Tarrant County, TX - Schools - The Parrot 1927 Polytechnic High School Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Kristin Cummins O'Laughlin Scans are available upon request http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bookbuyer/homepage.html Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm *********************************************** The Parrot 1927 Polytechnic High School Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas cover page 1 The Parrot page 2 Richard Salmon, Olen Puckett page 3 The Parrot page 4 Dedication- R.M. Parker page 5 (photo) Mr. R.M. Parker page 6 Forward page 7 Order of Books page 8 blank page 9 The School page 10 blank page 11 (photo's) Polytechnic High School, H.H. Moore, R.M. Parker, H.J. Edens page 12 Myrna Agerton, Ethel Baker, Mary Barclay, Patricia Beaumont, Edna Burkett, Elsie Cathey, Maud Colvin, Lieut. Crites Mrs. Hale, G.M. Holden, I.I. Isbell, Mabel T. Jones, W.W. Joyce, T.A. Keith, F.F. Leissner; Evelyn Martel Maurine Martel, Emma Murphy, Dora McKibben, Minnie McCarty, Ted Reaves, Mildred Roberts, T.A. Ross page 13 Jessie Schilling, Enola Shepperd, Virginia Sloan, Hazel Smith, Jo Lynne Speer, Hope Stallings,Bertha Starr, M.M. Stuart Mary Sweet, Stella Tarlton, Miss Van Cleave, Beatrice Boyer, Eugenia Daniel, M.L. Fergeson, Addie Lavendar, Anna Maxwell Lieut. F.W. Maxwell, C.W. Murphree, Nina Terry, Francis Thomas, Capt. Wilfred Wilson, Peggy Pittman Wright, Winifred Yates page 14 (photo of door into Polytechnic High School) page 15 Miss Ella Murchison (newspaper clippings attached- photo of young lady; Mary Edna Burkett weds Guthrie Bates Boon, Hope Stallings Sewanee Dean Van Cleave, Dr. William Franklin Armstrong, Dr. and Mrs. H.S. Van Cleave, Dr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong Thelma Fae Parr, Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Higdon, Henry Calvin McWhirter, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. McWhirter, Mrs. Myrtle Moore Miss Frances Rourk, Rev. J.L. Ward, Rev. J.W. Fort, Robert McNemur, Dr. Clifton Lawrence, Dr. J.M. Lyle, Mary Lee Thompson Myrna Agerton, Nina Terry, Laura Catherine Cannon, Mrs. O.C. Ellis, Mrs. Richard Perry Appleby, DeVerle Johnson Oma Van Cleave, Henry Van Cleave, Thomas Van Cleave, Merle Van Cleave, Mary Elizabeth Stegar, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cox Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Snead, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson, Page Johnson, Mrs. B.C. Cannon page 16 La Dene/LaDene, Nina Terry, Mildred Lee Roberts, Enola Shepperd page 17 Classes page 18 blank page 19 Seniors page 20 Keith Miles, Robert Crawford, Dorothy Towery, Harry Jeanne Boone, Miss Edna Burkett, Miss Myrna Agerton page 21 Eldon Acuff, Florence Ball, Alton Banks, Jessie Bartlett, Frankie Barnett Raymond Bateman, Ernest Beasley, Maxc Billingsley page 22 Dorothy Bohan, Harry Jeanne Boone, Jasper Bradford, Dorothy Bruegmann Bessie Mae Brown, Josephine Burts, Earl Caraway, Luretta Carter page 23 Lela Christopher, Le Roy Clardy, Ben Collard, Evelyn Collins Leonard Conley, Joseph Cooper, Robert E. Crawford, Perry Daughtry page 24 Gilbert Dempsey, Nell Dewees, Edwin Dodson, Gwendowlyn Dunn John Emmons, Mary Essex, Clarice Evans, Jessie Maye Ferguson page 25 Josephine Frantz, Ewald Freeman, Imogene Freeman, Nellie Gallaspy Christine Garrett, Corinne Garrison, Jessie Gaston, Raymond Gay page 26 Rheba La Rue Gibson, Gladys Gilley, Alex Glickman, Hyman Glickman