TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS – 1930 “PANTHER”, CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, FORT WORTH, TEXAS Contributed by: Don Brownlee [vcspc006@csun.edu] ******************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES(tm) NOTICE All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net ******************************************************************************** 1930 Panther, Yearbook of Central High School, Fort Worth, Texas The following faculty and students are pictured in the 1930 Panther, yearbook of Central High School in Fort Worth. They are listed in order of family name, given names, and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; ug=undergraduate). For each senior there is a listing of club/sports participation and a brief quotation. For Zane Irwin, for example, it reads: Latin Club; "A daughter of the gods, divinely tall and most divinely fair." For this information you are welcome to contact: Abbot, Catherine, sr Ackerman, Naomi, sr Adams, Laura, sr Adams, Lucy Harding, fac Akers, Ruth, sr Alcorn, Marjory, ug Alexander, Clyde, sr Allen, Will Marie, sr Allgaier, Fred, sr Allison, Tessie, ug Amann, Tessie, sr Ames, Martha, sr Amos, Katherine, ug Anderson, Donald, sr Anderson, William, sr Andrews, Worth, sr Archer, Mabel, sr Armstrong, Bernice, sr Armstrong, Louise, sr Artz, Hattie Marie, sr Askew, Pinkney, sr Atkins, Wilma, sr Attinger, Lionel, sr Austin, Myrtle Lee, sr Backus, Lael, sr Bailey, Frank, ug Bailey, Naomi, sr Baird, Bill, ug Baker, Bud, ug Baker, Nell, sr Baker, Oleta, sr Barnes, Mary Dell, sr Barnes, William Wright, ug Barnett, Juanita, sr Barnett, Thelma, sr Barnhill, Weldon, sr Barrett, Owen, sr Bassinger, Lee, sr Bates, Thomas, sr Bauer, Al, sr Bay, Florence, sr Beavers, Lon, sr Beavers, Martha Anne, sr Beck, Nina, ug Behnken, Meta, sr Bell, Haynie, fac Bell, Margaret, sr Bell, Newton, ug Bennett, Sarah Bess, sr Benson, J. Elveta, fac Berrong, Robert, ug Berrong, Verna, ug Berry, C. W., fac Berry, Margaret, ug Betts, Mildred, sr Binyon, Elizabeth, sr Bittick, Bernice, ug Black, Maurine, ug Blake, Bessye, sr Blalock, Mary A., fac Blanton, Leonard, ug Blanton, Marvin, sr Bolar, Wilson, sr Boley, T. Reginald, fac Boling, Bill, sr Bomar, Louise, fac Bone, Margaret Louise, sr Bone, Zelda Vee, sr Booten, Eunice, sr Borden, Captola, ug Bouldin, Robert, sr Bowden, Mary Anderson, sr Bowman, Rosemary, sr Brackett, George, sr Brantley, Juanita, sr Breene, Florence, sr Brockett, Delwin, sr Broiles, Grace, sr Bronstad, Estelle, sr Brooks, Allene, sr Brooks, Oden, sr Broussard, Evelyn, sr Brown, Carlyle, ug Brown, Cecilia, sr Brown, Dorothy, sr Brown, Jennie Ella, sr Brown, Reba, sr Brown, Vernon, sr Buchanan, Fay, sr Buck, Eula, fac Buckley, Harry, ug Buckner, Ione, fac Bulbrook, Margaret, sr Burford, Mary Alda, sr Burke, Winogene, sr Burkett, Grace, fac Burkhart, Beatrice, sr Burns, Ambrose, sr Burns, E. B., sr Burns, Frances, sr Burr, Ruth, sr Burton, Fred, sr Busby, Willie Mae, sr Bush, Helen, sr Butcher, Ruth, ug Byars, Dora Lee, ug Byrne, Bobby, ug Cain, Vernon, sr Caldwell, William, sr Cameron, Lyle, sr Campbell, Graham, ug Cannon, Mary Martha, ug Carden, Ila, ug