MARRIAGES: From the Texas Christian Advocate, 1876-1889 - Smith County, TX Submitted by Vicki Betts 1 January 2003 Copyright. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************** Smith County Marriages TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE 1876-1880 Askew - Wood Beaird - Thompson Bradshaw - Knowles Gilbert - Lyon Henderson - Brinley Lake - Jacobs Polleys - Peeples Reilly - Featherston WASHINGTON [ARK.] TELEGRAPH, December 23, 1863 Married, on the 5th inst., by Rev. N. P. Moore, Miss Carrie M. Peeples, of Arkadelphia, to Captain G. S. Polleys, C.S.A. of Tyler, Texas. HOUSTON TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, February 22, 1865, p. 3, c. 2 From the Tyler Journal. MARRIED.—In this city, on the 26th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Curtis, Mr. Rennesalaer Reed Gilbert to Miss Louella Lyon, all of Houston.— Telegraph. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS REPUBLICAN [MARSHALL], July 10, 1868, p. 2, c. 5 The Tyler Index contains five marriage notices. Among them is that of Mr. B. W. Reilly, the publisher of that paper, to Miss Elizabeth R. Featherston. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DALLAS HERALD, February 12, 1870, p. 2, c. 3 An amiable daughter of our friend Hon. S. D. Wood, of Tyler, was recently married to the man of her choice. Joy and Love and Peace and Happiness ever bee with her who was lately Miss Wood, but is now Mrs. Mary E. Askew. May each ever be able to say to the other, in the words of Mrs. Osgood: "Ah! could you look into my heart, And watch your image there! You would own the sunny loveliness Affection makes it wear." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, March 25, 1874, p. 13, c. 2 Lake—Jacobs.—Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, with the Methodist Church, Protestant—On March 12, 1874, at the residence of the bride's father, in Smith county, Texas, by Rev. Wm. A. Smith, the Rev. Daniel T. Lake, of the Trinity Conference, Garden Valley circuit, to Miss Emma Jacobs, member of the Methodist Church, Protestant. May their sea be ever calm, And zephyrs gentle waft them tow'rd the brighter shore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, April 3, 1875, p. 5, c. 3 Henderson—Brinley.—On the evening of the 21st of March, 1875, at Church, in Troupe, by the Rev. H. M. Booth, Mr. F. P. Henderson to Miss E. G. Brinley. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DALLAS HERALD, October 24, 1874, p. 1, c. 5 Last Thursday morning, our junior, Mr. L. H. Beaird, and the beautiful and accomplished Miss Ella Thompson, were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Dr. Stribling.—[Tyler Democrat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, January 22, 1876, p. 4, c. 6 From Bro. S. W. Turner, Tyler, Jan. 14.—"I rode out a few miles into the country yesterday afternoon to celebrate the rite of matrimony between Mr. J. T. W. Bradshaw and Miss Johnnie F. Knowles, both of Smith county, at the residence of the bride's mother—a worthy member of our church at Jamestown. I had a most delightful trip for myself, and as a result of a small effort for you and the dear ADVOCATE while out, I send you three subscribers.