Tarrant Co., TX - Schools: 1926 Parrot, Yearbook of Polytechnic High School, Fort Worth, Texas ****************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ****************************************************** 1926 Parrot, Yearbook of Polytechnic High School, Fort Worth, Texas The following students and faculty from Polytechnic High School are pictured in the 1926 Parrot. They are listed in order of family name, given names and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman), if that information is provided. For further yearbook information you are welcome to contact: Agerton, Myrna, fac Akins, Wyatt, sr Anderson, Clifford C., sr Angel, Stelita Ansley, Lois, sr Armstrong, so Austin, so Aves, fr Bailey, Audie, sr Baird, Ruth, so Baker, Ethel, fac Barclay, Mary, fac Barnett, jr Bassett, so Bateman, Helen Elizabeth, sr Bavasett, Alma, sr Bearden, Lera, sr Beaumont, Patricia, fac Bethany, Sparks Billingsly, jr Boone, Harry Jeanne, so Bowers, fr Boyer, Beatrice, fac Boykin, Joe, fr Bradford, Jasper, jr Bradford, so Bradford, Irene, sr Bradshaw, fr Bradshaw, Harvey, sr Branham, Hurley Branham, Velma, sr Bransford, Orland, so Bullock, Margaret, sr Bullock, Maurice, fr Burgess, fr Burkett, Edna, fac Burleson, Harold, sr Butcher, jr Cain, Kathleen, sr Caldwell, Nell, sr Caldwell, Rachel, fr Callan, Chalmers, sr Campbell, so Capers, Agnes, sr Caperton, fr Caraway, jr Carruth, Lonnie, jr Carter, Evelyn, sr Cathey, Elsie, fac Cawley, Hugh, fr Christopher, jr Chism, Flossie, sr Collard, Ben, sr Collins, jr Collins, fr Colvin, Maude, fac Conly, jr Cooper, Doris, jr Cooper, Frank, sr Cooper, Nedra, sr Cosby, fr Covey, Esther, sr Covey, Wilma, sr Cox, fr Crawford, Robert E., so Crist, so Crites, E. D., fac Crites, Nedra, so Crossley, fr Crouch, Paul, sr Crouch, Raymond Lee, sr Curlee, Paul Currie, Robert E., sr Dalrymple, Anna B., sr Dalton, Hallie Joe, sr Davis, fr Dedmon, so De Raine, so Dickinson, Mrs., fac Dickinson, William H., sr Dimock, fr Dimock, William, sr Dixon, so Dodson, so Donaldson, fr Duke, Edythe, sr Ellis, Tressye, sr Emmons, John S., jr English, Aline, sr Erwin, Richard, sr Essex, Mary, jr Estes, so Eubanks, Tillman, sr Eury, Roy Evans, fr Evans, C., jr Evans, E., jr Evans, Ruth, sr Everidge, Virginia Belle, sr Ewell, Alice, sr Feemster, Reba Mae, sr Ferguson, jr Fisk, so Flynn, Albert, sr Francis, fr Frantz, Nellie, sr Galloway, fr Gammage, so Gardner, jr Garland, Madison W., sr Garrett, Cecil A., fr Garrison, Corinne, jr Garrison, Maybelle, sr Gaston, Jessie, so Gay, so Gibbs, fr Gilbreath, Ura, sr Gilliam, fr Gilmer, Helen, sr Glenn, Velma Glickman, Alex, jr Green, Lucille, sr Gregg, Irene, sr Griffin, Geneva, fr Grogan, so Gunn, Earnest E., jr Habern, Catherine, sr Hagood, so Hagood, J., so Hale, Mrs., fac Hall, Roland R., jr Hall, so Hall, Helen, fr Hall, Nannie Lou, sr Halliday, Alfred, sr Halsey, so Hardin, fr Harris, so Hawkins, fr Heflin, Bertrand, sr Hewitt, J. W., sr Hightower, Cato, sr Hightower, Johnye, sr Hill, Laura, fac Hiner, Mary Lou, jr Hinton, J. W., fac Hodges, fr Hodges, Irene, sr Holden, G. M., fac Hollis, Frances, sr Hooper, jr Hooper, so Hornsby, Justus L., fr Huddle, Alma, sr Irvine, Margaret, sr Isabel, fr Isabell, I. I., fac Isely, Frederick, so Isely, Ralph D., sr Ivy, Furman, sr Ivy, Lola Mae, sr James, so Jenkins, Nina Ruth, so Johnson, jr Johnson, Mildred, sr Johnston, so Johnston, fr