Carlson, Ruby, sr Carroll, Myrtle Bell, sr Carter, Kathryn, sr Caskey, Margaret, fac Cassidy, Irene, sr Cauker, Louise, sr Chambers, Carl, ug Chapman, Virginia, ug Chappell, Robert, sr Chase, Dayton, sr Childress, Lillian, sr Christian, Marguerette, ug Clark, Doyce, sr Clark, Gladys, sr Clark, N. L., fac Clark, Shirley, sr Clary, Evelyn, sr Clayton, Lily B., fac Cleveland, Doyle, sr Clevenger, Margery, sr Coffman, Lucille, fac Cole, Mary Louise, sr Coleman, Scott, sr Collett, Ed, sr Combert, Margaret, ug Cook, Howard, sr Cook, Margaret, ug Cook, Theda, ug Cooke, Junior, sr Copps, Kathryn, sr Corder, Mary, sr Corder, Maureen, sr Counts, Zada, sr Counts, Zella, sr Craft, Lucille, sr Craig, Nancy Ruth, sr Crain, Myrtlena, sr Creed, David, ug Creller, Frances, sr Crites, E. D., fac Crosby, Mabel, sr Curtis, Hendricks, sr Dalton, Marjorie, ug Daniel, Billy, sr Daniel, Evalyn, sr Darr, George, ug Davis, Benton, sr Davis, C. C., fac Davis, Charlotte, sr Davis, Helen Jane, ug Davis, Wilburn, sr Dawson, Genevieve, sr Deffebach, Dorothy, ug Dellis, Evelyn, sr Dickerson, Claude, sr Dieb, Marie, sr Dillinger, Elise, ug Dillingham, Mary Elva, ug Dinkins, Harris, sr Dirks, Marjorie, sr Dolson, Max, sr Douglass, Nancy, sr Draper, Foy, ug Drysdale, Arthur, sr Dugey, Martha, sr Duncan, Naomi, ug Dunlap, Devore, sr Dunman, Charles, sr Durham, Grace, ug Dutton, Ruth, sr Dyche, Gwendolyn, sr Dyess, Ben Eliot, ug Dyess, E. E., fac East, Robert, sr Eaves, Mary Nell, sr Eddleman, William Lee, sr Edens, Agnes, fac Edmondson, Bobbie, fac Edmondson, Janet, sr Edwards, Kathryn, sr Edwards, Marion, sr Edwards, Naomi, sr Eisenmenger, Ivy, sr Ekholm, Wesley, sr Elbon, Helen, sr Elkins, Kathryn, sr Ellis, Bud, sr Embry, Louise, sr Estes, Allene, sr Fain, Thelma, sr Fielding, Hazel, sr Finley, Vernon, sr Fitts, Marrs, sr Fleet, George, sr Fletcher, Gordon, sr Floore, Heard, ug Flory, Mary Bell, ug Foshall, Margaret, sr Fox, Sarah, ug Francis, Ruth, sr Francke, Marguerite, ug Fraser, Tom, sr Frey, Mildred, sr Funkhouser, Mabel, ug Gardner, Anna, fac Gardner, Mary Ella, sr Garrett, Doris, ug Garrett, Lee Ora, sr Geisler, Alice, ug George, Dorothy, sr Gernsbacher, Harold, sr Gibbons, Harry, sr Gilbert, Ben, sr Gilvin, Juanita, sr Gilvin, Nauna, sr Ginn, Mary, sr Golston, Madeline, sr Goldstein, Abe, sr Goodbar, Janice, sr Goode, Jack, sr Goodwin, Melissa, sr Gordon, Desmond, ug Gordon, Dorothy Lee, sr Gosney, Cora, fac Grammer, Martha, ug Grammer, Ruth, ug Grant, Lorene, ug Grantham, Lila Ruth, sr Green, Evelyn, sr Greene, Marvin, sr Greer, Muriel, fac Gregory, Edward Lee, fac Gregory, Mary, ug Griffith, Fayma, sr Griffith, Rayma, sr Grimes, Georgia, sr Grover, Floyd, sr Gumm, Lucilla, ug Gunn, Whitt, fac Haden, Cortez, sr Haile, Shirley, sr Halbert, Lillian, fac Hale, Irene, sr Hall, James, sr Hall, Lois, ug Hall, Margaret, fac Hammack, Lane, sr Hammack, Mary, sr Hampton, Agnes, sr Hanna, Robert, ug Hannon, Cleo, ug Hansen, Virginia, ug Hardin, Anita Mae, ug Harkrider, Ruth, sr Harness, Anna Byrd, ug Harrell, Tessie, ug Harrington, Frank, sr Harris, David, sr Harris, David, ug Harris, Mae, sr Harrison, Allan, sr Harrison, Hoy, sr Harrison, Ruth, sr Harvin, Claudia, sr