Tarrant CO., TX - Schools: 1926 Junior Aggie Yearbook North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington, Texas ***************************************************** Contributed by: Don Brownlee Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ***************************************************** 1926 Junior Aggie, Yearbook of North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington, Texas The following students and faculty from North Texas Agricultural College are individually pictured in the 1926 Junior Aggie. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so= sophomore; fr=freshman; sp=special), hometown and yearbook page. For each senior, the yearbook includes the student's major, club/sports participation, and a brief statement. For this or other yearbook information, you are welcome to contact: Adams, Gynevra, jr, Handley, 49 Agnew, Violet M., sr, Garland, 29 Akin, Robert, so, Grandview, 63 Alspaugh, Claude, so, Arlington, 63 Anderson, Jack, sp, Merkel, 74 Anderson, Thomas, so, Forney, 64 81 Arnold, Connie, sp, Clarksville, 74 Arnold, Johnnie, fac, 23 Avant, Russell, jr, Dilley, 49 Baber, Lillian, jr, Arlington, 49 Baggett, Wilma, jr, Fort Worth, 49 Bagwell, Ewell H., sr, Rochester, 42 Bagwell, John K., sr, Rochester, 29 Bailey, Joe, fac, 25 Baker, Dorris, jr, Arlington, 53 Baker, George, sr, San Saba, 29 Baker, Jefferson, jr, Arlington, 53 Ball, Wade Jamison, sr, New Boston, 42 Barcus, John M., fac, 20 Beadle, Pat, jr, Clarksville, 49 Bellah, William N., sr, Bowie, 29 Berry, J. E., so, Grapevine, 63 Bickel, D. A., fac, 20 Bird, Spencer, jr, Merkel, 49 Black, Harvey, sr, Laran LA, 44 Bothwell, Helen, fac, 23 Brandenburg, Anita, jr, Dallas, 49 Brandenburg, Mildred, jr, Dallas, 49 Breedlove, Ellis, fr, Seymour, 70 Bright, John, jr, Dallas, 59 Brown, Marie, jr, Fort Worth, 49 Bruce, Claude, jr, Mineola, 49 Bryant, Bays R., sr, Ralls, 30 81 Burge, Herman, jr, Arlington, 50 Burton, Selz, jr, Marietta OK, 50 Butcher, Willie Mae, jr, Arlington, 50 Butler, Dennis, so, Arlington, 62 Caine, Noel, jr, New Orleans LA, 53 Campbell, Floyd, jr, Onley, 50 Cannon, Frances, sr, Arlington, 30 Carter, Marcus, jr, Arlington, 50 Carter, Wilborn Bill, sr, Fort Worth, 30 Cartwright, Randle V., sr, San Antonio, 30 Casey, Coleman, so, Tuscola, 63 Castle, Harold, so, Tyler, 64 Cathey, Annie Mae, so, Cedar Hill, 62 Cathey, Buck, sp, Arlington, 74 Chandler, Alta, sp, Blanchard, 74 Chaney, Clyde, so, Tuscola, 63 Chapman, Ben Charlie, sr, Rochester, 31 Chastain, Florence, so, Alvarado, 63 Christian, Archie, so, Malakoff, 63 Cleveland, Don, fr, Gainesville, 70 Coble, Eva, jr, Covington, 51 Coleman, Dee, so, Wellington, 62 Collard, Glenn, so, Fort Worth, 64 Collins, Bertha, so, Arlington, 64 Collins, Joe, jr, Wichita Falls, 50 Collins, Orville G., sr, Benbrook, 31 Cooper, Lillian, jr, Arlington, 51 Course, Chancy, so, Fort Worth, 64 Covey, Vera, sr, Fort Worth, 31 Covington, Weldon, jr, Alvord, 