James Grace, Beulah Grogan, Josephine Gunn, Martha Hall page 27 Blanche Harrell, Harry Harrington, Jerry Harwell, O.E. Hawkins Noama Hayes, Mary Lou Hiner, Louise Hooper, Edgar Huffman page 28 Ruth Hughes, Edd Hyde, Arnold Johnson, Mildred Johnston John Justice, Eva Latimer, Idell Long, Eva Laura Looney page 29 Gertrude Lunetta, Frances Martel, Lillin Maxwell, James Harvey Mead Winnie Mercer, Arolee McFarlin, Keith Miles, Maurine Montgomery page 30 Jessie Morris, Homer Nabors, Evelyn Pampell, William Roy Price Elizabeth Prude, Olen Puckett, Virginia Ray, Lorraine Quinn page 31 Dorothy Reeder, Maurine Reeder, Richard Salmon, Bernice Schmidt Helen Schooler, Muriel Sessions, Thurman Shaw, Maude Sims page 32 Marguerite Snyder, Ray Spears, Robert Stephenson, Velma Stephenson Edna Lou Sullivan, Parker Taulman, Aileen Taylor, Loretta Sullivan page 33 Lady Thomas, Dorothy Towery, Ethel Turpin, Granville Tyson Iris Villyard, Morris D. Walker, La Grande Wansley, Martha Ward page 34 Millard Watson, Mabel Webb, Alfred Wells, Cyril Williamson Merle Willoughby, Pauline Wilson, Jimmie Woodward, Lesbia Word page 35 Francis martin, Mary Lou Needham, Roberta Yeats, Frank Youngblood Florence Anderson, Gardner Chadwick, Dorothy Eury, Pricess Hogan, Mildred Weed page 36 Dorothy Eury, Dorothy Reeder, Martha Ward, Martha Hall, Evelyn Pampell, Jessie Bartlett, Eva Laura Looney, Jack Dempsey Lesbia Ward, Florence Ball, Muriel Sessions, Rheba LaRue Gibson, Winnie Mercer, Blanche Hannell, Rebert E. Crawford Thurman Shaw, James Grace, Frankie Barnett, Virginia Ray, Hyman Glickman, Nellie Gallaspy, Richard Holman, Pauline Wilson Christine Garrett, Mary Essex, Ethel Turpin, Luretta Carter, Cleo Williams, Lorraine Quinn, Perry Daughtry, Cyril Williamson Gladys Gelley, Jessie Morris, Robert Stephenson, Ben Collard, Idell Long, Marguerite Snyder, Keith Miles, Lady Mildred Thomas Jas. Harvey Mead, Corinne Garrison, Bessie Mae Brown, Josephine Gunn, Loretta Sullivan, Noama Hayes, Roberta Yeats Alfred Wells, LeGrande Wansley, Olen Puckett, Gertrude Lunetta, Ray Spears, Edgar Huffman, Alex Glickman, Jasper Bradford Edwin Dodson, O.E. Hawkins, Raymond Bateman, Joseph Cooper, Bernice Schmidt, Frank Youngblood, Evelyn Collins Aileen Taylor, Imogene Freeman, Josephine Frantz, Le Roy Clardy, Mildred Weed, Merle Willoughby, Josephin Burts, Dot Towery Alton Banks, Earl Caraway, Jack O. Davis, Eldon Acuff, Dorothy Bohan, Iva Nell Dewees, Morris D. Walker, Harry Jeanne Boone Robert Recugno, Raymond Gay, Ewald Freeman, William Roy Price, R.J. Gardner, Mary Lou Hiner, Florence Anderson Princess Hogan, Elizabeth Prude, Edna Lou Sullivan, Gwendolyne Dunn, Maxc Billingsley, Ruth Hughes, Jno Justice, Frances Martel Lela Chistopher, Jessie Maye Ferguson, Louise Hooper, Jessie Gaston, Millard Watson, Bob Davis, Francis Martin, Mildred Johnston Maurine Montgomery, Oneta Roberson, John Emmous, Mabel Webb, Parker Taulman, Granville Tyson, Jerry Harwell Clarice Evans, Edd Hyde, Arnold Johnson, Harry Harrington, Ernest Beasley, Homer Nabors, Lillian Maxwell, Dorothy Bruegmann Iris Villyard, Mary Sample, Mary Dodson, Arolee McFarlin, Jimmie Woodward, Beulah Grogan, Maurine Reeder, Leonard Conley Eva Latimer, Velma Stephenson page 37 Station P-O-L-Y Mr. R.M. Parker, Frances Martel, Josephine Burts, Martha Hall, Parker Taulman, Le Roy Clardy Florence Anderson, Robert Stephenson, Muriel Sessions, Leonard Conley, Lela Christopher, Nell Dewees, La Grande Wansley Alex Glickman, Aileen