Haskew, Lorna, sr Haslett, Mary Lenora, sr Hays, Iris, sr Hazlewood, Dick, sr Heath, Nora, ug Helm, Josephine, sr Henderson, Lee, sr Henderson, Virginia, sr Hendrick, Mary Alice, sr Hendricks, Jasper, ug Hendrix, Jack, sr Henry, Chester, sr Herman, Mary Jo, ug Hess, Wilbur, sr Hewitt, Lucille, sr Hickman, Mary Lillian, ug Higginbotham, W. A., sr Higgins, Doris, ug Hightower, Billy, ug Hill, Geraldine Powell, fac Hinton, J. M., fac Hodges, Maurine, sr Hodgson, Virginia, sr Hoffmeister, Carrol, ug Holcomb, Harry, sr Hollingsworth, Gilbert, sr Homeyer, Paul, sr Hood, Charles, ug Hood, Helen, ug Hoyt, Ray, sr Hubbard, La Velle, sr Hubbard, Thom, sr Hubbard, Videll, ug Hudson, J. H., ug Huff, Edwin, sr Hughes, May Beth, sr Humphrey, Maurine, ug Humphries, Mary Dale, ug Hurley, Elizabeth, sr Hurst, Clyde, sr Ingraham, Woldemar, sr Ingram, Dorothy, sr Inman, Winfrey, sr Irwin, Zane, sr Jackson, Blanche, sr Jackson, Jeanette, sr Jackson, O. B., sr James, Myrtle, ug James, Pat, sr Jarvis, Mary, sr Jeffcoats, Enis, ug Jenkins, Mary, ug Jennings, Lula, fac Jennings, Martha, ug Johns, Dorothy, sr Johnson, Frances, ug Johnson, Janey, ug Johnson, Mabel, fac Johnson, Ralph, sr Jones, Essie Lucille, sr Jones, Oleta, sr Jones, Stephen, sr Jones, Winifred, sr Jones, Worley, sr Jordan, Edna Louise, sr Jordan, Ethel Mae, ug Jordan, Homer, ug Justin, Maurine, sr Karasic, Sadie, sr Keathly, Norris, sr Keen, C. L., ug Kendall, Louise, sr Kennedy, Lucille, sr Kenney, Mary, ug Kidd, Lula, sr Kimbrough, Jimmy, sr King, Oma Lee, ug King, Pauline, sr King, Ray, fac King, W. E., fac Kinkle, Katherine, ug Klimist, Gertrude, sr Knight, Rubye, sr Knoll, Mary Louise, sr Kraemer, Dollie Lucille, sr Krisl, Mary Etta, ug Krisl, Pauline, sr Labovitz, Marvin, sr LaCava, Janice, ug Lackey, Helen, ug Lahey, Michael, sr Lambright, Davis, sr Lane, Ivy, sr Latham, Mary Belle, sr Leach, India, sr Leatherwood, Marie, sr Ledgerwood, Alice, sr Ledgerwood, Ella Ray, fac Lee, Dorothy, sr Lefkowitz, Henry, sr Lewis, Corinne Keller, sr Lewis, Mary Marjorie, sr Ligon, Frank, sr Lilly, Sarah, ug Lindsay, Margaret, sr Lindsey, Mary Elizabeth, sr Loffland, John, ug Logan, Mary Sue, sr Long, Geneva, sr Loughry, Virginia, sr Lowden, Elizabeth, sr Lowe, Juanita, sr Lowther, Margaret, ug Lucas, Mary Lee, ug Lucas, Volree, sr Lydick, Mary Virginia, sr Lydick, Stuart, sr Maberry, Fay, sr Macon, Margie, ug Mahon, Jack, sr Majors, Minnie Lee, sr Malphette, Joe, sr Manley, Jesse, sr Manton, Taldon, sr Marlin, Velma, sr Marrs, Tom, sr Marshall, Electra, sr Martin, J. C., sr May, Roy, sr McAlister, Elbert, sr McAlpine, Eva Mae, ug McArdle, Jimmie, sr McBurnett, Sarah, sr McCarty, Marie, sr McCarty, Minnie E., fac McCaulley, Johnny Ruth, sr McClung, Leo, sr McClure, Billy, ug McCord, Eleanor, ug McCourtie, Gwendolyn, sr McCulloch, Frances, sr McDuff, Irene, ug McDuff, Martha Lee, ug McEachin, Elizabeth, ug McFadden, Loma, sr McKean, Marjie, sr McKibben, Dora, fac McKinney, Doris, sr McLean, Virginia, sr McManemy, Bernice, ug McMillen, Louise, sr McNutt, Leroy, sr McQuerry, Eloise, ug Meek, Jane, ug Meek, Mary Fern, sr Meeks, Mitchell, sr Mehl, Harry, sr Mehl, Milton, sr Mercer, Irene, ug Meyer, Geneave, ug