50 Cox, Harry, jr, Fort Worth, 53 Cravens, Carlisle G., sr, Arlington, 31 Crawford, J. L., jr, San Benito, 50 Culley, Ima S., fac, 24 Culwell, Edwin, fr, Dallas, 70 Curry, Martha, jr, Arlington, 51 Darr, Opal, jr, Rockwall, 51 Davis, E. E., fac, 19 Davis, Mount E., fac, 22 Dew, Elbert, jr, Tyler, 51 Dewitt, Federico E., fr, MEXICO, 70 72 Dewitt, John C., fr, MEXICO, 70 72 Dickey, George L., fac, 20 Dickey, Grier, jr, Alvord, 51 Doak, Melvin, jr, Goldthwaite, 51 Dodson, Thesus, jr, Dodsonville, 51 Dorwood, Kelvin, so, Gail, 63 Dunsworth, H. A. D., fac, 24 Dunsworth, Taft, fr, Trenton, 71 Easley, L. T., jr, Fort Worth, 51 Eastland, Enid, fac, 21 Edwards, Osa, jr, Grand Prairie, 51 Elick, John Jerome, sr, Granger, 45 Elliot, Roy, jr, Merkel, 51 Ellis, Charles, sr, Fort Worth, 45 Ellis, Joe, jr, Lancaster, 51 Evans, L. H., sr, Overton, 42 Everett, Dorris, so, Arlington, 63 Ferguson, Homer, so, Nazareth, 64 Ferrill, Ruby, jr, Grand Prairie, 52 Fields, Walter, so, Irving, 64 Fitch, Rex, sp, Smithfield, 74 Fooshee, Haskell, jr, Fort Worth, 59 Foster, Jessie Maud, so, Arlington, 64 Fowler, Christine, so, Arlington, 65 Fowler, Gordon, fr, Arlington, 71 Franke, P. C., fac, 20 78 Frasher, Richard L., sr, Gainesville, 43 Freeman, J. E., fac, 23 Freeman, Mary, so, Duncanville, 65 Frese, George H., sr, Waco, 44 81 Fuller, Chester, so, Fort Worth, 65 Galbraith, Martha Louis, sr, Arlington, 32 Gardner, Eldridge, so, Kopperl, 65 Geer, Elizabeth Ann, sr, Arlington, 32 Glenn, Walter, jr, Haskell, 52 Gordon, John, so, Burleson, 65 Graham, Charles, jr, Collinsville, 53 Green, C. B., fac, 21 Green, Conse, so, Dayton, 65 Green, Mrs. C. B., fac, 21 Green, Lubie, jr, Dayton, 59 Griffith, Philip, jr, Dallas, 52 Grimes, Edna, so, Pilot Point, 65 Gross, Thomas, jr, Bonham, 52 Gunn, Paul, jr, Atlanta, 53 Hagan, D. A., fac, 20 Hahn, Nelle, sp, Arlington, 76 Hale, Moody, jr, Clarksville, 52 Hall, Clarence, so, Smithville, 65 Hall, Clendon I., sr, Grand Prairie, 32 Hall, Dennis, so, Smithville, 65 Hall, Lila, so, Duncanville, 65 Hamilton, L. L., sp, Corsicana, 75 Hamilton, Richard, fr, Boyd, 71 Hand, Willis, sp, Arlington, 74 Harrington, Winna, so, Grapevine, 64 Harris, Adrian, jr, Handley, 52 Harris, Mary Louise, sr, Fort Worth, 32 Hartin, Ruth, jr, Arlington, 52 Hawkins, Ruth, jr, Millsap, 52 Henshaw, George, so, Haskell, 66 Hetherington, S., fac, 24 Hiett, Helen, jr, Arlington, 52 Hiett, Unice, jr, Fort Worth, 52 Hill, Vernon, sr, Mineral Wells, 45 Hill, Y. O., fr, Trenton, 71 Holland, Royce, sr, Kemp, 33 Holliday, Yantis, so, Bowie, 66 Hopkins, James Othel, sr, Wellington, 33 Hopping, Sidney, jr, Littlefield, 54 Houston, Mary Clive, jr, Grandfield, 54 Hudman, Marvin, sp, Post, 74 Hudspeth, Blanche, sr, Grand Prairie, 43 Hudspeth, George Turin, sr, Arlington, 33 81 Hudspeth, J. E., fac, 20 Huffaker, Mabel, sr, Handley, 33 Huffman, Josie, sr, Arlington, 34 Hughes, W. L., fac, 23 Irons, Earl D., fac, 80 Isaacs, Sam, sp, Arlington, 