Tarrant Co., TX - Schools: 1928 Yellow Jacket, Yearbook, Stripling High School, Fort Worth, Texas ******************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ******************************************************** 1928 Yellow Jacket, Yearbook of Stripling High School, Fort Worth, Texas The following students and faculty from Stripling High School in Fort Worth are pictured in the 1928 Yellow Jacket. The are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr= freshman), and yearbook page. For each senior the yearbook includes a brief statement. For this or other yearbook information, you are welcome to contact: Adolphson, Annie Marie, jr, 37 Ahnert, Oscar, so, 41 Albright, Bessie, sr, 24 Allen, Granville, jr, 36 Allen, Lauren, so, 42 Anthony, Goodman, so, 40 Arrington, Eleanor, sr, 26 Austin, O. B., fr, 47 Babcock, Howard, fr, 48 Bachman, Alois, jr, 38 Backus, Lael, so, 44 Bailey, Stella, jr, 33 Barron, J. E., fr, 46 Barron, Margaret, sr, 26 Barron, Mary Louise, fr, 46 Bates, Isabelle, jr, 37 Bates, Stella, sr, 25 Bates, Wilma, fr, 47 Beasley, Louise, so, 44 Beech, Marjorie, jr, 33 Behrens, Minnie, fac, 14 Bermingham, James, sr, 26 Bermingham, Walter, sr, 20 Blackmon, Robert, fr, 45 Bonner, Mary Elizabeth, sr, 25 Bowers, Mary, sr, 22 Boykin, Clota, fac, 15 Bragg, Ona, jr, 37 Brants, Juanita, so, 44 Bredow, Elliot, fr, 46 Briggs, Melba, jr, 35 Brook, Nell, so, 41 Brooks, Henry, so, 41 Brous, H. B., fac, 16 Brower, Kathryn, so, 41 Brown, Arthur, jr, 33 Brown, Christine, jr, 33 Brown, Neblett, fr, 45 Brundage, Miss, fac, 13 Bryant, Cora Lee, so, 43 Bryant, Eleanor, so, 41 Buckner, Kossie, jr, 34 Bullard, Dallas, sr, 19 Burns, Dorothy Nell, fr, 47 Burroughs, Billy Bob, sr, 22 Burseen, Florence, fr, 48 Burton, Lawrence, fr, 47 Buttermore, Mildred Knight, fac, 16 Calder, Mary, jr, 34 Cardwell, Effie, sr, 21 Chandler, Bobby, fr, 46 Chandler, Ethel, so, 44 Clark, Max, fr, 45 Clark, Wilda, fr, 45 Clemens, Hattie, so, 42 Coleman, Josephine, fr, 46 Colton, G. C., sr, 19 Colton, Pauline, sr, 24 Commander, Mildred, fr, 46 Conkling, Dorothy, sr, 21 Connell, Addie Beth, jr, 34 Connell, Ballard, jr, 34 Connelley, Evalyne, jr, 37 Cordell, Barton, so, 44 Cotton, Eugene, fr, 45 Covey, Russell, fr, 46 Cox, Hugh, jr, 34 Cox, Madeline, fr, 48 Cox, Virginia, fr, 47 Cranz, William, sr, 18 22 Crawford, Bess, sr, 22 Croft, Bob, jr, 33 Cross, James, sr, 26 Curtsinger, Otis, fr, 47 Dalby, Chester, sr, 23 Delaney, Elizabeth, sr, 21 Delaney, Frank, fr, 47 Dickenson, Louise, sr, 20 Dickey, Hubert, so, 44 Dirks, Marjorie, so, 41 Dobbs, Alma, jr, 36 Dorsey, Anna Lynn, fr, 47 Doyle, Lois, jr, 37 Dumont, Delbert, fr, 45 Dunlap, Charles, so, 44 Duval, Margaret, so, 42 Dyke, Martha, fac, 14 Eddings, Burnace, sr, 23 Elkins, Kathryn, so, 41 Elliot, Mary Lee, fr, 46 Ellis, Merlyn, so, 42 Engell, Mary Helen, so, 41 Englefield, Isabelle, so, 44 Engler, Johnnie, fr, 46 English, Gretchen, fr, 47 Estes, Marvin, so, 42 Fain, Hazel, fr, 48 Farris, Cleadus, fr, 45 Fath, Conrad, fr, 48 Ferris, Bessie, fac, 15 Fickle, Chuck, fr, 47 Fitzsimmons, Frank, jr, 36 Florence, Billy, fr, 48 Ford, Mildred, jr, 38 