324 F Bumgardner, Dorothy Virginia 19890514 F Bunn, John Robert 19890406 M Burks, Arnold Jackson 19890212 M Burleson, Curtis Albert 19890206 M Burnett, Howard Whaley 19890117 M Burnett, Junell 19890413 F Burnham, Edna 19891214 F Burns, Tessie 19890226 F Burns, Eddie Fay 19891018 F Burrows, Pat Hassell 19891014 M Burton, Mildred Frances 19891211 F Busby, Helen Faye 19891201 F Bush, Walter Eugene 19890309 M Bush, David, SR. 19891019 M Busing, Frederick Johaness 19890914 M Butler, Sam Willie 19890206 M Butler, Lawrence Scarborough 19890325 M Butler, Arlan Monroe 19890614 M Butler, Bettie 19890914 F Butler, Westley Odell 19891113 M Butterfield, Ruth Camilla 19891129 F Bynum, Maxie Wayne 19890814 M Byrd, Edwin Eagerton 19890328 M Byrd, Edith Darlene 19890529 F Byrd, Raymond Melvin 19891125 M Byrum, Gladys Virginia 19890630 F Cain, Sandra Nell 19890503 F Cain, Gus Winston 19890710 M Cameron, Robert Brown 19890928 M Campbell, Ruby F. 19890325 F Campbell, Johnny 19890502 M Campbell, Billy Ray 19890527 M Campbell, Lizzie Naoma 19890527 F Campbell, Georgie Lelia 19890922 F Campbell, Cora R. 19890930 F Campbell, Minnie Fay 19891011 F Campbell, Maggie 19891105 F Campinose, Gerald Frank 19890406 M Canady, Euna Marie 19890925 F Cannaday, Robert Howard 19890714 M Cannon, Alfred 19890318 M Cannon, Donald Eugene 19891205 M Cantrell, Nolan Rudolph 19891113 M Carey, Joseph Leon 19890704 M Carey, James Addison 19890815 M Carlyle, Mary Pauline 19891220 F Carpenter, Kittie 19890314 F Carpenter, Mary Belle 19891113 F Carroll, Otis H. 19890227 M Carson, Alma Florence 19891116 F Carter, Othor J.b. 19890103 M Carter, Julia 19890105 F Carter, George Gordan 19890203 M Carter, Charles Glenn 19890925 M Carter, Wendell Cone, SR. 19891005 M Carter, Eloise 19891007 F Carter, Dona Cornelia 19891009 F Carter, Raymond B. 19891207 M Castro, Arcadio Vega 19890217 M Cathey, Mildred Edith 19890628 F Cavender, Ola Belle 19891001 F Chacon, Mario Aroldo 19890607 M Chambers, Harry Smith 19891201 M Chamness, Gayle Lynn 19890925 F Chancellor, Lucy Georgia 19891208 F Chandler, James Elvin 19891027 M Chaney, Haskell Paul 19890506 M Chaney, Charlie Wayne 19890619 M Chaney, Dock 19890825 M Chatman, Charlotte Mae 19890311 F Chau, Davis 19890118 M Chavez, German Chavez 19890217 M Cheney, Halcie Larue 19890115 F Childres, Henry Pleas 19891227 M Childs, Nellie 19891121 F Chism, L. Z. 19890207 M Choate, Bernie Caldwell 19890503 M Christopher, Pearl Asalee 19890502 F Chubbuck, John William 19890512 M Chubbuck, Mary Ellen 19890719 F Cicero, Roland 19890303 M Clakley, David Green 19890914 M Clanton, June Avon 19890425 M Clanton, Mack 19890524 M Clark, Clyde Adison 19890728 M Claveran, Dorothy Ellen 19890212 F Clay, Neola 19891015 F Clayton, Carrie Avon 19890623 F Clayton, Leon 19890722 M Clements, Lola Mae 19890217 F Clemments, Salina Elizabeth 19891202 F Cleneay, Benjamin Bland 19891230 M Clerc, Philip Burton, JR. 19890517 M Cleveland, Myrtle 19890904 F Clifton, Modell 19890505 M Clucas, Joyce Alice 19890501 F Clyburn, William Travis 19890115 M Coats, Gladys Jean 19890531 F Cobb, Janoice Nan 19891024 F Coburn, Ida Alice 19890210 F Cockerell, Willie Jack 19890319 M Coffin, Harvey Lee 19891014 M Cole, Patricia 19890619 F Coleman, James Earl 19891108 M Coler, Clara Mary 19891007 F Coletti, Louella 19890813 F Collier, Frank Thomas, JR. 19890215 M Collier, Mary Louise 19890911 F Collins, James Hughie 19891003 M Collis, Phyllis Aline 19890319 F Combs, Cora Maude 19890728 F Conley, John Harold 19890224 M Conner, Jacqueline Marie 19890401 F Conner, Mary Blanche 19890402 F Conner, Phillip Arthur 19891124 M Conrad, Vera Routh 19890912 F Cook, Sue 19890131 F Cook, Marlene Mae 19890813 F Cook, Raymond Clarence 19890828 M Cook, Nancy Lucile 19891229 F Cooley, Lon 19890317 M Cooney, James Raphael 19890513 M Cooper, Mary Ellen 19890618 F Cooper, Roy Hollis 19891229 M Cope, Alberta Agnes 19890112 F Corcoran, Carrie Isabella 19890109 F Cornell, Helen Tee 19890416 F Costlow, Lillian Elizabeth 19890808 F Coughran, Clarence Edwin 19890906 M Coulter, Lawrence, JR. 19890626 M Cox, Clarette Lajean 19890306 F Cox, Stephanie Sue 19890722 F Cox, John Jackson 19890801 M Coxey, Harry B. 19890403 M Cozad, William Earnest 19891129 M Craft, Howard 19890210 M Craft, J. G. 19891217 M Craig, Wanda Delores 19890404 F Craig, James Frank 19891005 M Craig, Margaret Eleanor 19891109 F Cranmer, Donald L. 19891106 M Crawford, Samuel Zack 19890919 M Creacy, John Edward 19891226 M Creamer, Eloise Marjorie 19890318 F Creecy, Wilmer Ray 19890701 M Crim, Liggett Nicholas, SR. 19890203 M Crisp, June Jeanette 19890313 F Critchfield, Ida Mae 19890708 F Crockett, Annett 19890729 F Cronn, Cecil Archie 19890425 M Crook, Billy Jerry, SR. 19890329 M Crooks, James, JR. 19890401 M Crouch, Esther 19891027 F Crow, Charlie E. 19890108 M Crow, Joseph Bailey 19890603 M Crowley, Geneva Wanda 19890527 F Crownover, Perry Washington 19890902 M Crumby, Leslie Wayne 19890101 M Cruson, William Thomas 19890706 M Cruz, Manuel Hermosillo 19890916 M Cryer, Bernice Bonnie 19890126 F Culpepper, Ola Lane 19890829 F Culver, Willie 19890406 F Curbow, Leroy O., SR. 19890719 M Curlee, Clarence Lamar, SR. 19891214 M Currie, James Franklin 19890427 M Currington, Eliza 19891209 F Curtis, Helen Lucile 19890518 F Curtis, Joseph Albert 19890522 M Curvey, Rosie Mae 19890104 F Dallas, Margaret Louise 19890928 F Daly, Clifty Catherine 19890704 F Daniel, Grace Irene 19890118 F Daniel, Wilton Jeston 19890225 M Daniels, Webb Louis 19890307 M Daniels, Marva Lene 19890620 F Dansby, Thelma C. 19890518 F David, Gracie Lydia 19890216 F Davidson, Mildred Martha 19891002 F Davis, Dura S. 19890103 F Davis, Thomas William 19890123 M Davis, Arch, JR. 19890328 M Davis, Vester Brown 19890418 M Davis, Eugene 19890422 M Davis, Kittie May 19890424 F Davis, Billy Charles 19890502 M Davis, Joe B. 19890521 M Davis, Joe Elmer 19890604 M Davis, Ottie Mae 19890708 F Davis, Dale Bryant 19890709 M Davis, Ora Belle 19890826 F Davis, Verna Mae 19891005 F Davis, Nola Beth 19891006 F Davis, Ada Jewell 19891105 F Davis, Elizabeth 19891229 F Davlin, Lois 19891219 F Dawson, Weldon Crook 19890429 M Dawson, Arvel Theodore 19890513 M Day, William Charles, JR 19890830 M Day, Sylvia Lenora 19891230 F Deal, Susan Pauline 19891229 F Dean, Vernon L. 19890611 M Dean, Ollie Frances 19891230 F Degges, Edith Allene 19890902 F Denmon, Marvin Franklin 19890613 M Dennard, Eric Noble 19890227 M Derrington, Lillian Causey 19891216 F Deupree, Dorothy Evelyn 19890416 F Dey, James William 19891230 M Dick, Emma Lee 19891120 F Dickerson, Icy (louise) 19890509 F Dickey, Robert Irwin 19890205 M Dickey, Henry Earl 19890302 M Dickey, Robert John 19891001 M Diggins, Geless 19890706 F Dike, Annie Pearl 19890921 F Dilbeck, Locial Zenus 19890523 M Dimas, Saul Rivas 19890430 