74 Johnson, Charles A., fac, 22 Johnson, Louise, jr, Arlington, 54 Johnson, Lucy Mae, so, Arlington, 62 Johnson, Mack M., fac, 24 Johnson, Roland, jr, Shamrock, 59 Jones, Annie Maud, sr, Arlington, 34 Jones, Mary Helen, fac, 24 Jones, Volney, 86 Keith, Cecil, sp, Bardwell, 74 Keith, Maxie, jr, Arlington, 54 Kelley, Terrell, sp, Arlington, 76 Kiber, D. H., fac, 22 Killian, Oscar L., fac, 21 Kirk, Earl, fac, 23 Kirkpatrick, James, so, Grapevine, 62 Kittrell, Bailey, jr, Big Lake, 54 Knapp, C. Ralph, sr, Arlington, 34 Knupp, Sarah, jr, Arlington, 54 Kyle, Hugh, jr, Pilot Point, 54 Langford, Smith, jr, Fort Worth, 59 Lanier, James, jr, New Boston, 54 Lawson, L. M., fac, 25 Lawson, R. M., fac, 79 Lee, Emmett, fr, Crandall, 71 Lee, Harry Harold, sr, Haskell, 35 Leslie, Elnora, jr, Grand Prairie, 54 Lewis, John, so, Blackwell, 66 Lewis, Lois, sr, Arlington, 34 Litterell, R., sp, Anna, 75 Lockwood, Mary, sr, Elidgo NM, 35 Logan, Vernon, so, Littlefield, 66 Lokey, Pauline, jr, Arlington, 54 London, Hoyt H., fac, 23 London, Robert, so, Bailey, 66 London, W. R., so, Bailey, 66 Lowe, Elta, fr, Olney, 71 Lucas, Hayden, so, Shawnee OK, 66 Martin, Marable, sp, Rule, 75 Martin, Prentice, jr, Fort Worth, 53 Mason, Cecil, sp, Jayton, 75 Matlock, Everett, sr, Arlington, 35 Matlock, Thomas B., sr, Arlington, 35 Mauldin, Raleigh C., sr, Italy, 36 McCain, Ota Belle, fac, 24 McCarty, Estelle, sr, Arlington, 36 McClanahan, Mrs. B. B., fac, 25 McClung, Harvey, so, Homer LA, 67 McCombs, A., so, Arlington, 62 McCombs, C. A., fac, 20 McCorley, Juliet, jr, Arlington, 55 McCowan, Robert, jr, Fort Worth, 55 McDowell, Jim, jr, Fort Worth, 53 McElreath, Chlorine, sp, Arlington, 75 Medkiff, Lola, so, Arlington, 66 Miller, J. H., so, Dallas, 66 Miller, Vernon, jr, Arlington, 55 Moffitt, George, sr, Pilot Point, 43 Montemayor, Mario, so, MEXICO, 67 72 Moore, John C., fac, 22 Morris, Hardy, so, Sherman, 67 Neel, Cymbeline, jr, Grand Prairie, 55 Nelson, M. G., sp, Springtown, 75 Newton, Mary Elizabeth, sr, Lancaster, 36 Norman, Carl, jr, Arlington, 55 83 Norman, N., sp, Fort Worth, 75 Norman, Ruth, sp, Arlington, 75 Norwood, Otis Lee, fr, Arlington, 71 Oats, C. B., sp, Abilene, 75 Ohelke, Annie Mae, jr, Garland, 55 Olinger, Billie, so, Garland, 67 Oliphant, George Rodney, sr, Hemphill, 36 Opitz, William, jr, Pilot Point, 55 Orenduff, Monroe, fr, Bonham, 71 Overton, Frank, so, Gallatin, 67 Pardo, Fernando, SPAIN, 72 Park, Earl, so, Divot, 67 Patterson, William, sp, Arlington, 75 Patton, Boyd, so, Arlington, 67 Payne, Clifford, jr, Arlington, 53 Peavy, Thomas Henry, sr, Edgewood, 37 Peed, Ruth, jr, Grand Prairie, 55 Peeples, John, jr, Dodsonville, 55 Perkins, Homer, jr, Fort Worth, 59 Perry, Noreane, jr, Arlington, 55 Pigg, Calvin, jr, Waxahachie, 57 85 Poore, Guy, fr, Come, 71 Powell, Faye, jr, Blanket, 57 Powell, Jerrell R., sr, Red Oak, 44 Powell, Lena, jr, Arlington, 57 Preston, Elizabeth, jr, Grand Prairie, 57 Price, Lucille, so, Keller, 