Jones, Mabel Thorpe, fac Jones, Mary Helen, fac Keeton, Rachel, sr Keith, Hyram Keith, Robert, so Keith, T. A., fac Kenelly, Everett, sr Kerr, fr Kight, H. M., sr Killian, Malcolm, sr Kirby, fr Kirby, Maggie Belle, sr Lane, Lila, sr Lard, Edward K., so Latimer, Elsie Scott, jr Latimer, so Lawless, Billie, sr Lawless, Jessie, sr Leath, James M., so Lee, so Leissner, F. F., fac LeSage, Wesley, sr Lewis, Ann, fac Ligon, fr Lindsey, Frank, sr Lipscomb, Josephine, sr Long, jr Lotspeich, fr Louis, so Macklin, fr Manning, Boyd, sr Manning, Winnie D., sr Marshel, fr Martel, jr Martel, so Martel, Maurine, fac Martin, fr Mashburn, fr Mason, James, jr Massey, Cora Maye, sr Maxwell, F. W., fac May, so McAfee, so McBride, fr McDaniel, fr McDaniels, so McGee, fr McKenzie, Helen Lurlene, sr McKibben, Dora, fac McLane, Florence Meade, jr Medford, Virginia, sr Mehay, jr Meissner, Ruby, sr Meyners, Vivian, sr Miles, Oscar K., jr Miller, Edwina, fr Milrany, Howard, sr Minton, Dalton, so Montgomery, jr Moody, so Moody, Annie, sr Moore, Margaret, sr Morton, Clinton, sr Morton, Marvin, sr Murchison, Ella, fac Murphy, so Nabours, Vela Mae, sr Neal, Gerard, fr Newberry, fr Newell, R. V., sr Nichols, Evelyn, sr Noble, fr Oliver, Marguerite, sr Oliver, Richard, so Orr, Ida, sr Owens, so Pampell, Vernon, sr Park, Leota, sr Parker, Harold, sr Parker, R. M., fac Pendleton, Margaret, sr Perkins, so Phelps, so Phelps, Mary, sr Phillips, Kate, sr Pickard, Charlotte, sr Pickard, Vivian, sr Pittman-Wright, Peggy, fac Plunkett, Janie Dee, sr Powers, Shive, sr Pratt, so Prude, so Puckett, jr Pulliam, Effie Jean, so Racuquo, jr Rawlings, Katherine, so Ray, Geraldine, sr Record, Leown, sr Redmon, so Reeder, Maurine, sr Reeves, Ted F., fac Reigle, Harold, sr Rhodes, Mildred, sr Ridings, Dorothy, sr Riggle, Helen, sr Robbins, Lowell, sr Roberson, Eunice, sr Roberts, Mildred, fac Roland, so Ross, Benetta, sr Ross, T. A., fac Russell, Elizabeth, sr Russell, Robbie, sr Russell, Ruby, sr Rutherford, Raymond, so Rutledge, Regan, jr Salmon, jr Sander, Calvin, jr Sargent, Gertrude M., fac Schillings, Jessie, fac Schlinker, fr Schneider, jr Senter, so Sharp, fr Shaw, Lorene, sr Sheppard, Enola, fac Simmons, fr Sitchler, J. D., sr Smith, so Smith, fr Smith, Alta, sr Smith, Blanch, fac Smith, Carlos, sr Smith, Hazel, fac Sneed, Marie, sr Snow, Lorene, sr Snyder, Gladys, so Spears, jr Splawn, Westyl, sr Sprouls, Marcella, sr Stallings, Hope, fac Stark, Eleanor, sr Stephens, Wells O., jr Stephenson, jr Stockton, jr Stockton, Pearl, sr Stone, Berta Lee, sr Strickland, fr Stricklin, fr Sullivan, Clara, sr Sullivan, Loretta, jr Swain, so Swinney, so Tarlton, Stella B., fac Taylor, jr Taylor, Nina, sr Terry, Nina, fac Thomas, Dewitt, sr Thomas, Francis, fac Thomas, Pearl Thompson, James, sr Tidwell, Mable, so Towery, Dorothy, jr Turner, Hester, so Tyler, J. T., so Van Cleave, Sewanee, fac Vaught, Johnny, fr Villyard, Iris, sr Vinson, Rubye, sr Walker, jr Walker, so Walker, Jack, sr Wallace, so Waltrips, so Wansley, Ira, sr Ward, jr Watson, so Weaver, Davilla, sr Weed, Mildred, jr Weed, fr Wells, Julian L., jr Whitaker, Alton Ruth, sr White, Forrest, sr White, Lillye, sr Wilhelm, Glynn, fr Williams, Doryce Jane, fr Willoughby, so Wood, so Wood, fr Wood, Milton, sr Woodward, so Word, jr Wright, fr Wright, Hal, sr Yager, jr Yates, Winifred, fac Young, Mildred, sr Youngblood, Frank, jr