M Dimsdle, Oliver William 19891206 M Dingler, Chester Wayne, JR. 19890203 M Dixon, Raymond Ray 19890224 M Dixon, Melvin Jones, JR. 19890402 M Dodd, Chesley William 19890128 M Dodgen, Florence Deloy 19890123 M Doggett, Avis Pearl 19891213 F Dolan, John Joseph 19891122 M Dollahite, Ruth Virginia 19890416 F Dominy, Albert Howard 19890429 M Dooley, Norman Lewis 19890923 M Doores, Marjorie E. 19890209 F Dore, Willis Junior 19890611 M Dorsey, Margaret Louise 19890426 F Dorsey, Mary Richmond 19891119 F Dorst, Glenn Emmitt 19891205 M Douthit, Mary Elizabeth 19890117 F Dover, Thomas Ollie 19891029 M Dowle, Laura Mary 19890516 F Downing, Jim Loyd 19890525 M Doyle, Myrtle Esther 19890331 F Drake, Damon Baker 19890929 M Dressell, Adelia Grace 19890204 F Dudley, Dessie Junior 19890416 M Duffin, Percy Scholley 19891125 M Duncan, Mouzon, SR. 19890127 M Duncan, Lucy Jane 19890325 F Duncan, Thurman 19890527 M Duncan, Harvey Leonidas 19891001 M Duncan, Arthur Dennis 19891225 M Dunlap, Olga 19890905 F Durham, Carl 19890408 M Durrett, Lottie D. 19890813 F Dykes, Grace Ophelia 19891225 F Eaton, Oscar 19890808 M Eby, Eva Mae 19890604 F Echols, Charlsie Mae 19891115 F Edgar, James E. 19891120 M Edge, Robert Lee 19891031 M Edwards, Robert Lee 19890114 M Edwards, Ruby Lee 19890126 F Edwards, Willie, **** 19890721 M Edwards, Kirk Phillip 19890905 M Efurd, Diana Kay 19891009 F Eggert, Percy Jean 19890426 F Eilenberger, Ernest Lee 19891228 M Elder, Lonnie, JR. 19891214 M Elliott, Dick 19890723 M Elliott, Jewel A. 19890817 M Ellis, Emma Ray 19890317 F Ellison, Doris Marie 19890212 F Ellison, Virginia ''dollie'' 19890503 F Ellison, Jacob Connord 19890605 M Ellison, Drusilla Jane 19890606 F Ellisor, Otho Oran 19890716 M Emery, Lena Marie 19890301 F Emmons, Hazell Marie 19890307 F Emmons, Sidney Ray 19890528 M Epperson, Lila Matney 19890918 F Ervin, Gertrude 19890323 F Ervin, Bertha 19891230 F Erwin, Woodrow 19890308 M Erwin, Faye 19890324 F Eschberger, Willie Bertis 19890705 F Estabrook, Paul W. 19890612 M Estes, John Burnie 19890427 M Estes, Minnie May 19891130 F Evans, Vera Gertrude 19890829 F Everett, T. A. 19891106 M Everette, Bobby G. 19891015 M Everhart, Sylvia Mae 19891005 F Ewing, Mozelle Wilson 19890309 F Ezell, Robert Lee 19890510 M Fannin, Mary Opal 19891028 F Faulkner, Fred Parker 19890119 M Faulkner, Travis Marion, SR. 19890404 M Faulkner, Inez Viola 19891222 F Faust, Henry H. 19890602 M Faust, John Calvin 19891224 M Fears, Sudie Mae 19890624 F Featherston, Clayton 19890717 M Featherston, Bess 19890929 F Ferguson, Edith Geneva 19890401 F Ferguson, Naomi Beatrice 19890803 F Ferguson, Marcella Juanita 19890817 F Finch, Albert William 19890413 M Fincher, John W. 19890910 M Finn, Elizabeth Josephine 19890201 F Fisher, Jimmie Lee 19890410 M Fitzgerald, Otis Ray 19890430 M Fitzgerald, Jason Edwin 19891208 M Fletcher, Glena Faye 19891213 F Florence, Fay 19890128 F Florence, Neubert W. 19890518 M Florence, Patsy 19891113 F Flowers, Helen Beatrice 19890709 F Flowers, Mose 19890928 M Ford, Curtis Henry, SR. 19890201 M Ford, Leo 19890227 M Ford, Amos Lee 19890304 M Ford, Edwin Barry 19890307 M Ford, Josie L. 19890510 F Ford, Charlie Dalton 19891014 M Ford, Vera Lee 19891109 F Ford, Darrell Derrell 19891110 M Ford, Ola Joann 19891228 F Forister, Frances Marie 19891130 F Fort, James Mickey 19890611 M Fortner, Ruby May 19891111 F Foster, George Walter 19890228 M Foster, John William, JR. 19890717 M Foster, Ada 19890805 F Foster, Lucinda Matilda 19891011 F Francis, Joseph Stanley 19890208 M Franklin, Rufus 19890716 M Franz, Allie Mae 19890611 F Frazer, Louise 19890408 F Frederick, Della A. 19890103 F Freedman, Hattie 19890211 F Freeman, John Allen 19890915 M Freeman, John, JR. 19890925 M Fremgen, Roberta Lahr 19890103 F Fremgen, William E. 19890527 M Friday, Ethel Minnie 19890828 F Friedli, John Calvin 19891107 M Fritz, Lillian Ann 19891228 F Frizzell, Lillie Jim 19890218 F Fry, Nancy 19890528 F Fugate, Mary Elizabeth 19890430 F Fulgham, Florence Ethel 19891213 F Fullerton, Nila May 19890203 F Fulton, Olga Berry 19890601 F Gabbard, Isaac Carthal 19890508 M Galyean, Wilburn Horace 19891211 M Gandy, Grady Lee 19890722 M Garcia, Juana Marie Capatillo 19890729 F Gardner, Bernice T. 19890815 M Gardner, Maude Lanette 19890825 F Gardner, Robert 19890831 M Gardner, Mildred Zeller 19891115 F Garland, Helen Francis 19890306 F Garner, Cullie 19890228 M Garner, Willine Sides 19890722 F Garner, Della Vera 19891109 F Garno, Anna Bell 19891226 F Garrison, Lester Edward 19890930 M Gaston, Robert Edward 19890323 M Gates, Climmie 19891225 F Gattis, Nellie Pearl 19891025 F Gaut, Forest Herbert 19890326 M Geddie, Pearl Mae 19890110 F Gee, Lois Odell 19891013 F Geiger, Charles Walter 19890916 M Gentry, Gertrude Allen 19890115 F Gentry, Lillian Anna 19890430 F George, Bessie 19890106 F George, Margie Ophelia 19891103 F Gersch, Edwin Otto 19891012 M Geter, Eloise 19890809 F Gibbs, Lula 19890814 F Gibbs, Frances Evelyn 19891009 F Gibson, Monroe Alfred 19890117 M Gibson, Roy Leon 19890319 M Gibson, Worth Churchill 19891010 M Gilbert, Virginia Gellatly 19890528 F Giles, Eunice Jane 19890712 F Gilley, Estella Geraldine 19890313 F Gilmer, Coye Marlin 19891109 M Ginn, Ruth Anita 19890408 F Gipson, Mckinley, SR. 19890309 M Gipson, Ida Mae 19890322 F Gipson, Seymour 19890611 M Gipson, Horace 19890711 M Givens, Leonard Osborne 19890122 M Givens, Vernice 19890126 M Glascock, Frank Edwin 19891105 M Glaze, V. Ozella 19890313 F Glaze, Nolan Subaston 19890730 M Gleason, Mary Dee 19890502 F Gode, Robert Kenneth 19890905 M Godfrey, Nelsie Ray 19891019 M Goff, Russell Frederick, JR. 19890602 M Good, Rickie 19891021 M Goodgame, Paul Bonneau 19890626 M Goodman, Margaret L. 19890802 F Goodson, Festal Ferule 19891016 M Goodwin, John Joseph 19891114 M Goolsby, Carl Byron 19890804 M Gordon, Ocie Lee 19890904 F Gorman, Otho Penn, JR. 19890221 M Gorman, Joseph Averille 19890726 M Gossett, Vernell 19890201 F Gounah, Bertie Ann 19891117 F Grabbs, Mary Lucille 19890914 F Graham, Ada Lou 19890624 F Graham, Lydia Frances 19890726 F Graham, Dow C. 19891118 M Grant, Johnnie Morton 19890930 M Graves, Ruby May 19890720 F Gray, Jefferson Davis 19890830 M Gray, Lajoyce Deann 19891018 F Gray, Harrell 19891029 M Green, Aubrey, SR. 19890304 M Green, John L. 19890315 M Green, Eva Lena 19890707 F Green, Ruby Merle 19891022 F Green, Hughey Allen 19891225 M Greenberg, Isadore 19891005 M Greene, Harry Clay 19890730 M Greenwood, Linda A. 19890807 F Grier, Allie Artelle 19890125 F Grier, Audie O. 19890322 F Griffin, William Wallace 19890107 M Griffin, Bertha Ima 19890621 F Griffin, Fay Evelyn 19890819 F Griffin, Mary Helen 19891105 F Griffin, Vivian Rose 19891116 F Griffin, Charles Henry 19891212 M Griggs, Earl Taylor 19891002 M Grindle, Mable Jim 19890210 F