Tarrant Co., TX. - History: 1925 TXWOCO, Yearbook Texas Woman's College of Fort Worth, TX ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee January 5, 2002 ************************************************************************ 1925 TXWOCO, Yearbook of Texas Woman's College of Fort Worth, TX The following individuals are pictured in the 1925 yearbook of Texas Woman's College. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman; sf=sub freshman), and hometown for seniors. For each of the seniors there is a statement written about them and a list of activities. For this information, or club and sports participation, you are welcome to contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbot, sf Adams, Mattie Belle, so Alexander, fr Allday, Annis, fr Alston, Christel, so Ashburn, so Austin, Mary Lillian, jr Bailey, Opal, fac Ball, Irving, fac Ball, Katherine McDonald, fac Barber, so Bass, fr Bateman, fr Bates, so Beck, Edith, fr Bedford, fr Bennett, Blossom, so Berry, Mrs. J. M., fac Bigham, Gladys, so Billingsley, fr Bills, fr Bishop, John B., fac Blume, Margaret, sr, Fort Worth Boles, Anna, sr, Pecos Boles, Edna, fr Boswell, Louise, fac Bowman, Mary, so Boyette, Hansel, fr Boyle, Opal, fr Bradfute, Iva Lee, sr, Thornton Brannon, fr Braselton, so Brittian, Jewell R., fac Brooks, Mattie, so Buck, Pauline, jr Bucy, Margaret, jr Burdette, Anna Louis, fac Burns, Jewel, fr Burks, Ruby, so Cahill, Oma Ellen, sf Caldwell, fr Campbell, Katherine, so Carmichael, Catherine, sr, Fort Worth Carney, Ruth, so Carter, fr Cheney, Alma, so Chilton, so Christiansen, fr Christiansen, so Churchill, so Clark, Henrietta, sr, Rosebud Collins, Jeanette M., fac Cooper, Mary C., fr Coronado, Sylviana, fr Cowgill, Benjamin R., fac Cox, so Crites, sf Crump, Nadine, fr Dalton, so Davis, Mary Louise, sr, Burkburnett Dean, Dorothy, so Deets, fr Deets, so Dillow, Audrey, sr, Fort Worth Doty, Thelma, fr Doughty, Ila Faye, jr Downing, Susie, sr, Wichita Falls Dragoo, Wanda, fac Dragoo, Wilda, fac Duval, Elizabeth, fac Eddins, so Eddins, R., fr Eddins, Pinky Lou, jr Eilenberger, Alice, fr Elder, so Ellington, so Elrod, Ilda, sr, Stephenville Feemster, Pearl Ross, jr Flaniken, Wilda, fr Foster, Mary, jr Foster, R., fr Friend, Floy, jr Gaby, Frances, sr, Englewood MO Gaby, Martha, fr Gaines, so Gaines, K. M., fr Gaines, Willie Mae, so Galloway, fr Garrison, Ruth, sf Germany, Myra, sr, Grand Saline Graham, so Grammar, Margaret, so Greenwaldt, so Greenwaldt, W. M., fr Greer, so Guillet, Roberta, so Hackney, Francis, sr, Wortham Hannon, fr Harder, Vivian, sr, Fort Worth Hardt, H. B., fac Hargrove, fr Hargrove, Mary L., fac Harmon, J. B., fac Harris, Velvin, jr Harrison, fr Harrison, Ruth, fr Hart, Thelma, fr Hastings, so Haynes, fr Heath, Ruth, fr Hill, Alice, so Hines, so Holloway, Glenna, fr Horger, Thelma Lee, jr Howard, Clyde McNeil, fac Howard, Leska, so Howell, Annie Wood, so Hubbert, fr Hudson, so Hughes, Agnes, sr, Dallas Hurst, Thelma, so Isely, Frederick B., fac Isely, Mary Nickerson, sr, Fort