Taylor, Robert Davis Gladys Gilley, Miss Harry Jeanne Boone, Mabel Webb, Jack Dempsey, Idell Long Princess Hogan, Mildred Weed, Thurman Shaw, Josephine Gunn, William Roy Price, Marguerite Snyder, Granville Tyson Blanche Harrell, Ruth Hughes, Jack Davis, Hyman Glickman, Rheba Gibson, Frankie Barnett, Dorothy Towery page 38 Merle Willoughby, Eldon Acuff, James Grace, Edgar Huffman, Imogene Freeman, Corrine Garrison, Eva Latimer Frank Youngblood, Bernice Schmidt, Mary Luo Hiner, Iris Villyard, Christine Garrett, Mildred Johnston, Jessie Morris Cyril Williamson, Millard Watson, Wycliffe Anderson, Jasper Bradford, Earl Caraway, Joseph Cooper, Alfred Wells, Jessie Gaston Homer Nabors, Noama Hayes, Robert Crawford, Virginia Ray, Jerry Harwell's Beauty Parlor, Keith Miles, FLorence Ball Calrice Evans, Velma Stephenson, Gertrude Lunetta, Eva Laura Looney, Elizabeth Prude, Louise Hooper, Dorothy Reeder Lorraine Quinn, Josephine Frantz, John Justice, Mary Essex, Maurine Montmonery (Montgomery), Arnold Johnson O.E. Hawkins, Edna Lou Sullivan, Winnie Mercer, Evelyn Pampell, Raymond Bateman, Perry Daughtry, John Emmons Richard Salmon, Ewald Freeman, Alton Banks page 39 Miss Maxc Billingsley, Dorothy Brougemann (Bruegmann), Dorothy Bohan, Ethel Turpin, Nellie Gallaspy, James Harvey Mead Edwin Dodson, Jessie Bartlett, Roberta Yeats, Martha Ward, Maude Sims, Pauline Wilson, Jessie Maye Ferguson, Jimmie Woodward Dorothy Eury, Helen Schooler, Lillian Maxwell, Evelyn Collins, Mary Lou Needham, Raymond Gay, Harry Harrington, Ray Spears Mr. Salmon, Arolee McFarlin, Olen Puckett, Maurine Reeder, Lesbia Ward, Francis Martin, Gardner Chadwick, Ernest Beasley Morris Walker, Beulah Grogan, Loretta Sullivan, Edd Hyde, Ben Collard page 40 Lady Thomas, Josephine Frantz page 41 Juniors page 42 Lonnie Carruth, Effie Gene Pulliam, Richard Oliver, James Hagood, Mildred Lee Roberts, Francis Thomas page 43 Noble Acuff, Lucille Atkinson, Mattie Attaway, Ruth Butcher, Ruth Baird,Ruby Bassett, Mary Frances Brady LeRoy Black, Lonnie Carruth, Nedra Crites, Anna Mary Dedmon, Sadie Dixon, Lena Dougherty Mary Dodson, Margaret Edwards, Billy Fisk, James Hagood, Lexia Hall, Helen Hall, Roland Hall page 44 Frances Handy, Lora Harris, Hollyce Clifton, Maydell Horsley, Leola Isom, Maurine Jennings,Marie Johnston Margaret Kiker, Inez Kirkley, Joella Kretsinger, Elsie Scott Latimer, Johnnie Lee, Lemuel Lotspeich, Mildred Matchett Bonnie Lee Langdon, Dorothy May, Billy McCaslin, Edwina Miller, Pauline Morton, Dorothy Murphy page 45 Creighton Ramsey, Orline Redmond, Paul Rester, Novella St. Claire, Helen Sampley, Anita Senter, Dorothy Sharp Ella Mae Smith, Aubrey Stewart, Mabel Tidwell, Kenneth Parish, Melba Doris Perkins, Anna May Perry Effie Gene Pulliam, Peggy Ruth Martel, James Mason, Mary Lou Needham, Katherine Rawlings, Robert Owen, Evelyn Phelps page 46 Stelleta Angel, William Buckley, Kelly Campbell, Murrell Cromer, Byrnice Crist, E.G. Hass, Frederick Isely, Fay McLane Anna McLane, Mary Louise Rucker, Margaret Bradford, Estelle Stevens, Marguerite Price, Dorothy Rose Robert Recugno, Hester Turner, Lameta Wenzel, Robbie Lou Williams, Walter Wigger, Anna Wood page 47 Grace Akey, Darlene Lemons, Edward Lord, Lyle James, Cullen Marshall, Lois McDaniel, Dalton Minton Dacel Pedigo, Elizabeth Tandy, Helen Tandy, Phyllis Austin, Fritz Barton, Geneva Griffin, Gerson Haesley Helen Hewitt, James Leath, Robert Leath, R.P. Lee, Jewell Jones, Cooper Conner page 48 Ray Clark, Murrell Cromer, Clarence