Grubbs, Lonzo Jerome 19890627 M Grubbs, Jessie Carl 19891029 M Gulledge, Oleta 19890117 F Gunderson, Kenneth Olaf 19891126 M Guster, Don Gary, JR. 19890923 M Guthrie, Isiah Josiah 19890330 M Guthrie, Leonard Frank, SR. 19890521 M Gutierrez, Mario Eric 19890311 M Haak, Melvin Samuel 19891104 M Haden, Naomi Lee 19890902 F Hale, William Perry 19890707 M Haley, Lucile Jessie 19890805 F Hall, Elzenia 19890129 F Hall, Harry Reaves 19890131 M Hall, Bernardine 19890707 F Hall, Mabel Charlene 19891111 F Hallman, Leonard Earl 19891117 M Hallonquist, Charlie Cleo 19891117 F Hamb, Willaim Franklin 19890908 M Hambrick, Maggie Lean 19890412 F Hambrick, Vennie Lee 19891112 F Hamil, Wheeler Leroy 19890603 M Hamilton, Vivian Maurice 19890310 F Hamilton, Oma Adell 19890705 F Hamman, Stella Mae 19890203 F Hamman, George Washington 19890925 M Hammond, Billy Jack 19890816 M Hamon, Lorlie Mae 19890612 F Hampton, Lucile 19891119 F Hampton, Ruby M. 19891226 F Hamrick, Weldon Ryan 19890924 M Hancock, James Frank 19890815 M Hand, Starley J., SR. 19891209 M Hanna, Andrew Frank 19891017 M Hardaway, Jewel B. 19890707 M Hardy, Alice Rozella 19890523 F Hare, Weldon Thomas 19890208 M Hargis, Emma Bell 19890605 F Harlan, Ferdinand 19890807 M Harmon, Bertie Mae 19890508 F Harmon, Sharon Kay 19891013 F Harp, Donald Everett 19890310 M Harper, Sherman, SR. 19890504 M Harper, Ernest Franklin 19891129 M Harrelson, Helen Louise Meta 19890308 F Harris, Flora 19890212 F Harris, Ima Jeanne 19890220 F Harris, Esther M. 19890319 F Harris, Brenda Sue 19890322 F Harris, Candler Lloyd 19890331 M Harris, Dearl Q. 19890416 M Harris, Charlie Raymon 19890522 M Harris, Edna Geraldine 19890905 F Harris, Gussie Zethel 19890930 F Harris, Eutelle Saphrona 19891116 F Harris, Alonzo Wesley 19891201 M Harrison, Clara Janie 19890116 F Harrison, Dewey Phillip 19891028 M Hart, Jack 19890817 M Hartgraves, Rob Roy 19890131 M Harvey, Edna Christine 19890309 F Harvey, Bobby Roach 19890403 M Harvey, Harold William 19890525 M Harvey, Marvin Olen 19891122 M Hastings, Marshall Edwin 19891009 M Hataway, Jesse Crawford 19890910 M Hawk, Beatrice 19890307 F Hawkins, Barbara Ann 19890314 F Hawkins, Leon Thomas 19890420 M Hawkins, Grady Glover 19890430 M Hawkins, Charles William 19890907 M Hawkins, Leereese 19891112 M Hawkins, Moses 19891129 M Hawks, Cleora Mae 19890604 F Hawthorne, C. J. 19890202 M Hawthorne, Raymond 19890521 M Hayden, Delilah Mae 19891012 F Hayes, Tom H 19890706 M Hayes, Willie Odell 19891101 M Haynes, Ruth 19890426 F Haynes, Annie Lee 19890613 F Hays, Frank Lewis 19890831 M Hays, Mable Christine 19890831 F Hayter, Jessie, SR. 19890605 M Haywood, Edward Bill 19890917 M Hearn, Jowell Monroe, SR. 19891204 M Helms, James William 19890220 M Henderson, Odessa 19890119 F Henderson, Myrtle Grace 19890730 F Henderson, Clarence John 19890806 M Henderson, Gerald Le Moyne 19891002 M Hendley, Edwin Carnes 19891217 M Hendrix, Lucille D. 19890222 F Hennessee, James Thomas 19890219 M Henry, Gladys Earlene 19891116 F Herren, Ruth 19890921 F Herrin, Clyde Edward 19890915 M Herron, Bobby Mack 19891217 M Hervey, Janett 19890216 F Hewitt, Polly Ann 19890214 F Heyder, Arthur E. 19891121 M Hickman, Arthur Earl, JR. 19890330 M Higginbotham, Bertha Linda 19890101 F Higginbotham, Joseph Martin, III 19891126 M Highnote, Maggie Byrd 19890227 F Hightower, Sue Ann 19890302 F Hightower, Lucille 19890427 F Hilburn, Travis Dee 19891125 M Hill, Richard Dale 19890128 M Hill, Tamara Ann 19890216 F Hill, Sarah Elizabeth 19890308 F Hill, Jimmie Oliver 19890411 M Hill, George Elliott 19891019 M Hill, Elnora 19891102 F Hill, Harmon Horace 19891120 M Hilliard, Dillie Lee 19890126 F Hilliard, Charles Edward 19890306 M Hines, Stonewall Jackson 19890208 M Hines, Dennis Charles 19890604 M Hinshaw, Charlesa A. 19891129 F Hipke, Wade Zirrell 19890721 M Hitt, Gladys Clara 19890402 F Hobbs, Marion Edith 19890702 F Hobbs, Lela Malveron 19891206 F Hoenscheidt, Elizabeth June 19890313 F Hoffpowier, Adam, JR. 19891204 M Hogden, Bette Jane 19890526 F Holcomb, Nora Lee 19890624 F Holcomb, Walter Godfrey 19890928 M Holder, Buford Wilkins 19891216 M Holland, Eunice Lavelle 19891213 F Holley, James Samuel 19891114 M Holliday, Robie 19891114 F Hollister, Albert Wade 19890310 M Holloway, Janie 19890212 F Holloway, Harold Gene 19890226 M Holloway, Ida Loreene 19891026 F Holmes, Eunice 19891226 F Holt, Edward Garland, III 19890508 M Holt, Apsie 19891015 F Honeycutt, Fulton Carroll 19890429 M Hope, Billy Wayne, SR. 19890202 M Hornsby, William Guy 19890227 M Horrocks, Ray 19890926 M Horton, Trudy Faye 19891124 F Hoskin, Ruth Clyde 19890715 F House, Lauden 19891103 M Howard, Margaret 19891024 F Howell, Ireland Meridian 19890218 M Howell, Lucille 19890223 F Howland, Frank 19890705 M Hubbard, Rosa Ann 19890722 F Hubbard, Billie Wanda 19890807 F Huckeba, Wallace Thurman 19890128 M Huddleston, Ida Bell 19890923 F Huff, Raymond Ollie 19891014 M Huffines, Vernal Rice, SR. 19891220 M Huffman, Jerry Dean 19890101 M Hughes, Zelma Coye 19890127 F Hughes, Gerald Wayne 19890403 M Hughes, Billy Clyde 19890430 M Hughes, Aaron Winfred 19890831 M Hughes, Douglas 19890918 M Hughes, Frank Wake 19891207 M Hughs, Ruben 19890607 M Hull, Harry Richard 19891228 M Hullett, Homer Alton 19891130 M Humphrey, Marshal Gerome 19890314 M Humphrey, I. J. 19890315 M Humphrey, W. R. 19890717 M Hunt, James W. 19890531 M Hunt, Mary Lavillas 19890609 F Hunt, Garry Wayne 19890714 M Hurst, Mary Laudis 19890117 F Hurt, Jimmie Codelia 19890417 F Hyde, Horace Chilton 19890424 M Iafelice, Marjorie Marie 19890622 F Ibekilo, Elvie 19890728 F Iglesias, Margarito H. 19890518 M Iglesias, Eva S. 19890518 F Iles, Mattie Hugh 19890116 F Ingram, James T. 19890131 M Ingram, Natalie Sheri' 19890506 F Ingram, William H. 19890513 M Irvin, Hayden 19890302 M Irwin, Joan Marilyn 19891125 F Ison, Thalia Kate 19891211 F Ivey, Terry Lane 19891030 M Ivy, Harmon Roy 19890113 M Jackson, Evaunn Michelle 19890301 F Jackson, Linda Marie 19890328 F Jackson, Luther 19890425 M Jackson, Angela Dawn 19890425 F Jackson, Tollie 19890608 M Jackson, Geneva 19890726 F Jackson, Glenn Hardin 19890818 M Jackson, Billie Ruth 19890905 F Jackson, Rachel Lynn 19891014 F Jackson, Ollie J. 19891129 M Jackson, Jesse Thumm 19891201 M Jaeger, Mattie Anna 19890713 F James, Lillie Mae 19890507 F James, Pauline Virginia 19890521 F James, Doris 19890702 F James, Arrie 19890901 F James, Oral Lee 19891128 F James, George Fleming 19891227 M Jarman, Viola 19890306 F Jarred, Opal Marie 19891005 F Jarrell, Daisy Pearl 19891229 F Jefferson, Lula Texana 19890216 F Jeffries, Joseph Bowden 19891228 M Jenkins, Judy Nell 19891110 F Jeter, Joseph Allen, SR. 19890112 M Jett, Violette Mae 19890403 F Johns, Floyd Rufus 19890107 M Johns, John Billie 19891209 M Johnson, Edrow 19890104 M Johnson, Bertie