Worth Jackson, Clarice, fr Jenkins, Mary L., fr Jennings, Gladys, jr Johnson, so Jones, so Jones, Genieve H., fac Karstetter, Ann, fr Keitt, Mona, fr Kellam, fr Kendall, Lucille, fr Kersey, Jessie Lou, jr Kilgore, Bernice, sf Kinnon, Josephine, fr Kirksey, fr Kixmiller, Helen, fac Knighten, Alice, fac Knox, Margie, sf Lacky, Nan, jr Latimer, Bessie Mae, sr, Fort Worth Lattimer, so Lavender, Addie, sr, Fort Worth Leath, J. O., fac Ledbetter, so Lee, Virginia, so Leissner, fr Lewis, so Lewis, Meriwether, fac Lightfoot, Edith B., sr, Fort Worth Lindsay, Sue, fr Lowe, Florence, so Lowrance, Jewell E., sr, Hillsboro Maddox, Maude, so Magers, fr Manning, fr Martel, Maude, fr Martin, Granville M., sr, Fort Worth Mayhew, Marjorie, fr McCanne, Lucile, sr, Memphis McCanne, Ruby, fr McCarley, fr McCartney, Elizabeth, fac McCaslin, Marion, sr, Fort Worth McClendon, so McConnell, sf McCormick, Ruth, fr McElreath, fr McFaddin, Gertrude Mae, sr, Port Arthur McKee, Opal, fr Medley, Gladys, sr, Marfa Melton, Ida, fr Mitchell, Ruth, jr Montgomery, Willie Fayette, so Montague, Sallie, fr Moon, Estelle, so Moore, Virginia, sr, Fort Worth Morehead, Norinne, fac Morrow, fr Mulkey, Alice, sr, Chillicothe Nelly, Mary E., sr, Winters Noel, Mary, so O'Bryant, Reta, sr, Fort Worth Onderdonk, Rowena, fac Orange, fr Paddock, C., fr Paddock, Marian, jr Parker, so Parker, Mrs. M. A., fac Parks, so Parrish, Lorena L., fac Patching, Ruth, jr Petty, Maude A., fac Pharr, fr Phifer, A., fr Phifer, Maurine, jr Plaxco, Artie Lee, so Porter, fr Priddy, fr Puckett, Louise, jr Ragsdale, Maurine, so Reagan, Gladys, jr Redin, fr Reed, so Rhotan, fr Rice, Kathleen, fr Riddles, so Riley, fr Roach, Tom, so Robinson, Elizabeth, so Robinson, M., fr Robinson, Martha V., fr Rogers, L., fr Rogers, Mary Joe, sf Rust, so Scott, Blanche, sf Scott, Madge, sf Smith, Elizabeth, so Smith, Mary Lou, fr Smith, R., fr Smith, Vivian, so Snell, fr Snipes, Ella, jr Spiller, Mary, sf Spraggins, Lyde, fac Stafford, Mabel, sr, Fort Worth Stegall, Mary Elizabeth, sr, Longview Stevens, Mattie, so Stewart, Harriet B., fac Stiles, Iola, fr Stone, Ruby, so Stout, Henry E., fac Strange, so Sykes, Grace, so Talbot, Avenelle, jr Talley, B., fr Talley, May, jr Taylor, El Freda, fr Taylor, Jean Hayes, fac Thompson, Lillian, fr Thurston, Gladys, jr Thurston, Lucille, so Tidwell, Helen, jr Tillett, Jeanette, fac Tillman, fr Tindell, sf Tinkle, so Tolk, Joanna, fr Tucker, Aura Lee, so Turner, Loree, sr, Fort Worth Turner, Margaret, fr Unferth, so Van Honr, fr Venth, Carl, fac Vernon, Dorothy, so Von Mickwitz, Harold, fac Wagner, Amy, jr Wakefield, Carol, jr Walton, Sarah, fac Ware, sf Waters, fr Watson, Bessie, sf Watson, Ouida, sf Webb, fr Webb, Mabel, fac Welch, sf Welch, Louise, sr, Clinton OK Wharton, Novalyn, fr Whitaker, Juanita, jr Whitley, fr Wilkins, fr Williams, fr Williams, so Williamson, sf Willis, Minnie, so Wilson, Sallie, fr Winfield, Ruth, jr Winn, Opal, jr Wright, fr Wright, so Wurtzel, Laura, fac Yeary, La Nelle, so Zeigler, S. P., fac