67 Prude, James, so, Waxahachie, 67 Putman, Ione, jr, Arlington, 57 Quinn, Marion, jr, Grand Saline, 57 Ramsey, Zelda R., fac, 22 Ransom, W. A., fac, 21 Rawls, Myrtle, fac, 23 Ray, Alice, fac, 23 Redding, Howard, jr, Handley, 59 Reeves, Martha Ed, jr, Fort Worth, 57 Rhodes, Lillie, sr, Grand Prairie, 37 Richmond, B., so, Corsicana, 68 Riddles, Leeman, jr, Windom, 57 Rogers, Edwin G., sr, Center, 37 Rogers, Henry Thomas, sr, Medicine Mound, 37 Rumph, C. P., fac, 25 Rutledge, Robin, sr, Arlington, 38 Samaras, George, jr, Fort Worth, 57 Sansom, Lin, so, Alvarado, 68 Saunders, Marvin, jr, Fort Worth, 57 Scrivner, Frank, jr, Fort Worth, 58 Shook, Elbert, jr, Arlington, 58 Smedley, Lee, sp, Munday, 76 Smith, Alfred, so, Pleasanton, 67 Smith, L. B., sr, Ralls, 38 Smith, M. B., so, Memphis, 68 Smith, Virgil, so, Mineola, 68 Smith, W. J., sp, Fort Worth, 76 Speck, Pauline, jr, Grand Prairie, 58 Springer, Lloyd, so, Littlefield, 68 Sterrett, Meade, sr, Arlington, 38 Stogner, Ben T., sr, Saint Jo, 38 Stowe, O. H., sr, Olney, 43 Stults, Carl, so, Dallas, 68 Stults, W., so, Dallas, 68 Summerhill, John T., fac, 22 Swift, Billy, fr, Dallas, 70 Switzer, Rosa Elien, sr, Mansfield, 39 Talley, Edith, jr, Garland, 58 Thomas, R. E., fac, 22 Thomas, Thelma, so, Alvarado, 68 Thompson, Pearl, fac, 21 Tidwell, Link, jr, Ralls, 58 Till, Joseph Arthur, sr, La Feria, 39 84 Tillison, Lestar, so, Loraine, 68 Turner, Annie Laurie, sr, Fort Worth, 45 Turner, Fred H., fac, 77 Turner, Francis, jr, Fort Worth, 58 Upchurch, Lometa, jr, Arlington, 58 Uselton, Wesley Edward, sr, Bonita, 39 Vandaveer, Elizabeth, jr, Arlington, 58 Vandiver, Talmadge, sp, Corsicana, 76 Vaughn, Margaret, jr, Dallas, 58 Vernoy, Eleanor Anne, sr, Grand Prairie, 39 Vernoy, Julia Marguerite, sr, Grand Prairie, 40 Vickery, Ione, fac, 21 Wade, Pearl, fac, 24 Waggoner, Annie Lou, jr, Grand Prairie, 58 Waggoner, Mary E., jr, Grand Prairie, 56 Wallace, Charles H., sr, Cookville, 40 Walton, Travis, jr, Arlington, 53 Ward, Thurman L., sr, Waco, 40 Watson, Foy, jr, Bowie, 59 Watson, Mrs. R. H., jr, Fort Worth, 56 Watson, William L., fac, 22 Watt, Edith, jr, Arlington, 56 Webb, Clarence, sp, Troup, 76 Wehres, Pauline, sr, Fort Worth, 40 Weller, Ewing, jr, Malakoff, 59 Wheeler, Francis, jr, Arlington, 56 Whittle, Carl, sp, Lawn, 74 Wilkerson, Robert G., sr, Rockwall, 41 Wilkes, Jesse DeWitt, sr, Kennedale, 41 Williams, Hallie, jr, Dallas, 56 Williams, Harvey Joe, fr, Dodd City, 71 Williams, Howard, so, Arlington, 68 Williams, Joe, fr, Dodd City, 70 Willis, C. C., sr, Arlington, 41 Willis, Lennie, sp, Arlington, 76 Wills, Elizabeth, sr, Lancaster, 41 Wilson, James, jr, Nocona, 56 Wilson, Virgil, jr, Bonham, 56 Woods, Lucile, sp, Arlington, 76 Woodson, Martha, fac, 21 Wright, Boyd, sr, Rochester, 42 Wright, Estelle, jr, Arlington, 56 Wright, Jay, so, Corsicana, 62 Wright, Louis F., sr, Athens, 44 Wright, Sidney, so, Rochester, 62 Wylie, Creta, jr, Cedar Hill, 56