Mae 19890116 F Johnson, Maggie 19890118 F Johnson, Jane Eleanor 19890120 F Johnson, Willie 19890130 M Johnson, James Robert 19890214 M Johnson, Cordia Frances 19890217 F Johnson, Arthur Curtis, JR. 19890307 M Johnson, Eddie Amanda 19890329 F Johnson, Alpha Bell 19890425 F Johnson, Deal Patricia 19890520 F Johnson, Patricia Faye 19890530 F Johnson, Trina Nadine 19890617 F Johnson, Clarence Henry 19890630 M Johnson, Cathryn Deloris 19890807 F Johnson, Lisa Diane 19890815 F Johnson, Ernal Jud 19890901 M Johnson, David Lee, SR. 19890910 M Johnson, Timothy 19890927 M Johnson, Boyd W. 19891020 M Johnson, Mary 19891107 F Johnson, Robert William 19891110 M Johnson, James Earl 19891203 M Johnson, Willard Wilton 19891203 M Johnson, Norris W. 19891216 M Johnson, Julia Mae 19891223 F Johnston, Robert R. 19890613 M Joiner, Ezra Elias 19891127 M Jones, Allie Pauline 19890129 F Jones, Eldridge Lowry 19890220 M Jones, Imoe 19890402 M Jones, Bessie Viola 19890430 F Jones, Mary Ethel 19890612 F Jones, Willie 19890629 M Jones, Louise 19890929 F Jones, Neather R. 19891116 F Jones, Alma H. 19891214 F Jordan, Charles Alvin 19890311 M Jordan, Mittie Ruth 19890407 F Jordan, Reuben Deloach 19890622 F Jordan, James Tully 19890830 M Joyce, Tommie L. 19891113 M Justus, Alvis Henry 19891121 M Kallerson, Melvin August 19890405 M Kay, Victor Polk, JR. 19890514 M Kee, Phillip Detho 19890912 M Keele, Benjamin Haton 19890605 M Kelley, Gordon Thomas 19891107 M Kelly, Ruby Lee 19890404 F Kelly, Leroy Louis 19890602 M Kelly, Christopher A'landris 19890927 M Kemp, Sam 19890213 M Kemp, Paul Michael 19891227 M Kendall, Jerome H. 19890118 M Kennedy, Howell Wesley 19890915 M Kennedy, Little Wade 19891003 M Kenslow, Luther Hopkins 19890613 M Kepner, Marjorie 19890321 F Kerallah, Adeeb Joseph, SR 19891204 M Kerr, Myrtle Mae 19890405 F Ketchum, Russell Lee 19891217 M Key, Gladys Eleanor 19890223 F Khan, Rose Mary 19890108 F Kilgore, Eula Mae 19891212 F Kilpatrick, Thelma Lee 19890111 F Kimberley, John C. 19890112 M Kimberley, Bob Eugene 19890214 M Kindsfather, Jake, SR. 19890323 M King, Robert C. 19890307 M King, Edythe Vivian 19890315 F King, Alice Belle 19890331 F King, Eula Bell 19890520 F King, Mattie Ola 19890624 F King, Rubye Isabell 19891007 F King, Charles Leslie 19891114 M King, Exie Mae 19891219 F Kinzy, Clyde Warren 19890625 M Kirby, Minnie Bell 19890425 F Kirkland, Jason Lee 19890123 M Kirkland, Bessie Ann 19891026 F Kirkpatrick, Eugene 19890127 M Kirkpatrick, Jimmie Mae 19890807 F Kiser, Doris Virginia 19890711 F Kitchings, Kenneth Nelson 19890812 M Kittrell, Olga 19890409 F Knight, Dewitt Dalton 19890214 M Knight, Sadie Lois 19890518 F Knight, Fred Carol 19890523 M Knight, Rayford Lee 19890629 M Knight, James Charles 19890827 M Knight, Wiley Byron, JR. 19890905 M Knight, Janet 19891008 F Knutson, Werdna Edith 19890129 F Knutson, Norman Oscar 19891210 M Kocurek, John William, JR. 19890102 M Kopp, Paul Joseph 19890622 M Kracht, Donald Ray 19890820 M Kunkel, Lorenz Victor 19891031 M Kyle, Dorothy Faye 19890106 F Lackey, Jeanne Amell 19890213 F Lacy, William Cecil 19890423 M Lacy, Opal Frankie 19891113 F Lacy, Rebecca Leigh 19891117 F Lamb, Elsie May 19890709 F Lamb, Nellie 19891106 F Lambert, Tom Ellis 19890623 M Laminack, Corrie Sue 19890331 F Lancaster, Margie 19890605 F Landers, Delana Louise 19890708 F Laney, Viola Mae 19890809 F Lanier, Patricia May 19890711 F Lankford, Martha Corine 19891117 F Lasater, John Bell 19890729 M Lasater, Margaret Evelyn 19890729 F Latham, Charles Crawford 19890730 M Latner, Howard Rogers 19890914 M Latner, Annie Lucille 19891009 F Lawrence, Mayo 19890531 F Layne, Nannie Jane 19890713 F Leach, Vina Lee 19890831 F Leath, Joseph David 19890516 M Lebl, Ethel Louise 19890805 F Ledbetter, Johnny Welton 19890712 M Lee, Hubert Dennis 19890210 M Lee, Scurry Henry 19890305 M Lee, Cole Edward 19890812 M Lee, Willie Dee 19891003 F Lee, Johnny Henry 19891014 M Leguizamo, Humberto D. 19890903 M Lemons, Charles Ray 19890810 M Lesuer, Garland Guy 19890810 M Levels, Johnnie B. 19891001 M Leverett, Irene Elizabeth 19890314 F Levine, Louis D. 19891015 M Lewellen, Annie Christine 19891229 F Lewis, Bessie 19890101 F Lewis, Cynthia Olean 19890128 F Lewis, Jeffrey Charles 19890324 M Lewis, Lottie Pearl 19890709 F Lewis, Mary Clotida 19890812 F Lewis, Robert E. Lee 19891112 M Lewis, Mildred 19891112 F Lidia, Shelby 19890511 M Ligon, Lyndale 19890526 M Lines, John Edmund 19890418 M Linton, Rachel Wilson 19890517 F Lipp, Marguerite Joyce 19890717 F Little, Dorothy Louise 19890702 F Little, Royal O. 19890917 M Littlejohn, Robert Henry 19890301 M Littlejohn, Joemimie 19890504 F Littleton, Hyramn Franklin 19890609 M Livingston, Edna Ruth 19890805 F Livingston, Hugh Alexander 19890908 M Lockliear, Hassie Mae 19890909 F Lofgren, Katherine M. 19890106 F Loftis, Percy 19890608 M Logan, Lila Mae 19891219 F Lollar, Sherrod W. 19890604 M Long, Addie Mae 19891108 F Long, Dollie Exa 19891230 F Longman, Walter A. 19891010 M Longton, Charles Albert 19891116 M Looney, Andy Willie 19890916 M Lopez, Maria Inez 19890820 F Love, Belbie Lindon 19891007 M Loveless, Nathan Cristifeur 19891008 M Lovell, Edward Gene 19890220 M Lovett, Eva S. 19891119 F Lovin, Clara Estell 19890724 F Loving, Thomas A. 19890321 M Loy, Herschel A. 19890123 M Luce, Joe Allen 19890714 M Lundberg, Ethel Christine 19890308 F Lyle, Nancy Ilean 19890618 F Maddox, Viola James 19890203 F Maddox, Prentice Wayne 19891005 M Madkins, John S. 19891130 M Magee, Edwin Earl 19891117 M Magers, James L., SR. 19890923 M Malone, Clyde Edwin 19890602 M Malone, Lewis, JR. 19890606 M Manson, James Walter, JR. 19890810 M Mapes, Mabel Isabell 19890403 F Marble, John Henry 19890922 M Marks, Dorothy Margaret 19891129 F Maroney, Herman 19890520 M Marshall, Catherine 19890119 F Marshall, Earlie B. 19890909 M Marshman, Merrill P. 19891006 M Martin, Isaac Wesley, SR. 19890111 M Martin, Hugh Edward 19890201 M Martin, Clifford Lee 19890330 M Martin, Lena B. 19890521 F Martin, Franceo Jane 19891222 F Martin, Clarissa Angeline 19891231 F Mason, Aubrey Lee 19890106 M Massad, Sandra Lee 19890202 F Massenburge, Loiselle 19890826 M Massey, George Edward 19890203 M Massey, Claudia Pearl 19890510 F Massey, Ann Louise 19890511 F Massey, John Randolph 19890629 M Massey, Elgie Mildred 19891225 F Mathews, Evelyn C. 19891210 F Matthews, Mary Eldora 19890610 F Mattox, Betty Jane 19891209 F Matuszewski, William Joseph 19891025 M Matuszewski, William Joseph, JR. 19891025 M Maxfield, Howard Sidney 19891107 M Maxwell, James Polk, JR 19890417 M Maxwell, Florence Alma 19890623 F May, Jessie Mae 19891016 F Mc Kinney, Amber Estelle 19890828 F Mcanally, Douglas Charles 19890427 M Mcbryde, Donald Calvin 19890707 M Mccann, Wayne Scott 19891225 M Mccarley, Oddist 19890407 M Mccarter, Georgia