Foster, Margaret, fr, 45 Fowler, Glynn, jr, 36 Franks, Guy, sr, 23 Friedman, Barbara, fr, 47 Furnas, Dorothy Ann, sr, 23 Gammon, Marshall, fr, 45 Garlitz, Charles, so, 42 Garrison, Charles, fr, 48 Garrison, Seth, jr, 33 Gersbach, Hilda, jr, 35 Giddings, LaVaughn, sr, 19 Gillispie, Doris, jr, 36 Gillispie, Marion, fr, 48 Goodnight, Ruby Clare, sr, 21 Grace, Blanche, so, 42 Grafa, Franklin, jr, 34 Grafft, Grace, so, 44 Grammer, Ruth, fr, 45 Grant, Everett, sr, 20 Grant, Nell, jr, 37 Granville, Bob, so, 44 Graves, Francis, jr, 34 Graves, Pauline, sr, 24 Griffin, Bill, fr, 46 Griffith, Mary Frances, fr, 45 Gwynn, Allen, sr, 22 Hagg, Mary D., fr, 47 Halberg, Spencer, sr, 26 Hale, Lucile, sr, 19 Hall, Mozelle, fr, 48 Hambly, William, so, 44 Hamil, Bernice, fr, 46 Hamil, Virginia, fr, 46 Harris, David, so, 44 Harrison, Elizabeth, fr, 45 Harrison, Margaret, so, 40 Hartman, David Lloyd, so, 40 Hartman, Louise, sr, 24 Harum, Marie, fr, 45 Hausman, Dorothy Jean, fr, 46 Hawes, Charlotte, jr, 36 Hayden, James, jr, 34 Hayden, Kathryn, fac, 14 Hellerman, Dorothy, fr, 46 Hemsell, Cayloma, sr, 19 Henderson, Billy, so, 45 Henderson, John P., fr, 48 Henderson, Martha, jr, 38 Henderson, Velma, sr, 20 Henegar, J. B., fr, 46 Herdon, Bernice, fr, 48 Holland, Jack, sr, 22 Holmes, Louise, sr, 23 Hood, Cornelia, fac, 15 Horton, Robert, jr, 37 Horsman, Lorene, fr, 45 Hoskins, Boaz, jr, 38 Houghton, Roy, fr, 47 Howard, Lillian Lee, fr, 48 Howard, Tawana Belle, fr, 48 Huber, Fred, so, 42 Hudson, Marjorie Fae, fr, 46 Hughes, Charlie, fr, 46 Hughes, Johnnie, fr, 46 Hughes, Mary Margaret, sr, 21 Hughes, Wilma, jr, 35 Hunting, Elva, so, 44 Hussey, Clarence, jr, 33 Hussey, John, fr, 46 Hyer, Fred, jr, 38 Irvin, Noel, jr, 33 Jackson, Mary, fr, 48 Jenkins, Berneada, so, 44 Jennings, Carroll, jr, 34 Johnson, Ada, so, 40 Johnson, Ferdie, sr, 23 Johnson, Mary, fr, 48 Jones, Dorothy, jr, 35 Jones, John, so, 41 Jones, Margaret, jr, 35 Kane, Helen, so, 42 Kelley, Hugh, sr, 18 19 Kenerdine, John, jr, 35 King, Haley, fr, 45 King, Hazel, so, 44 King, Hughes, sr, 20 Knight, Rubye, jr, 37 Knott, M. C., jr, 35 Krapman, Tony, fr, 47 Krause, Fred, sr, 19 Krause, Lillian, so, 42 Laine, Roberta, fr, 45 Landrum, Dorothy, sr, 25 Laney, Flora, jr, 36 Laney, Hubert, so, 44 Lawrence, Leta, so, 44 Lawrence, W. E., fr, 45 Lawson, Marjorie, so, 41 Lea, Doris, jr, 33 Leak, Evelyn, so, 41 Lee, Fay, jr, 38 Leonard, Mable, jr, 33 Leonard, Mollie Rena, fr, 47 Leonard, Perry, sr, 25 Lindquist, Frank, so, 41 Littlejohn, Margaret, fac, 15 Logan, Mary Sue, so, 41 Lowe, E. L., fac, 16 Lucas, Marjorie, fr, 47 Lunsford, lucile, jr, 33 Maben, Nell, fr, 46 Mahan, Milo, sr, 23 Manning, Clara, sr, 22 Manning, William, jr, 35 Marshall, Mertes, jr, 36 Martin, Floyd, fr, 46 Martin, Robbie, jr, 34 Mauldin, Dorothy, jr, 38 Maxey, A. H., fac, 14 McBurnett, Gladys, sr, 21 McCarroll, J. C., fr, 46 McConnell, Cecil, so, 42 McGinty, Raymond, fr, 46 McGinty, Woodrow, fr, 48 McKenzie, Norma Lou, sr, 24 McKinley, Herman, sr, 20 McMillen, Ralph, jr, 37 McQuerry, Nellie, jr, 36 Meyers, Dorward, jr, 38 Miller, Doris, so, 41 Miller, Ed, jr, 38 Miller, Joe, so, 