Michero, Raymond, ug Middlebrook, Viola, fac Miller, C. T., sr Miller, Effie, sr Miller, Elizabeth, ug Miller, Jasper, sr Miller, Pearlie, sr Miller, Rilda, sr Miller, Robert B., sr Miller, Ruth, sr Miller, Wilma, sr Millican, Harold, sr Millican, Mary Anne, sr Millican, Mary Louise, sr Mills, Mary, sr Minkwitz, Berneta, fac Minter, Jerry, sr Montrief, Merry, ug Moor, Katherine, ug Moor, Mary Katherine, ug Moore, Bernice, fac Moore, Camille, sr Moore, Dorothea, ug Moore, M. H., fac Moore, Mary Elizabeth, sr Moore, Roberta, ug Morgan, Emma Dorcas, sr Morison, John, sr Morphis, John, sr Morris, Ethel, ug Morris, George, ug Morse, Eleanor, ug Moses, Janet, sr Mullen, Robert, sr Murphree, Mary Lou, ug Murphy, Mary, ug Murphy, Thomas, sr Musgrave, Mary, fac Musslewhite, Eunice, sr Myers, Edna, ug Nanney, Dueon, sr Nanny, Tyline, sr Naylor, Donald, sr Neel, Edwin, sr Neely, Helen, ug Nelms, Nanette, ug Nelson, Betty, sr Nelson, Marguerite, ug Nelson, Marjorie, ug Nelson, Robert, sr Nelson, Viola, ug Nevill, Virginia, ug Newkirk, James, ug Newkirk, Richard, sr Newsom, Margaret, sr Nixon, Nancy, ug Noble, Charlie, fac Noble, Roberta, sr Norman, Josephine, sr O'Donnell, Alden, sr Oliver, Rosemary, sr Oliver, Virginia, sr O'Neill, Nancy, fac Orren, Raymon, sr Owens, Margaret, sr Padgett, Dorothy, sr Page, Jack, sr Parker, Florence, sr Parkhill, Thelma, sr Paschal, R. L., fac Pate, Jessie, sr Patterson, Josephine, sr Patton, Claven, sr Payne, Jayne, ug Payne, Lucy Anne, fac Payne, Pauline, ug Peach, Ruby, sr Pearson, Florence, fac Peck, Athena, ug Pendery, Ludlow, sr Petta, J. B., sr Petty, Franchelle, sr Phillips, Bill, sr Phinney, Mary Anna, sr Pilant, Ruth, sr Pitner, Craton, ug Pitner, Roy, sr Pitts, William, sr Poe, Evelyn, sr Poindexter, Irma, fac Polk, Maxine, sr Pool, Nell, sr Pope, Floyd, ug Potts, Billie, sr Potts, William, sr Poulter, Joe, sr Presson, Frances, ug Pribble, Oscar, sr Pruett, Ruby, ug Puckett, Helen, sr Rainwater, Anna Mae, sr Ramsey, Lorene, ug Rankin, Marian, sr Rasberry, Joyce, ug Rash, Jesse, sr Rawlins, Lucille, fac Ray, Dorothy, sr Reed, Etta Mae, sr Reed, Kathryn, sr Reeder, Dick, sr Reich, Brunhilde, sr Rhodes, Zelma, ug Rich, Allye, fac Richardson, Euna, sr Richardson, Geneva, sr Rigdon, George, sr Ritchie, Robert, ug Robbins, N. O., fac Roberts, Carol Jim, fac Roberts, Mary Frances, ug Roberts, Mary Jane, sr Robertson, Mercedes, sr Robinson, Lillian, sr Roehl, Charles, sr Rohleder, Anne, sr Rose, Allan, sr Rose, Dorothy Anne, sr Rose, Edwin, sr Rose, Katherine, sr Ross, Lucille, ug Rose, Virginia, ug Rowland, Martha Laura, sr Rubio, Victor, ug Rueckeman, Willie, ug Rumsey, Katherine, ug Rushing, Lucia Mary, sr Russell, W. L., fac Rutlader, Rosy, ug Ryan, Lucy, ug Ryan, M. S., fac Sagar, Dorothy, sr Sain, Ruth, ug Samples, Ava, sr Sanders, Jackie, ug Sanderson, Cecil, sr Sandidge, Harriet, sr Sargent, Joseph, sr Sayers, Reagan, sr Schell, Elizabeth, sr Schenck, Charles, sr Schober, Martha Lee, ug Schow, May, fac Schull, La Juana, sr Schwartz, Irvin, ug Scolnic, Racheal, sr Scott, Fayrine, sr Scott, Fred, ug Scott, Margaret Faye, sr Scott, Mary Louise, sr Scrivner, Don, sr Scruggs, Addie, fac Seebach, Harold, sr Senter, Helen, ug