Caldonia 19890111 F Mccausland, Mabel 19891003 F Mcclenny, Rachel E. 19890930 F Mccollum, Don 19891209 M Mccomb, Marian 19890625 F Mcconnell, Opal Ruth 19890424 F Mccorkle, Ronald Lee 19890522 M Mccoy, Ernest Park 19890412 M Mccoy, Charlotte 19891113 F Mccoy, James Wesley 19891224 M Mccuen, Victoria 19891005 F Mccugh, Leotha Kathryn 19890422 F Mcdade, Johnnie Paul 19890531 M Mcdaniel, Ethel Lorene 19890402 F Mcdaniel, Jackie Eugene 19891205 M Mcdonald, Charlton Thomas 19890426 M Mcdonald, Jessie Doak 19891228 F Mcelfatrick, Clarence Downing, JR. 19890301 M Mcfaddin, Robert Otis 19890821 M Mcferran, Leon Norwood 19890127 M Mcgahey, Berdie Ethel 19890219 F Mcgahey, T. N. 19891010 M Mcgee, Solomon 19890119 M Mcgee, Velvin Earl 19890723 M Mcgill, Raymond M. 19890607 M Mcginnis, Leon 19890111 M Mcglaun, Linda Kay 19890227 F Mcgregor, Thomas Wesley 19891228 M Mcguffey, Opal Elizabeth 19890111 F Mcguire, James Douglas 19890714 M Mcinnis, Mattie 19890129 F Mckay, Leatha Frances 19890813 F Mckennon, Billy Jack 19891218 M Mckenzie, Bertha P. 19890101 F Mckenzie, Nikki Keiel 19890407 F Mckiddy, Edith Malvonia 19890825 F Mcknight, Dodie Eloise 19890120 F Mcknight, Nena 19890412 F Mclaughlin, Lenora Frances 19890209 F Mcleod, Charlie Joe 19890226 M Mcleroy, Imogene 19890309 F Mcmanus, Lalla 19890206 F Mcmillan, W. Raymond 19890718 M Mcmillan, Venora Campbell 19890901 F Mcmillin, Joe Tom 19890903 M Mcmullen, Laura Ruth 19890901 F Mcneal, Frank 19890118 M Mcnew, Glennie Lee 19891104 F Mcpherson, Barton Franklin 19891029 M Mcqueen, Nellie Agnes 19891206 F Mcquiggan, Robert A. 19890515 M Mcree, Vera Mae 19890819 F Meador, Emma Frances 19890428 F Meador, Mary Helen 19890710 F Meadows, Jackie Wayne 19891224 M Medley, Neva Claudine 19890412 F Meek, Claude Chester 19890416 M Meek, Mary Lula 19890825 F Meek, John Herbert 19890901 M Melady, Edwin Ball 19890313 M Mell, Milton Greer 19890419 M Melton, Faye Matilda 19890224 F Melton, Horace Edell 19890823 M Menefee, Lenn L. 19890513 M Messer, Ruth Martha 19890106 F Meyer, William Joseph 19891026 M Michael, Ida B. 19891108 F Middleton, Cecil George 19890429 M Miles, Cuba Helen 19890712 F Miles, Ernest William 19891227 M Miller, Jay Allen 19890528 M Miller, Lee Anne 19890708 F Miller, Henry 19890728 M Miller, Fredrick William 19890817 M Miller, Louill Bertrand 19890827 M Miller, Thelma Hollis 19890919 F Miller, Gladys Winnie 19891118 F Miller, Cleo 19891228 F Mills, Jerry ''o'' 19890507 M Mims, Ernest Percy 19890602 M Mink, Robert David 19890213 M Mink, Olga Marcus 19890317 F Mink, Nettie Eugenie 19891003 F Mitchell, Goldie 19890123 F Mitchell, Amanda Ann 19890130 F Mitchell, Kenneth Dale 19890605 M Mitchell, Thelma Lee 19891007 F Mitchem, Edward Rogers 19891105 M Mizell, Frances Allie 19891213 F Mongonia, Anthony 19890427 M Monigold, Mary Lou 19891229 F Montgomery, Clara 19891231 F Moody, Judy Rhea 19890716 F Moon, Lemuel Harold 19890223 M Moon, A. C. 19890810 F Moore, William Leonard 19890110 M Moore, Mima Elizabeth 19890207 F Moore, J. D. 19890410 M Moore, Alvis Ray 19890609 M Moore, Dorothy Erline 19890616 F Moore, Lloyd Cecil 19890806 M Moore, Lee Ella 19890817 F Moore, Ethel Ursula 19890831 F Moore, Lurline 19890918 F Moore, Gladys Gertrude 19891009 F Moore, Roy Lee 19891202 M Moore, Morris, JR. 19891208 M Moore, Ronny Windon 19891213 M Moore, Helen Minerva 19891224 F Moore, Agnes Lucille 19891227 F Moosberg, Janice Sanders 19890911 F Moreland, John 19890622 M Morgan, Mildred Jo 19890117 F Morgan, Gerald Alton, SR. 19890213 M Morgan, Laura Marian 19890405 F Morgan, Edna Marilyn 19890606 F Morgan, Mary 19890628 F Morgan, Leo 19890816 M Morris, Frances Jean 19890425 F Morris, Robert Donald 19890722 M Morris, Isabell 19891104 F Morrison, Lela Mozelle 19890403 F Morrison, Jimmie Fay 19890406 F Morrow, Wayne Calvin 19891020 M Morrow, Everett Keith 19891024 M Mosely, Elizabeth 19891115 F Mosley, David Wayne 19890105 M Mosley, Ambria 19891006 M Mosley, Mabel 19891229 F Moss, Janie Ruth 19890109 F Muller, Earl D. 19890131 M Mullican, Perry Carson 19890901 M Mumphery, Rickie Nelson 19890507 M Munden, James Nolan 19890102 M Munsinger, Madie Lee 19890512 F Murphrey, Jesse Carlton 19891109 M Murphy, Mary Lou 19890720 F Murrell, Loyd M. 19890225 M Myers, Hubert E. 19890605 M Nafziger, Frances Lavada 19891115 F Nail, Francis Olga 19890618 F Nail, Rebecca 19890824 F Neal, Leta Jo 19890525 F Neeley, Nell 19891220 F Nees, Louis Todd 19890825 M Nelson, Thomas Jefferson, JR. 19890228 M Nelson, Jessie Anna 19890615 F Nelson, Carolyn Louise 19890624 F Nemeth, Michael Del 19890106 M Nesmith, Robert Laban 19890927 M Newland, Winfrey Wade 19890923 M Newman, Gilbert 19890913 M Newsome, Vera Mae 19890513 F Niblack, Thomas Hunter 19890728 M Nichols, Lindsay Roscoe 19890531 M Nichols, Virgil Lee 19890619 M Nipp, Wayne Arlon, SR. 19891027 M Nix, Gladys Irene 19891108 F Nobles, Loyd Zachariah 19891203 M Nolen, Edna Leona 19890303 F Nolen, James Lonzo 19890615 M Norman, Helen Olive 19890629 F Norman, Virgil Emmitt 19891207 M Noundy, Ida 19890120 F Novak, Steven Michael 19890324 M Nugent, Clarence Lafayette 19891031 M O'neal, John E. 19890608 M O'neal, Jennifer Ann 19890713 F O'rear, Dorothy Jean 19890129 F O'steen, Vivian Sally 19891003 F Obar, Robert Kenneth 19891016 M Odom, Nash Kyle 19890403 M Odom, Minor Sherwood 19891117 M Ogden, Lovell Smith 19890622 M Ohnheiser, Kathryn Lea 19890213 F Oldham, Arlan Cone 19891107 M Oliver, Timothy James 19890413 M Oliver, Steve Wilson 19890429 M Oliver, James Claude 19890522 M Oliver, Willie Pauline 19890703 F Oliver, Clara Louise Woodward 19890909 F Olson, Oscar Lewis 19890226 M Owen, Lillie Frances 19890209 F Owens, Stephen Allen 19890505 M Owens, Joseph C. 19890919 M Oxford, Henry 19890709 M Ozment, Margaret Sue 19890421 F Ozment, Ruth Lee 19890620 F Pace, George Ray 19890628 M Padgett, Morgan Channing 19891206 M Paepke, Ludwig Henry 19890329 M Page, Henry Morrison 19890327 M Painter, Thomas Melvin, JR. 19890907 M Parker, Wesley 19890203 M Parker, Winnie Pearl 19890418 F Parker, Ben M. 19890507 M Parker, Beulah 19890526 F Parker, Dovie Elizabeth 19890623 F Parker, Norma Musgrove 19890905 F Parker, Frances Marie 19891031 F Parker, James Preston 19891111 M Parker, George Washington 19891121 M Parker, Lorena Mae 19891125 F Parmer, Pauline 19890308 F Parrish, Ricky Lynn 19891115 M Parsons, Cecil Blaine 19891207 M Partney, Walter Wyatt 19890605 M Passafuma, Phillip Eugene, JR. 19890612 M Paterson, Elizabeth Jean 19890208 F Patrick, Addie Lea 19890513 F Patton, John Nelson, JR. 19890711 M Patton, Steven Jay 19890918 M Payne, Grace 19890921 F Pearson, Charles Thomas 19890225 M Pelt, Larry Randall 19891115 M Penn, James Allen 19890807 M Perkins, Dorcie Henry 19890429 M Perry, Mary Lee 19890303 F Perry, Willie Robert 19890430 M