Curley, Bob Erisman, John McMahon,Sherwood McLane Clifton Miller, Raymond Rutherford, Veda Standard, Wells Stephens, Effie Jean Pulliam, Richard Oliver page 49 Sophomores page 50 Beatrice Boyer, Johnnie Vaught, Velma Erisman, Bill Wood, Margaret Mae Murphy page 51 Joe Boykin, James Bowers, Beaumont Burgess, Orland Bransford, Kenneth Bostick, Bennie Clark, Lydia Hall Johnnie Bess Caldwell, Wanda Beardon, Robert Coombs, Reba Crossley, Lucile Curry, Mary Louise Daniel Anna Davis, Velma Erisman, Ernest Fitsgerald, Thelma Frederick, Melvin Glynn, Maurice Hawkins, Helen Johnson Elizabeth Kerr, Dona Lewis, Rowena Ligon, Aline Lotspeich, Lloyd Lotspeich, Pauline Linsay, Ruth Marshall page 52 Ima Gene Mashburn, Marvin Messersmith, Gwendolyn McCarthy, John McComas, Margaret Mae Murphy, Peachy McDowell Jack Newell, Evelyn O'Neil, Mary Ruth Patterson, Lucille Rainwater, Cecil Roberts, Ruth Russell, Ima Sharpe LeRoy Black, William Sharp, Dorothy Short, Ila Mae Sterley, Roy Smith, Jewell Trott, J.T. Tyler Mamie Tribble, Thomas Walker, Eleanor Weed, Glynn Wilhelm, Johnnie Vaught, Lester Talkington, Beryl Wright page 53 Freshman page 54 Patricia Beaumont, Jaynie Griffin, Erskine Wingo, Granville Gibbons, Bob Turner page 55 Clyde Allen, Byron Angel, Lucille Atwell, Lillian Adelle Ball, J.T. Bartlett, Margaret Baugh, Alma Benson, Charles Boatner Louise Bowers, Edward Boykin, Paul Bradford, Doris Brown, Cloma Brown, Carrol Jeffries, Edna Carter, Allen Chadwick Billy Cooper, Christine Dedmon, Lora Sue Dewees, Paul Dixon, Ruth Dodson, Juanita Dugan, Rose Erisman, Laura Essex Irene FLoyd, Clara Freeman, Mildred Galloway, Jaynie Griffin, Ella Sue Gunter, Frances Gunter, Eloise Garrison Granville Gibbons, Preston Hale, Frances Hagood, Elizabeth Hamilton, Erskine Wingo page 56 Johnnie Hamilton, Lottie Belle Humphries, S.W. Ketchum, Woodrow Keeton, La Verne Brunson, Bernadine Lightwine Howard LeMay, Hughline Towery, Opal Maxwell, Denise Mattison, Betty Murphy, Lula Dell Nelson, Glynn Nelson, Grace Owen Luella Parks, Bertha Phelps, Helen Philips, Wallace Pitts, Mamie Pitts, Lorraine Powell, Robert Powers, Eva Lee Randall James Richards, Betty Stoddard, Mildred Spencer, Walter Shelton, Ruth Stubblefield, Bob Turner, Virginia Van Osdal Allen Wade, Lynn Wade, Thomas Walker, J.L. Walker, Frances Whitaker, Reba Wesson, Byron Smith there is a piece of typed paper in here- BAB? page 57 Josephine Frantz page 58 (real photo's!!) Virginia Van Osdal, Elizabeth Hamilton, Helen Philips, Ruth Dodson, R.M. Parker Francis Rogers, Enola Shepperd, Denis Mattison, Frances Hagood page 59 Activities page 60 blank page 61 Clubs page 62 Dedication page 63 Appreciation page 64 Ethel Baker, Maurine Martel, Richard Salmon, Lesia Ward, Olen Puckett, William Roy Price, Frank Youngblood, Arolee McFarlin Keith Miles, Josephine Burts, Josephine Frantz, Lady Thomas, James Hagood, Margaret Mae Murphy, Frances Gunter page 65 Virginia Sloan, Evelyn Collins, Lonnie Carruth, James Harvey Mead, Jerry Harwell, Alfred Wells, Dorothy Towery Elsie Scott Latimer, Bob Turner, Lesbia Word (Ward), Keith Miles, Evelyn Phelps, Rachel Caldwell, Clifton Miller Clarence Curlee, Katherine Rawlings, Effie Gene Pulliam, Ruth Martel, Lucille Atkinson, Loretta Sullivan, Anita Senter page 66 Sewanee Van Cleave, Harry Jeanne Boone, Lesbia Word (Ward), Louise Hooper Corinne Garrison, Katherine Rawlings, Mildred Weed, Lady Thomas, Jimmie Woodward Jessie Maye Ferguson, Rachel Caldwell, Bernice Schmidt, Doryce