Shafarman, J. B., sr Shaw, Rowan, sr Sheddan, Frank, ug Shields, Grayce, sr Shive, Mildred, ug Short, Elizabeth, sr Shosid, Abraham, sr Shroeder, Charles, sr Shropshire, Katie, sr Sigmon, Jack, sr Simpson, Gladys, sr Simpson, Pauline, ug Slaughter, Doris Ruth, sr Sloan, Evelyn, ug Sloan, Jane, ug Sloan, Richard, sr Smith, C. Q., ug Smith, Carl, sr Smith, Cecil, sr Smith, Celia Mae, ug Smith, Dorothy, sr Smith, Elton, sr Smith, Forrest, sr Smith, Frances, ug Smith, Haby, ug Smith, Otis, ug Sorrels, Lois, sr Soucy, Harold, sr Spinks, Frances, ug Spreen, Betty, sr Sprinkle, J. W., sr Stanley, Evelyn, ug Staude, Will Anne, sr Steel, John, sr Steele, Florine, sr Steele, Thelma, sr Stephens, Mary, sr Stephenson, Jim, sr Stewart, Billie, sr Stewart, Margaret, sr Stivers, Lillian, ug Stokes, Woody, sr Stone, Katherine, sr Strickland, Hazel, sr Stroup, Leone, sr Summers, Ed, ug Sweet, Kathryn, ug Talbot, Francis Lee, sr Tatom, Mary, sr Tatum, Alto, sr Taylor, Eugene, sr Taylor, Tommy, ug Taylor, Virginia, ug Terrell, Charles, sr Thomas, Delma, sr Thomas, James, sr Thomas, Mattie Dola, sr Thomas, Warren, sr Thompson, Jean, sr Thompson, Katheryn, ug Thompson, Lillian, sr Thornton, Willie, sr Threatt, Louise, sr Tillery, Joseph, sr Tillery, Pauline, ug Tinkle, George, ug Tomme, Mildred, sr Townsen, Thelma Fae, sr Trammell, Elizabeth, sr Trimble, R. L., sr Tripplehorn, Kent, sr Truby, Gerard, sr True, Frances, fac Tucker, Anita, sr Tunstill, W. A. Jr., ug Turner, Bernice, sr Turner, Edna, ug Turner, Lucylle, sr Turner, Mary Louise, sr Ulrickson, Albin, sr Umbenhour, Mary Frances, ug Umphress, Velvie, sr Underwood, Lula, fac Vanatta, Bill, sr Vanatta, Worth, sr Van Zandt, Lycurgus, sr Vaughan, Kenneth, sr Vaughn, Madeline, ug Vautrin, Ernest, sr Vautrin, Marjorie, ug Walker, Annie Laurie, fac Walker, Oliver, sr Wallace, Hugh, ug Wallace, Louise, sr Walther, Blanche, sr Ward, Claude, sr Ward, Dayton, sr Ward, Mary, sr Ward, Mary Louise, sr Ward, Raiford, sr Warden, Marseille, sr Ware, Morton Gause, ug Warren, Ellias, ug Warren, Gus, sr Webster, Margaret, fac Weinman, Elmer, sr Welborn, Jane, sr Welch, Percy Lee, fac Wells, Mary Hope, sr Wells, Nora, sr Welty, Katherine, ug Westbrook, Oscar, ug Wheeler, Herring, sr Wheeler, Ronald, ug White, Doris Jane, sr White, James Earl, ug White, Mozelle, sr Whitley, Helen, sr Wiborg, William, sr Wiggins, Charlynne, sr Wiley, Gordon, sr Williams, Florence, sr Williams, Fulton, sr Williams, Helen, sr Williams, Lenora, ug Williams, Maggie Doris, sr Williams, Robert, ug Williamson, Marguerite, sr Willgus, Helen, sr Wills, Lettye Bell, sr Wimberly, Elizabeth, sr Winans, Fonville, sr Winans, Lelia, sr Winel, Frances, sr Winkleman, Bennie, fac Winter, Katherine, sr Winton, Elna, sr Witherspoon, Judith, sr Wittmayer, J. G., fac Wolfe, Delmar, sr Womack, Robert, sr Wood, Donald, sr Wood, Eloise, ug Wood, Gilbert, ug Wood, Kent, sr Woodard, Harold, sr Woods, Lucille, ug Woody, Ida Fae, ug Wooten, Pearl A., fac Workman, Claudia May, fac Wright, William, sr Wyatt, Anna Margaret, sr Wyatt, Constance, ug Wyatt, Winston, sr Wynn, Spesser, sr Yeats, Lynn, sr Yeats, Marvin, sr Young, Maudaleen, sr Zackerson, Julian, sr Zalefsky, Abe, sr