Perry, Hubert Lee 19890519 M Perry, Nellie Joyce 19891224 F Perryman, Leon Earnest 19890914 M Pessink, Cora Nell 19890920 F Peters, Emogene 19890606 F Peterson, Marion Reidt 19890130 F Peterson, Katherine Marie 19890810 F Pettigrew, Mary Magdaline 19890424 F Phaup, Florie C. 19891108 F Phillips, James Robert 19890220 M Phillips, Thelma Marie 19890228 F Phillips, Ruthie Mae 19890928 F Phillips, Octavia 19891012 F Phillips, Ezra Arron 19891213 M Pickens, Katie 19890501 F Pierce, Malory 19890119 M Pierce, Connie Sue 19890715 F Pierson, William Harry 19890417 M Pike, Marlin 19890119 M Pinke, Leroy 19890429 M Pinson, Olen 19890721 M Pippin, Thomas J. 19891031 M Piqune, Luella Josephine 19890411 F Pitzer, Suzanne Elizabeth 19891209 F Plew, Pei-chang 19891208 F Poe, Bertha 19890203 F Porter, Pauline H. 19890211 F Portley, Mattie 19890108 F Portwood, Eudora Marie 19891203 F Posey, Ernest Hubert 19891202 M Potts, Manzell 19891221 M Powell, Willie David 19890114 M Powell, Duke 19890301 M Powell, Maryland Faye 19890320 F Powell, Ruby Ethel 19890506 F Powell, Mildred Christine 19890509 F Powell, Oma Dell 19890820 F Powell, Charles Kenneth 19890928 M Powell, Imogene Louise 19891225 F Powers, Dennis Billie 19890120 M Pribble, Charles Allen 19890124 M Price, Cheryl Diedra 19890521 F Price, Emma Faye 19890811 F Price, James Williard 19891023 M Price, Noah 19891116 M Pride, Rachel 19891208 F Prikkel, Marilyn 19890705 F Prince, William Walker 19890607 M Pritchard, Albert Benjamin 19890628 M Pritt, Anna Belle 19890714 F Procell, O. R. 19890722 M Pruett, William Fred 19890429 M Pryor, Obon Jane 19891202 F Pullum, Rufus 19890327 M Pullum, Fannie Mae 19890923 F Pulver, Nona Louise 19890419 F Pumphrey, Ray E. 19891013 M Purcell, Jack Oswin 19891228 M Pyeatt, Anna Viola 19891126 F Racanelli, Michael David 19891125 M Raibon, Amanda Evelyn 19890115 F Rains, Joseph Andrew 19890419 M Rainwater, David Harold 19890809 M Ralston, Violet Evelyn 19890314 F Ramey, Thurmal Jefferson 19891127 M Ramirez, Manuel Medina 19891105 M Rasmussen, Alzonia 19890702 F Rather, Lelia Stamps 19890517 F Ratliff, Donald Marion 19890318 M Ravelle, Georgia Frances 19890822 F Ray, Dorothy Jean 19890927 F Ray, Thomas A. 19891009 M Ray, Thelma Whisnand 19891026 F Ray, Walter Douglas 19891124 M Reagan, Beatrix Adkins 19890812 F Redden, Louis Hale 19890601 M Redding, Lorene Mae 19890506 F Reece, Evelyn 19890310 F Reece, Lauretta 19891025 F Reed, Mary Lavon 19890912 F Reeder, William Robert 19891117 M Reel, Mary Dean 19890412 F Reese, James Hubert 19890209 M Reese, Ernest H. 19890213 M Reese, Mary Alice 19890227 F Reese, Hattie 19891125 F Reeves, Carl L. 19890102 M Reeves, Mary Lea 19890304 F Reeves, Carl Lee 19890828 M Reeves, Hazel N. 19891007 F Reeves, Gertrude Angela 19891114 F Register, Arnett Larue 19891227 M Reitch, Marion Stirman 19890723 F Renfrow, Charles Ray 19891220 M Reynolds, Margaret Delois 19891001 F Rhea, Joe Edd 19890420 M Rhine, Leland Rinaldo 19890127 M Rhodes, Beatrice 19890127 F Rhone, Lee Ora 19890623 F Rich, Howard Horning 19890216 M Richard, Paul Edward 19890620 M Richards, Marjorie Pauline 19890408 F Richards, Annie Jewell 19891214 F Richardson, Savilla Cynthia Christi* 19890914 F Richey, Bonnie Audry 19890623 F Riddle, Donald Verne 19890317 M Riddle, Jessie Felix 19890619 F Riddle, Cleve Austin 19891118 M Rider, Matthew, SR. 19891114 M Riesel, Hettie Mae 19890214 F Riggins, Eva 19891231 F Riha, Beatrice Adele 19890206 F Riley, David Charles 19890315 M Riley, Edgar Foy 19890915 M Rinehart, Lee 19890329 M Ritter, Clyde 19890207 M Roach, Luther Wales 19891212 M Roberson, Mary Etta 19890129 F Roberson, Mattie Lee 19890214 F Roberson, Alice Magnolia 19890917 F Roberts, James Shackleford 19890111 M Roberts, Florence Marie 19890612 F Roberts, Gordon King 19891129 M Robertson, Willie Mae 19890116 F Robertson, Roy L., SR. 19890216 M Robertson, Leta Mae 19890501 F Robertson, Marshall Wilson, SR. 19891107 M Robinson, Grant Wilson 19890414 M Robinson, Isaac, JR. 19890509 M Robinson, Randall Lewis 19890622 M Robison, Emma Elizabeth 19890611 F Rodden, Raymond F. 19890315 M Roddy, Lola Bess 19890327 F Roden, Grady C. 19891115 M Rodgers, Beulah Maye 19890526 F Rodriguez, Ronchelle Denise 19890123 F Rodriquez, Rosalinda 19890223 F Rogers, Roxey 19890318 F Rogers, William James 19890502 M Rogers, Norma Lee 19891218 F Rogers, Fred Alexander, JR. 19891224 M Rollins, Maudine 19890115 F Roper, Blanche 19890222 F Rosas, Gregorio Baldazo 19890217 M Rose, Elyus H. 19890212 M Ross, Roger Joshua 19890424 M Ross, Joe Dean 19890824 M Ross, Erma Fay 19890831 F Rounsavall, Patricia Dale 19890417 F Rowan, Dirk Randall 19891103 M Roy, Paris Avery 19891214 F Rucker, Bertha Ann 19890316 F Rudd, Joel Eugene 19891205 M Rudman, Rose 19890624 F Ruhl, Richard W. 19890128 M Russell, Lella 19890916 F Russell, Herman Theola 19891122 M Rutledge, Edward 19890222 M Ryan, William James, SR. 19890211 M Saiz, Nina Sue 19891024 F Sammons, Sandra Kay 19890722 F Sampson, Hurshel B. 19891020 M Sanchez, Maria Angelica 19890525 F Sanders, Molissa Ellen 19890608 F Sanders, Dessie 19890913 F Sanders, Ola B. 19891002 F Sanders, Joe Sam 19891010 M Sanders, Gordon Curtis 19891125 M Sanders, Fount 19891204 M Sanders, Mary Edith 19891208 F Sanders, Floyd (shorty) 19891219 M Sapp, Lela Christine 19890817 F Sartor, James Homer 19890314 M Sarver, Dennis Wayne, JR. 19891012 M Satterwhite, Mary Imogene 19890630 F Sawyer, Felix Alton 19891225 M Saxon, Delton Wayne 19890219 M Sayles, Bettie Mae 19890201 F Sayre, Charles Dwight 19890316 M Schmidt, Ellen Rita 19890826 F Schmitt, Ardella 19891230 F Scogin, Peggy 19890524 F Scott, Samuel Hurley 19890108 M Scott, Gladys 19890205 F Scott, Arriene 19890305 F Scott, Doris Wynell 19890324 F Scott, Gregory Don 19890717 M Scott, Willie Dell 19890805 F Scott, Earl Dillard 19890809 M Scott, Gary Wayne 19891016 M Scott, Boyd 19891117 M Scott, Edward Wesley 19891221 M Scritchfield, Virginia Adrian 19891123 F Scruggs, Nellie Mae 19890315 F Scruggs, Anne Jo 19891230 F Scudder, Robert Vernon 19890425 M Seales, Vada Lou 19891123 F Self, Edward J. 19890916 M Selmon, Bennie Foster, SR. 19890911 M Sewall, James Aaron 19890618 M Shackelford, Charlie J. 19890220 M Shackleford, John Henry 19890111 M Shacklett, Tom 19890330 M Shafer, Charles H. 19891203 M Shands, Vernon Marie 19890112 F Sharp, Montie Louise 19890124 F Sharp, Billy Lavon 19890906 M Shaw, Harley William 19890702 M Shaw, Rayford Wylie 19891211 M Shelton, Walter Baldwin 19890912 M Sherwood, Jay Todd 19890724 M Shine, Annie Estella 19890213 F Shinn, Blair W. 19890119 M Shoemaker, James William 19890724 M Shoemaker, Thomas 19890926 M Shofner, Stella Ariena 19890924 F Shows, Lorraine 19891017 F Shtofman, Joseph 19891026 M Shuler, Lillian Marie 19890501 F Shuttlesworth, Miriam Rebecca 