Jane Williams, Virginia Hallam page 67 (newspaper clipping- Poly "Hobo" Club Sent From School) M.M. Stuart, Joe Boykin, Lemuel Lotspeich, Earl Caraway, Robert Crawford, Clarence Curlee, Richard Salmon, Le Roy Black Leonard Conley, James Hagood, Creighton Ramsey, Frank Youngblood, Clifton Miller, Joseph Cooper, William Roy Price Edwain Dodson, Frederick Isely, Keith Miles, Parker Taulman, Olen Puckett, O.E. Hawkins, Edd Hyde, Roland Hall, Bill Wood page 68 Stella B. Tarlton, Darlene Lemons, Edgar Huffman, Joella Kretsinger, Kenneth Parish, Lucille Atkinson Geneva Griffin, Mary Barclay, Elizabeth Prude, Dorothy Rose, Roy Smith, Mabel Webb, Martha Ward Harry Harrington, Lorraine Quinn, Eva Latimer, Bernice Schmidt, Dorothy Short, Edward Boykin Byrnice Crist, William Buckley, Frances Martel, Edward Lard, Louise Hooper, Leola Isom page 69 Enola Shepperd, Jimmie Woodward, Evelyn Collins, Nedra Crites, James Leath, Clifton Miller, Marie Johnston, Phyllis Austin Bernadine Lightwine, Elizabeth Hamilton, Clara Freeman, Helen Hall, Thomas Walker, Wells Stephens, Reba Crossley Edwina Miller, Ima Sharp, Paul Bradford, Maurine Jennings, Beulah Grogan, Doris Brown, Bonnie Lea Langdon Robert leath, Lucille Atwell page 70 Jessie Schilling, Clarice Evans, Loretta Sullivan, Anita Senter, Mary Barclay Melba Doris Perkins, Lena Dougherty, Phyllis Austin, Jewell Jones, Maurine Reeder, Geneva Griffin page 71 Mrs. Mabel T. Jones, Olen Puckett, Bonnie Lea Langdon, Mary Armstrong, Arolee McFarlin, Frank Youngblood Bill Wood, Margaret Mae Murphy, Ruth Russell, Maude Sims, Reba Wesson, Helen Johnson page 72 Francis Thomas, Robert Crawford, Doryce Jane Williams, Harry Harrington, John Justice, Lesbia Word, Dorothy Towery Mary Lou Needham, Keith Miles, Maurine Reeder, Dorothy Eury, Dorothy Bruegmann, Beulah Grogan, Virginia Ray Ruth Hughes, Mabel Webb, Iris Villyard, Gertrude Lunetta, Mary Louise Rucker, Aline Lotspeich, Gladys Gilley Nellie Gallaspy, Gwendolyn Dunn, Lela Christopher, Lois McDaniel, Anna Davis, Leola Isom, Josephine Burns page 73 Mary Sweet, Harry Jeanne Boone, Edd Hyde, Hester Turner, Rheba Gibson, Princess Hogan, Rowena Ligon, Ruth Marshall Merle Willoughby, Frederick Isely, Ella Sue Gunter, Iris Villyard, Millard Watson, Frankie Barnett, Lottie Belle Humphries Frances Gunter, Effie Gene Pulliam, Margaret Bradford, Dorothy Reeder, Louise Hooper, Ernest Fitzgerald, John Justice James Leath, Richard Salmon, Jaynie Griffin, Aline Lotspeich, Lucille Rainwater, Gladys Gilley, La Verne Brunson Robert Crawford, James Harvey Mead, Lady Thomas, James Hagood page 74 Mary Sweet, Edd Hyde, Millard Watson, Edwina Miller, Evelyn Collins, Louise Hooper, O. E. Hawkins Raymond Rutherford, Dorothy Reeder, Jimmie Woodward, James Leath, Ernest Fitzgerald, Frederick Isely page 75 Edd Hyde, James Leath, Edwina Miller, Dorothy Reeder page 76 Hazel Smith, Anna Maxwell, Loretta Sullivan, Melba Doris Perkins, Lady Thomas, Ruth Martel, Dorothy Murphy Lora Harris, Aileen Taylor, Anne McLane, Clarice Evans, Veda Standard, Peachy McDowell, Ruby Bassett Ruth Hughes, Mary Ruth Patterson, Betty Murphy, Dorothy Short, Lela Christopher page 77 Mr. M.L. Ferguson, Jerry Harwell, Cyril Williamson, Frances Martel, Loretta Sullivan, Lesbia Word, Harry Jeanne Boone Margareat (Margaret) Kiker, Frankie Barnett, Marry Essex, Idell Long, Helen Schooler, Roberta Yeats Robert Stephenson, Jasper Bradford, Nellie Gallaspy, Mary Lou Hiner page 78 (newspaper clipping- Alfred Wells, Dorothy