41 Mitchell, John, fr, 46 Mitchell, William, sr, 19 Montrief, Eugene, fr, 46 Morrow, Ellen, jr, 33 Moseley, Edward, jr, 38 Motter, Marjorie, so, 41 Mueller, Harold, jr, 34 Murphree, C. W., fac, 16 Myers, Marshall, fr, 45 Myres, Ella Moseley, fac, 14 Nance, Van, jr, 36 Nay, Claude, sr, 18 20 Nichols, Jane, sr, 19 Nixon, Nancy, fr, 45 Norman, Douthitt, sr, 23 Ogden, Anna Ruth, sr, 25 Oliphant, Dolly, so, 42 O'Meara, Adelia, fac, 15 Overall, Margaret, jr, 37 Owens, Bee, fr, 48 Palmer, Mary Frances, so, 44 Paris, Jack, sr, 20 Parker, Mary, fac, 15 Pate, Thomas, fr, 45 Payne, Juanna Jean, fr, 48 Pendery, Leonard, so, 40 Pendery, Marion, sr, 26 Philips, Edwin, fr, 45 Presley, Helen, so, 41 Pressley, Carroll, jr, 38 Purcell, J. V., so, 41 Pyles, Charles, so, 44 Pyles, Gwynnevere, jr, 36 Ramfield, Leola, sr, 25 Ransom, Madeline, fr, 48 Redford, Louie, fr, 47 Reid, William, fac, 14 Renegar, Robert, jr, 34 Reynolds, Jotee, fr, 48 Ridgeway, Lillis, jr, 36 Roberts, Willie Frances, so, 41 Robertson, Isabel, sr, 24 Robertson, Juanita, sr, 21 Robertson, Richard, fr, 45 Rogers, Bert, fr, 45 Rogers, Lorraine, so, 44 Rogers, Pemberton, sr, 22 Rogers, Ruth, jr, 34 Rowland, Julian, jr, 37 Rumph, D. S., fr, 48 Russell, Walton, fr, 47 Sanders, Virginia, fr, 46 Scaling, Burford, sr, 25 Scaling, Harry, fr, 45 Schultz, Ruth, jr, 35 Scoville, Robert, fr, 48 Sears, Ruth, sr, 18 25 Seimer, J. G., fr, 47 Sexton, Ruth, fr, 47 Sherrod, Joe, so, 42 Shirley, Preston, sr, 23 Sly, Wilbur, jr, 33 Smith, Frances, sr, 21 Smith, Frank, fr, 45 Smith, William, so, 42 Smyre, Fay, so, 42 Snyder, Ruth, jr, 37 Spriggs, Mary Jane, jr, 38 Spuhler, Ethel, jr, 37 Stallard, Mary, sr, 24 St. Clair, Leon, fac, 15 Steele, Louise, fac, 15 Steen, Ellis, fr, 47 Steinmetz, Al G., fr, 46 Steinmetz, Billy, fr, 45 Stevenson, Mamie, so, 44 Stewart, Loleta, so, 41 Stine, Herschel, fr, 45 Stinson, Eugena, jr, 35 Stokes, Maurine, sr, 19 Stone, Mary Catherine, so, 44 Story, Joe, sr, 25 Stovall, Margaret, fr, 45 Sutton, Frances, sr, 25 Sutton, Thomas, so, 42 Swearinger, J. T., fr, 47 Tate, Raymond, fr, 47 Taylor, Ann Evarts, sr, 22 Taylor, Curtis, so, 42 Taylor, Ernestine, fr, 46 Thompson, Hal, jr, 35 Thompson, Marvin, jr, 34 Thornal, Vivian, sr, 24 Trammell, Louise, sr, 21 Trapp, Jim, sr, 25 Trickey, Mattie, fac, 14 True, Charlie Edith, so, 42 Turner, Elizabeth, sr, 20 Turpin, Nora Ineze, so, 43 Vance, T. L., fac, 7 Vann, Caridona, fr, 46 Van Vleck, Mary Louise, sr, 26 Vaughn, Robert, fr, 47 Volkel, Martha, sr, 21 Wade, Bonnie, sr, 23 Walker, Earle Marie, sr, 22 Walker, William Glen, jr, 33 Ware, Thelma, fr, 47 Watkins, Margaret, fr, 47 Watson, Billy, so, 42 Wehunt, Othello, so, 44 Weissenborn, Charles, fr, 46 Weldon, Christine, jr, 35 Wells, Florence, so, 42 Wheeler, Clyde, so, 44 White, Albert, sr, 20 White, Ed., sr, 18 26 White, Madeline, jr, 35 Wightman, Ola, jr, 35 Wilcox, Velox, jr, 36 Wilkerson, Dorance, so, 40 Williams, Alice, fac, 14 Williams, Herman, fr, 48 Wilson, Woodrow, fr, 47 Woodbury, Ben, jr, 37 Wooten, Winifred, so, 42 Wright, Margaret, fr, 47 Wright, Roy, fr, 45 Yarbrough, Jack, fr, 45 Zeloski, William, jr, 38