19890903 F Sibley, Johnnie Albert 19890206 M Simmons, Roten Clayton 19890422 M Simmons, Grady Hollis 19890527 M Simmons, Marvin Bain 19890805 M Simon, John Inf Of 19890408 M Simons, Donnie 19890928 F Simpson, Ruby Mae 19890310 F Simpson, Leatha Ann 19890313 F Simpson, Margie 19891227 F Singleton, Arthur Noah 19890420 M Sipe, Lois A. 19890703 F Sitterle, Elliott Eugene 19891229 M Skaggs, Charles Fletcher 19890930 M Skelton, James Glenn 19891005 M Skelton, Hoy Edward 19891114 M Slaughter, Mollie Sue 19891106 F Small, Ada Beth 19890716 F Smiley, Jack 19890111 M Smith, Donnie L. 19890101 F Smith, Arthur Joe 19890114 M Smith, Charles Ignatius 19890119 M Smith, Jake Marvin, JR. 19890208 M Smith, Artie Gray 19890213 F Smith, Ellis Leon 19890224 M Smith, Gladys Lucille 19890306 F Smith, Harold William 19890308 M Smith, Jack 19890316 M Smith, Desser Mae 19890404 F Smith, Violet Marie 19890404 F Smith, Stella Mae 19890408 F Smith, Robert Bernard 19890523 M Smith, Gordon Sylvester 19890618 M Smith, Wanda Gene 19890902 F Smith, Wright Arden 19890913 M Smith, Ocie Cecil 19891006 M Smith, Carl 19891021 M Smith, Marie Louise 19891106 F Smith, Carolyn Elizabeth 19891117 F Smith, Sara Jacquelyn 19891121 F Smith, Maudie Mae 19891221 F Smith, J. B. 19891229 M Smitherman, Wallace Leroy 19890512 M Smithey, Sarah Ellen 19890404 F Smyrl, Frank Herbert 19890728 M Snodgrass, Anton E. 19890512 M Socia, Olive Marie 19891016 F Sosa, Jose Fuentes 19890828 M Sosby, Florrie Mae 19890406 F Sowell, R. W. 19890123 M Sowells, James 19891213 M Sparks, Freeman 19890113 M Sparks, Curtis 19890216 M Spears, George Arthur 19890103 M Speights, Elsie Almeda 19891027 F Spier, Sunshine 19890118 F Spier, James Huey 19890704 M Spier, Vercella Causbian 19890901 F Spigner, Bulah Octavia 19890415 F Spivey, Reba Adel 19890417 F Spivey, Ruth V. 19890711 F Spivey, Angelien 19890823 F Sprabary, Ernest B. 19890121 M Sprayberry, Thomas Wayne 19890210 M Spruell, Lorene S. 19891026 F Spurrier, Leland Cleat 19890523 M Stack, Geraldeane 19890217 F Stading, Bobbie Sue 19890822 F Stallings, Lawrence Velton 19891120 M Stanford, Juanita Lucille 19890212 F Stanley, Ibera Countess 19890624 F Stanley, Bonnie Faye 19890716 F Starks, Alice Ruth 19890914 F Starks, Amanda 19890929 F Starr, L. P. 19890308 M Starr, Rosa Lee 19890904 F Steed, Hugh L 19891103 M Steele, Birdie Mae 19890416 F Steele, Kathy Ladell 19890521 F Steele, James Tullis 19890722 M Steelman, Cornelle Carnes 19890421 F Steen, Odessa 19890310 F Stephens, Pony Frank 19890506 M Stephens, Carolyn Joyce 19890803 F Stephens, George Nealy 19891119 M Stevens, Nettie Marie 19890108 F Stevens, John Wiley 19890707 M Steward, Dorothy Faye 19890620 F Stewart, Roy William 19890118 M Stewart, Paul 19890804 M Stewart, A. W. 19890806 M Stidham, Ottie Frances 19890325 F Stiefer, Marion P. 19890403 F Still, Patsy Sue 19891026 F Stinson, James Drayton 19890429 M Stockton, Alberta Norton 19890925 F Stoelting, Kaethe Lucie Alice 19890828 F Stone, Tenna Elizabeth 19890414 F Stowers, Mildred Lamadge 19890111 F Strange, Gloria Avarine 19890805 F Strode, Mary Jane 19890919 F Stroman, Lois Louise 19890225 F Stuart, Wallace A. 19891112 M Stuart, Hilda Evelyn 19891225 F Stucker, George Raymond, SR. 19890123 M Suiter, Rose Marie 19890215 F Sullivan, Carroll Linwood 19890707 M Sullivan, Alvis 19891109 M Summers, Joseph 19890203 M Summers, Dorothy Pauline 19890227 F Sumner, Tina 19890715 F Sustaire, William Lester 19890224 M Swann, Charlie Tommie 19890730 F Swinney, Zelma S. 19890128 F Sword, Cecil Edward 19891125 M Tackett, Willis Otis 19890217 M Tallman, Inabelle 19890219 F Tant, Elmus Bert 19890616 M Tarver, Carlie 19891124 F Tatum, Eula Fannie 19890712 F Taylor, Earl Alton 19890114 M Taylor, Marie 19890131 F Taylor, Zodie A. 19890131 F Taylor, Arthur Joe 19890219 M Taylor, Robert Lee 19890220 M Taylor, Alpha 19890309 F Taylor, Cornelius Henry 19890322 M Taylor, Olivia Kennedy 19890427 F Taylor, Clayton Henry 19890627 M Taylor, Daniel C., SR. 19890629 M Taylor, Murphy Dewayne 19890731 M Taylor, Birtie May 19890808 F Taylor, Priscella 19890913 F Taylor, Harvey Kimble 19891005 M Taylor, Thomas Alfonza 19891015 M Taylor, Claude Mcclellan 19891130 M Teasdale, Clarence 19890314 M Tedder, Ivy 19890804 F Teel, Ruby 19890111 F Tennyson, Cecil 19890121 M Tennyson, Wardell 19890207 M Terrell, Willie Frank 19890828 M Terry, Heloise Linette 19890804 F Terry, Marshall Freeman 19891120 M Tetherow, Minnie Mae 19890705 F Thigpen, Wanda Jean 19890727 F Thomas, Willie 19890122 M Thomas, Marcia 19890326 F Thomas, Iva Irene 19890328 F Thomas, Charles Spencer 19890702 M Thomas, Sarah Agnes 19890729 F Thomas, Martha Ann 19890802 F Thomas, Leo Eugene 19891109 M Thomas, Mary Kathryn 19891113 F Thomas, Lucille 19891214 F Thompson, William R. 19890113 M Thompson, Edris Marie 19890118 F Thompson, Ernest Aubrey 19890123 M Thompson, Lavona 19890204 F Thompson, Ivy Flay 19890217 F Thompson, Catherine Audrey 19890308 F Thompson, Claudia Mae 19890509 F Thompson, Lester 19890907 M Thompson, Thomas Loye 19890916 M Thompson, Evelyn Mae 19890927 F Thompson, Ida Mae 19891002 F Thompson, Margaret M. 19891006 F Thompson, Joseph Ward 19891023 M Thompson, Margaret I 19891111 F Thorn, Lillie Mae 19890414 F Thurman, Elbert Wilson 19890611 M Thurman, Jack Loyd 19890923 M Tillery, Dorothy Josephine 19890217 F Tillery, Wendell Marshall 19891021 M Tillery, Elsie Mable 19891029 F Tilley, Elbert 19890102 M Tilley, Henry 19890313 M Timmons, Sallie Frank 19890415 F Timmons, Thelma 19890924 F Tiner, Glenda Joann 19890901 F Tingley, Ada G. 19890703 F Tingley, Billie Mae 19891005 F Tinkle, Robert Lee 19890101 M Tinsley, T. O. 19890916 M Tipton, Cora Helen 19890219 F Tirrell, Willard Harold, JR. 19891213 M Tittle, Julia G. 19891114 F Todd, Harold Christopher, SR. 19890410 M Tolbert, B. B. 19890217 M Tolleson, Frances 19890104 F Tomlinson, Myrtle Opal 19890522 F Tomme, Mary Lee 19890712 F Tompkins, Inez Juanita 19890504 F Tompkins, Allie Bert 19890911 F Topping, Rex Alvin 19890712 M Torrans, Claude Ward 19890925 M Toten, Grace Marie 19891229 F Toth, Fannie Belle 19891003 F Townsend, Carl Lee 19890517 M Trammell, Kenneth Lawrence 19890331 M Trammell, Jean Elizabeth 19890429 F Trammell, Jean Hosford 19890821 F Travis, Mildred Loesta 19891201 F Traweek, Hugh Clinton 19890217 M Treadaway, Lela Marie 19890318 F Truong, Chieu Cong 19891229 M Tucker, April Ranee 19890104 F Tucker, Daisy 19890228 F Tucker, John Walter, SR. 19890424 M Tucker, James Arlin 19891016 M Tumey, Charles Payton, SR. 19890127 M Tunnell, Richard 19890702 M Tupper, Robert Edward 19890408 M Turlington, Alvin Curtis 19891013 M Turner, Minnie Lou 19890110 F Turner, John Waterloo 19890121 M Turner, Bonnie Estelle 19891027 F Tutt, William O. 19890210 M Tuttle, Helen Joy 19891229 F Tyler, Floyd Gene 