Sharp, Effie Jean Pulliam, James Harvey Mead) (Music Club Group Photo) Mrs. Peggy Pittman Wright, Elfred Wells, Keith Miles, Vivian Pratt, Rachel Caldwell, Epsa Wells, Florence Ball page 79 (Pep Squad Group Photo) Rowena Ligon, I.H. Richards, Aline Lotspeich, Raymond Rutherford, Princess Hogan, Lonnie Carruth, Mildred Spencer Parker Taulman, Estelle Stephens, Dorothy Ezelle, Irene Floyd, Anita Senter, Johnnie Bess Caldwell, LaVerne Brunson Christine Dedmon, Ella Sue Gunter, Idell Long, Frances Gunter, Jake Cauley, James Hagood, Erskine Wingo, Wallace Pitts Anna McLane, Ruth Morgan, Anna Wood, Granville Gibbons, Thomas Walker, Jack Newell, Earl Hunter page 80 Evalyn Martel, Bonnie Lea Langdon, Franceil Petifels, Joella Kretsinger, Kathryn Rawlings Katheryne Rawlings, Maurice Hawkins, Betty Stoddard, Beryl Wright, Margaret Baugh page 81 Military page 82 1st Lieut F.W. Maxwell, Lieut Col James I. Mason, Maj Maurine Martel, Maj Dorothy Towery, Sgt Will S. Wood 2nd Lieut E.D. Curtis, Maj Edna Burkett, Maj Effie Gene Pulliam, 2nd Lieut Dalton Minton, Sgt Alex Glickman page 83 (photo of 33 cadets) Col James I. Mason, Maj Keith O. Miles, Capt Roland R. Hall page 84 2nd Lieut Lyle James, Capt Anna Mary Dedmon, Sgt O.E. Hawkins, Sgt John McMahon Capt Mary Lou Needham, Sgt Gerson Heasley, Sgt Arnold L. Johnson, Corp Ray Clark, Lieut Crites page 85 Lyle James, Gerson Heasley, O.E. Hawkins, Arnold R. Johnson, John McMahon, Ray Clark, Paul Edmondson, Carl T. Graves Gordon Russel, Mark Sutphin, Glynn Wilhelm, E. Boykin, L. Bradford, O. Bransford, A. Clark, E. Dodson, L. Evans, W. Fisk G. Godfrey, P. Hale, R. Iteman, R. Powers, G. Pitt, C. Smith, W. Shelton, L. Tackett, B. Trough, J. Wright page 86 Capt Roland R. Hall, Capt Velma Erisman, Sgt Gerson Heasley, Sgt O.E. Hawkins Capt Maurine Reeder, Lieut R.P. Lee, Sgt Arnold R. Johnson, Sgt John McMahon page 87 Roland R. Hall, Wilford E. Hagerty, R.P. Lee, Jordan Sutphin, O.E. Hawkins, Gerson Heasley, Arnold R. Johnson William B. McCaslin, John McMahon, Paul Edmondson, Leslie Hornsby, Gordon Russell, Wells Stephens, Orland Bransford Kenneth Bostick, Edward Boykin, Lloyd Childress, Harold Coffman, Errol Cox, Dewey Denton, Perry Daughtry, Robert Eitman William Fitch, Billy Fisk, George Franklin, Jack Jordan, George Lawson, Bryce Massingale, Samuel Ketchem, Robert Powers Wallace Pitts, Frank Parker, Edwin Reed, William Reed, Walter Shelton, Lester Talkington, Eugene Taylor, J.T. Tyler, Kenneth Tucker page 88 2nd Lieut Harry M. Harrington, Capt Lena Dougherty, Capt Iris Villyard page 89 Harry M. Harrington, Harry C. Miller, William T. Read, Robert M. Buck, William C. Cooper, Errol W. Cox George W. Franklin, Arthur M. Glenn, John S. Huddle, Frederick B. Isely, James M. Leath, Jack W. McQuerry Sherwood McLane, Vernon L. Polk, LaGrande F. Wansley, Franklin E. Harrington page 90 Maj Keith Miles, Capt Frances Martel, 2nd Lieut Robert Coombs Capt Evelyn Phelps, Lieut Fritz E. Barton, Corp Murrell Cromer page 91 Fritz E. Barton, Robert Coombs, Earnest J. Beasley, Cecil T. Roberts, Murrell W. Cromer, John M. Lee John L. Ainsworth, Beaumont E. Burgess, Paul E. Rester, Charles B. Akey, W.D. Barnett, Elroy Bracewell Duke Burgess, Bennie O. Clark, Robert L. Gibson, Waldo H. haven, Carl P. Hoffman, Erskine Wingo Paul S. Bradford, William Bruegmann, DeNeil D. Henderson, Robert F. Swanner page 92 Mary Lou Needham, Anna Mary Dedmon, Iris Villyard, Maurine Reeder, Evelyn Phelps, Effie Gene Pulliam Maurine Martel, Edna