19890622 M Tyler, John Ellis 19891109 M Tyner, Deward William 19891229 M Usrey, Winfred Paul 19890218 M Vail, Gracie Postell 19890701 F Van Cleave, Lola Kate 19890111 F Van Wagner, Elizabeth 19891009 F Vance, Dave Louis, JR. 19890608 M Vanover, Wanda Lou 19890501 F Vaughn, Alberta Pauline 19890511 F Vaughn, Louise H. 19891108 F Vaught, Harold Ephriam 19891204 M Veach, Mae Priscilla 19890310 F Venson, Donald Ray 19890928 M Verhetsel, Robert Gerald 19890905 M Vickers, Pink Henry 19890126 M Vickers, Gary Don 19890309 M Vickers, Otis 19891212 M Vickery, William Jodie 19890530 M Vickery, Hans 19890715 M Vittorio, Michael 19890128 M Von Arx, Carl Albert 19890501 M Voss, Herman 19890114 M Voss, Donald Anton 19890709 M Wade, Frederick Lamont Lewis 19890819 M Wagester, Craig 19890612 M Wagoner, Beulah 19890115 F Wagoner, Andrea Latrelle 19890930 F Wainwright, Wilma Mae 19890322 F Waits, Mary Dean 19890529 F Waits, Falvey Preston 19891224 M Waldrop, Jasper Floyd 19890119 M Walker, Frank, JR. 19890107 M Walker, Andrew Lee 19890108 M Walker, Jesse Clay 19890215 M Walker, Sam Horace, JR. 19890218 M Walker, Oren Earl, JR. 19890323 M Walker, Herman Andrew 19891025 M Walker, Lula 19891030 F Walker, Mardell Nathan 19891031 M Walker, Willie Mae 19891217 F Wallace, Ruby Etna 19890425 F Wallace, William 19890822 M Wallace, Grady Wilson 19890901 M Wallace, Nancy 19891123 F Wallace, Delia 19891223 F Walling, Foy Edwin 19890624 M Walls, Joseph Randolph 19890822 M Walton, Myrtle 19890101 F Ward, Willis Wesley 19890301 M Ward, Margie Okla 19891004 F Warren, Leo Brady 19890403 M Warren, Ethel 19890529 F Warren, Bessie Mae 19890726 F Warren, Harvey Eugene 19890916 M Warren, Josephus 19891217 M Warrick, Ruby Victoria 19891018 F Washington, Thomas 19890308 M Washington, Wavely 19890327 M Washington, Alonzo Lee 19890911 M Waterland, Flora Anna 19890401 F Waters, Minnie Ellen 19890113 F Watkins, Emmett Bruce 19890705 M Watson, Audra Jewell 19890213 F Watson, Dora Etta 19890612 F Watson, Florence 19891023 F Watson, John Roy 19891125 M Weaver, Wyness Elizabeth 19891011 F Webb, Thomas Edward 19890501 M Webb, Martha 19890617 F Webb, Charles Lee 19891213 M Wedgeworth, John William 19890920 M Wehrle, Gertrude Louise 19891103 F Welch, Louie Glen 19890701 M Welch, Annie Pearl 19891031 F Wells, Max Ray 19890225 M Wells, Winnard Douglas, JR. 19890315 M Wells, James Harold 19890902 M Welsh, Marian M. 19890724 F West, Molly Jess 19890129 F West, Leland Edward 19890616 M West, Grace Maude 19890804 F Wheeler, Rebecca Sue 19890304 F Wheeler, Lynda Claire 19890522 F Whisenhunt, Fannie C. 19890726 F Whitaker, Woodrow Wilson 19890326 M White, Ruth T. 19890101 F White, Leonard 19890625 M White, Sally Mildred 19890705 F White, Corrine Marie 19890926 F White, William Gordon 19891001 M White, Harvey Elgen, JR. 19891015 M Whitmill, Jerry Jeremiah 19890130 M Whittington, Margaret 19890718 F Whittlesey, Alice Elizabeth 19890330 F Whittlesey, William Richard 19891201 M Whitus, John Ruben 19891017 M Whyte, Albert Robson 19891126 M Wilabay, Amos Wesley 19890411 M Wilbanks, William Lawrence 19891113 M Wilbourn, Henry Wesley 19890306 M Wilburn, Addie Mae 19890515 F Wilder, Warren Arthur 19891030 M Wiley, Edison George 19890610 M Wilkerson, Henry Alfred 19890409 M Wilkerson, Peggy Gilbert 19891127 F Wilkins, Pearl 19890310 F Wilkinson, Esther Ruth 19890503 F Wilkinson, Heloise Elizabeth 19890610 F Wilkinson, Gerald L. 19890825 M Williams, Leta Belle 19890113 F Williams, Martha 19890120 F Williams, Nathan Ray 19890226 M Williams, Thomas Vance 19890302 M Williams, Juanita Ellen 19890316 F Williams, Erma Jean 19890524 F Williams, Donald Lee, SR. 19890619 M Williams, Rube 19890713 M Williams, Thomas Vinson 19890715 M Williams, John Earl 19890819 M Williams, Dillie Mae 19890901 F Williams, Myles Guinn 19890911 M Williams, James L. 19891017 M Williams, Marva Beth 19891018 F Williams, Robert Leon 19891020 M Williams, Ella Mae 19891223 F Williams, Obie 19891224 M Williams, Sam Quilla 19891224 M Williamson, Nathan Forrest, SR. 19890112 M Williamson, James Claude 19890224 M Williamson, William Carey, SR. 19891129 M Williford, Mitzi Colleen 19891104 F Willingham, Robert Wayne 19890130 M Willis, Ollie Dale 19890417 F Willis, Agbert Amacy 19890528 M Willis, Harold Bullock 19890706 M Willis, Harry Roland 19891203 M Willoughby, George Mcwilson, SR 19890427 M Wilshire, Clatus Ezell 19890416 M Wilson, Easter Emily 19890124 F Wilson, Cecil, SR. 19890303 M Wilson, Mildred Louise 19890305 F Wilson, William Grant 19890308 M Wilson, Woodrow Hilliard 19890310 M Wilson, Judith Miller 19890404 F Wilson, Hazel Lee 19890409 F Wilson, Michael Clifford, SR. 19890416 M Wilson, Frank Patrick 19890508 M Wilson, Princess 19890620 F Wilson, Wade Stewart 19890621 M Wilson, Joshua Farrington 19890717 M Wilson, Otilla 19890727 F Wilson, Elstein 19890812 F Wilson, Asia 19890929 M Wilson, Jack Ferrell 19891127 M Wilson, Mary Lou 19891224 F Wimberley, Norris Adron, JR. 19890512 M Wimpey, Ernest Leon 19890728 M Winans, Donald 19890619 M Winkles, Ruby Myrtle 19890324 F Winton, Vera 19890602 F Wintters, Lena Mae 19890330 F Wise, Kenneth Lee 19890513 M Wise, Watson William 19890909 M Woerner, Earl Richard 19890503 M Wofford, Roosevelt 19890618 M Wolever, Donald Lee 19890528 M Wolfe, Herman C. 19891017 M Womack, Bernice Adaline 19890820 F Wood, Cora Eliza 19890115 F Wood, Alvis Olan 19890122 M Wood, Robert Louis 19890318 M Wood, William Ernest Duke 19890511 M Wood, Marcus D. 19890816 M Wood, James Edward 19890923 M Wood, Georgia Kea 19891027 F Woodall, Tommie Hazel 19891125 F Woodfin, Eunice Loraine 19890429 F Woodruff, Carrie Elizabeth 19890709 F Woods, Ruben Franklin 19890514 M Woods, Brady Allen 19890814 M Woods, Noah Spurgeon (pat) 19891117 M Woods, Wesley T. 19891127 M Woods, Mitchell Von 19891127 M Woodson, Lucy Mae 19891020 F Wooley, Klyne W 19891112 M Work, Thelma Phime 19890111 F Wright, Mildred Tommie 19890305 F Wright, Ellis Leon 19890609 M Wright, Ardie Ozella 19890628 F Wright, Zachary Taylor 19890716 M Wright, Verna A. 19891019 F Wristen, Lancelot Dackery 19891107 M Wygant, Eleanora Marie 19890929 F Wynn, Patrick Claborn 19890201 M Wynn, Eldon Granada 19890327 M Yancy, Joe Bailey 19890310 M Yancy, John Henry 19890901 M Yancy, Dollie Louise 19891107 F Yandell, Myrtle A. 19891205 F Yarbrough, Susie 19890113 F Yarbrough, Willie 19890227 M Yarbrough, Cicero 19890916 M Yarbrough, Francis Allen 19890919 M Ybarra, Luciano Jaramillo 19891024 M Yeager, Pearl 19890311 F Yielding, Emily Jeanne 19891108 F York, Frances Guanell 19890226 F York, Truman A. 19890318 M Young, Georgia 19890103 F Young, Noble Ernest 19890308 M Young, Missouri Cordy 19890311 F Young, Grady Loren 19890618 M Young, Aldia Clayton 19890906 M Young, Idonia 19891119 F Youngs, Wilbur Roscoe 19890610 M