Burkett, Dorothy Towery, Lena Dougherty, Frances Martel, Louise Hooper, Mary Lillian Minchew Pat Atkinson, Laura Essex, Enda McElroy, Ruth Martel, Geneva Griffin, Dorothy May, Rose Erisman, Jane Wilson Billie Dickeson, Luella Martin, Edna Lou Sullivan, Margaret Bradford, Reba Crossley, Hester Turner, Christine Dedmon Lady Thomas, Virginia Ray, Maxc Billingsly, Geraldine Davis, Clarice Evans, Lois McDaniel, Beryl Wright page 93 Fritz Barton, Keith Miles, James Mason, Roland Hall, Harry Harrington, Iris Villyard, Dorothy Towery, Lena Dougherty Ruth Martel, Frances Martel, Evelyn Phelps, Hester Turner, Effie Gene Pulliam, Edna Burkett, Maurine Martel, Maurine Reeder page 94 Wilford Hagerty, James Mason, Keith Miles, Fritz Barton, Roland Hall Paul Rester, Robert Coombs, Murrell Cromer, Glenn Wilhelm, Ernest Beasley page 95 Athletics page 96 blank page 97 F.F. Leissner, T.A. Ross page 98 Jack Dempsey, Johnnie Lee, Ray Spears, Ewing Wren, "Red" Oliver page 99 Clifford Smith, Jack McLamore, Cecil Roberts, Johnnie Vaught, Capt Dempsey, Alfred Wells, Oliver, Youngblood page 100 Joe Boykin, Richard Oliver, Ben Collard, Jimmie Grace page 101 Paul Carruth, Frank Youngblood, Alfred Wells, "Red" Oliver, Capt Jack Dempsey, Jo Boykin James Grace, Ray Spears, Ben Collard, McLamore, Smith, Vaught, Roberts, Carruth, Wren, Lee page 102 Basket Ball Schedule page 103 Shaw, Haas, McLamore, Sessions, Wren, Smith, Grace, Wells, Puckett page 104 Gurley, Conner, Martin, Erisman, Ray, Grace, Meharg, La Croix, Harber, Youngblood, Hagood Spaulding, Yager, Isbell, Evans, Keaton, McLamore, Watkins, Smith, Shaw, Sessions, Wren, Yager, Leissner page 105 (Newspaper clipping- "Lightfoot" the horse, Rodney Crossman, Miss Joe Speer, Boyd R. Tucker Mrs. C.E. Hide, Mrs. Harry Brandt, Earl Cantrell, Warren Galbreath, Pickens Burton) Jo Lynne Speer, Rutherford, Hogan, Carruth, Montgomery page 106 Jo Lynne Speer, Eva Lattimer, Mary Essex, Stelleta Angel, Mary Frances Brady, Novella St. Clair page 107 Margareat Kiker, Mary Lou Hiner, Billy Dickson, Irene Floyd, Berniece Schmidt, Doris Whisonant page 108 blank page 109 Vanity Fair page 110 blank page 111 Maurine Reeder, Richard Oliver, Effie Jean Pulliam, Gilbert Dempsey page 112 Maurine Reeder page 113 Richard Oliver page 114 Effie Jean Pulliam page 115 Gilbert Dempsey page 116 (11 photo's) Speer page 117 (11 photo's) page 118 (8 photo's) page 119 (5 photo's) page 120 (36 photo's) page 121 (8 photo's) page 122 (10 photo's) page 123 (6 photo's) page 124 (3 photo's) page 125 (3 photo's) page 126 blank page 127 Jack Dempsey, Keith Miles, James Harvey Meade, Lonnie Carruth, Robert Keith, Vivian Pratt, Harry Jeane Boone Zita Bates, Pauline Richardson, Miss Sweet, Miss Burkett, Mrs. Puckett, Mary Roberts Rhinehart page 128 (drawing by Walter Wigger) Miss Burkett, Effie Gene, Miss Daugherty page 129 (drawing by Walter Wigger) Wylbert Brown, Will Hagerty, Dean Dutton, Maurine Reeder page 130 (drawing by Walter Wigger) Skillet, Robert, Hogan, Boone page 131 (drawing by Walter Wigger) Miss Daniel, Josephine Frantz page 132 Autographs and Addresses Lillian Odele Ball, Alice McLamore, Zelda Ray, Frances Hagood, Frances Whitaker Ruth Shoemaker, Pauline Mitchell, Marian Shannon, Evelyn Preston, Clara Freeman page 133 (drawing by Arolee McFarlin) Patronize our Advertisers page 134 Miss Roberts, John Justice ad: Youngblood Plumbing Company; Pangburn's page 135 ad: Shannon Funeral Home- S.D. Shannon, J.O. Shannon, S.D. Shannon Jr. page 136 Mr. Ferguson, Mabry Myall, Miss Beaumont, Bob Turner, Miss Van Cleave, Johnnie Vaught, Melvin Glen ads: Harveson & Cole, Ambulance/Invalid Coach; Gibbons Hardware; "Poly" Shoe Shop, E.B. Gibbons; Teel-Penry Co. Lumber page 137 Mr. Murphree, Jessie Gaston, Josephine Burts, F.B. Williams, Lesbia Word, Olen Puckett ads: Victory-Wilson Clothes, Chas. G. Cotten; The Fair Woman's Store; E.R. Conner & Co.; Smith's Market page 138 Miss Baker, Noama Hayes, Miss Sloan, Bill Woods, Miss Burkett, Miss Roberts Vivian Pratt, Mr. Keith, Billie Fisk, Cooper Conner, Miss Terry ads: Martin Dry Goods; Lester E. Miller, florist; J.C. Frazier Drug Co.; G.G. Reeder Grocieries and Meats page 139 Miss Shepperd, Miss Schilling, Mr. Keith, Mr. Parker, Miss Stallings Miss Lavendar, Miss Martel, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Holden, Mr. Murphree ads: James McCord Company; Washer Brothers, Leon Gross; First State Bank page 140 Miss Schilling, Fay B. Lawson, Mr. Keith, Mr. Holden, W.D. Barnett ads: Trav Daniel Company; Fort Worth Gas Co.; Everett Drug Co.; J.W. Rainwater; W.E. Copenhaver page 141 Miss Sweet, Millard Watson, Mr. Holden, Mr. Ross, Miss Smith, Miss Baker ads: W.C. Stripling Co.; Washrite Laundry; Bergman Produce Company page 142 Mr. Holden, Lyle James ads: Fort Worth Power & Light Co.; J.C. Penney Co. Inc.; Fort Worth Blue Print Company, R.E. Jenkins, J.B. Johnson, D.E. Jenkins page 143 ad: Southwestern Engraving Company page 144 blank page 145 Richard, Keith, Olen ad: Wm. Cameron & Company, Inc. page 146 Reba Crossley, Miss Beaumont, Miss Baker, Lonnie, Miss Sloan, Jake Cawley, Miss Roberts, Josephine Frantz ads: Acme Coffee Company; G.W. Brown Glass Company; S.S. Dillow Grocery; C.C. Miller Pianos page 147 Naoma Hayes, Elsie Edmondson, Miss Baker, Olen Puckett, Richard Salmon ads: The Continental National Bank; Price's Studio, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Sims page 148 Vernon Pampell, Jack McLamore ads: Baker Floral Company; Lindsey H. McCans, printing; Crouch Hardward Company page 149 ad: Texas Woman's College page 150 James Grace, Iris Villyard, Miss Stallings, Edgar Huffman ads: Hub Furniture Company; Renfro's Drug Merchants page 151 Mr. Edens, Olen Puckett, Melborne Duke, Howell Russell, Lena Dougherty, Jim Mason ads: Haltom's Diamonds; Polytechnic Cash Grocery; A.J. Anderson Co. Sportswear; King's Chocolates page 152 page 153 2 page ad: Brantley - Draughon Business College page 154 ad: Texas Christian University page 155 ads: Norther Texas Traction Company; Monnig's Dept Store page 156 Harry Harrington, Ruth Martel ads: Stafford Engraving Co.; Branham's Meats; J.L. Bray, dry cleaner page 157 Miss Agerton, Alex Glickman, Mr. Murphree, Jaynie Griffin ads: Polytechnic Ice Co., R.C. Murphy; A.E. Want & Company Coffee page 158 Finis page 159 Ladene, Zelda Ray, Frances H., Alice McL. (newspaper clipping- Sewanee Van Cleave weds Dr. W.F. Armstrong, Nina Terry Myrna Agerton, Mrs. O.C. Ellis, Frances Rourk, Mary Lee Thompson) page 160 Roxie Jenkins, Gertrude Butler, Helen Phillips, Reba Wesson, Jessie Lee Sargent, Mary Sweet, Gertrude Bishop, Eddie Jo Simmons Mary Ann Hartman, Alice McLamore, Margaret Stephens, Mildred Grace, Dell Geer (?), Eugenia White Virginia Bluir (?), J.H. Richards, Doris Broune (?), Dora Brauer, Ruth Stockton, Mae Ila McMinn, Dorothea Hall, Ruth Russell page 161 Ladene, Clara Freeman page 162 Ladene, Mary Sweet, Dora McKibbon, Jo Speer back inset Ladene, Evalyn Martel, Edna Burkett