44-E Gremlins, Yearbook of the 307th Army Air Forces Flying Training Detachment, Hicks Field, Fort Worth, Texas The following individuals are pictured in the Gremlins, yearbook of the 44-E class at the 307th Army Air Forces Flying Training Detachment at Hicks Field, Fort Worth, Texas. They are listed in order of family name, given names, and hometown for some of the cadets. For additional information from this book, you are welcome to contact: don.brownlee (at) csun.edu Adamson, W. W. Baker, J. L. Barnard, J. C. Bartlett, C. R. Baughman, F. L. Beall, James S. Blount, W. J. Boggess, Warren N., Oakland CA Brown, James B., Youngstown OH Buford, W. C. Calderon, A. J. Carter, Raymond E., Auburn NY Castello, Bruno E., Tarentun PA Coleman, Robert C., Fort Scott KS Collinson, William S. Cook, J. R. Cooper, T. M. Corse, W. Y., South Hero VT Corsette, Douglas F., Rushford NY Curl, G. G. Denton, Robert R. Devoe, Richard G., Punxsutawney PA DeWitt, G. Dibelka, Albert, Omaha NE Dougherty, Gordon W., Syracuse NY Dowd, H. T. Dozier, Thomas H., Springfield MA Dugan, Clifford E., Indianapolis IN Dunning, D. D. Dwyer, Daniel D., Wichita KS Ezzell, R. C. Ferguson, J. G. Fisher, Edwin P., Fairplain WV Fladeboe, O. J. Floyd, F. M. Fluhart, Roy B., Wayne MI Frank, Bruce W., Fairfax MN Freeman, H. A. Friesen, E. C. Fuller, Lloyd E. Fusco, William G., Coraopolis PA Garland, David T. Jr., Denver CO Gateley, Harry Gazlay, A. Gene, Maumee OH Gebele, William Z. Geis, William A., Pittsburgh PA George, E. Goldsmith, Harold, Edgemere NY Grace, Russell Grapp, Stanley A., Minneapolis MN Green, A. F. Green, James L., Millwood WA Grey, William J., Arlington VA Groce, William G. Gustafson, Charles E., Thief River Falls MN Hall, Warren H., Stillwater OK Halter, James M., St. Louis MO Hanich, Norman L., Melbeta NE Harold, Harrie L., Indianapolis IN Hart, George E., Stanton MI Hasty, Wilton H., Dallas TX Hearty, Frank X., Bronx NY Heider, Donald P., Brooklyn NY Held, Wilbert S., Woodbury PA Higginbotham, Fred, El Centro CA Hill, Henry D., Waco TX Hollingsworth, Thomas H., Pittsburgh PA Houillion, Louis H., Cincinnati OH Hrenko, Paul, Donora PA Jacobs, Ralph E., Kansas City MO Jessen, H. T. Johnson, Albert A., Philadelphia PA Johnson, E. J. Johnson, J. H. Johnson, Mark L. Johnston, Lloyd W., Cut Bank MT Johnstone, Thomas, Westford MA Jones, G. A. Jones, Robert D., Nevada MO Jones, Willard W., Irrigon OR Kelley, Arthur B., Pittsburgh PA Kelley, James R., Woonsocket RI Kemnitz, George E., Perry OK Keyt, Ferris G., Minneapolis MN Kinney, Hubert W., Leavinworth WA Kirkland, James C., Tulsa OK Kleinschmidt, Arnold P., Lexington TX Kloesz, William A., Buffalo NY Kostolni, Walter G., Beaver Dam WI Krakauer, Martin J., Pottsville PA Kuhnlein, Frank P., Chicago IL Lai, William K., Portland OR Lamb, Sherman D., Cedar City UT Lamberth, Tom M. Jr., Dallas TX Lane, Garth F., Chicago IL Lang, Robert E., Columbus OH Lange, Rolland C., Racine WI Lauderdale, Francis A., East Pleasant Plain IA Lay, Floyd E. Lench, Edward L., Great Falls MT Levinski, Albert L., Seattle WA Levinson, Howard D., Chicago IL Lewis, Robert J., St. Paul MN Lindell, Stanley G., Corvalis OR Loop, Duncan H., Port Angeles WA Lord, John M., Montevideo MN Loucks, Walter, Dodge City KS Madison, J. L. Mallory, Douglas W., Baytown TX Mann, H. D. Markowski, I. Ronald, Pueblo CO Martin, James R., Independence MO McClintock, Burnice J., Camden NJ McCray, John R., Columbia MO McDonald, W. W. McFarlane, J. W. McKinney, James H., Madison Lake MT Meadows, Asbury W. Mercer, Charles H., Dallas TX Mickel, Woodburn J. Jr., Elmer NJ Miler, Richard W., Maplewood MO Miller, R. R. Millikan, Nevin E., Logan OK Mitchell, Robert G., Kansas City KS Moore, Robert E., Cincinnati OH Morgan, Travis B., Independence MO Morre, MacDonnell Jr., Danbury CT Morrissey, Pierce, Tecumseh NE Motto, John J. Mueller, Robert R., Milwaukee WI Munro, A. W. Napier, J. R. Neal, Caswell F., Carlsbad NM Noorda, Donald E., San Francisco CA Ottman, John J., Missoula MT Pace, Frank Palmer, Jimmie, Lefors TX Parish, Glenn L., Selah WA Parker, Francis E., Wheatfield IN Parker, Harrison V., Farmersville TX Parker, J. C. Parrish, E. W. Peffly, Elmer D., Waldron KS Pekkala, Arthur A., Rochester MN Pemberton, T. F. Persons, George G., New Orleans LA Peterson, William C., Bell CA Peterson, Wilbert G., Two Harbors MN Phipps, Robert C. Piasecki, Anthony J., St. Louis MO Pickens, Vincent L., Spokane WA Pitt, Robert W., Seattle WA Plake, M. B. Pons, W. D. Potter, A. C. Price, Mavel D., Elmcreek NE Raife, John H., Esterville IA Reeves, M. D. Reither, George R., Byesville OH Reynolds, B. L. Richardson, Richard R., Jacksonville NC Riggenbach, Paul R., New Martinsville WV Robbins, William J., Cincinnati OH Robertson, G. E. Robinson, John E. Roest, William P., Grand Rapids MI Rohrabaugh, James B., Lafayette IN Roper, M. C. Russell, V. W. Sanders, Gilmore L., Winters TX Schiebel, Richard H., Dallas TX Schmidt, O. C. Schneblin, Robert N., Peoria IL Schwegman, Robert W., Cincinnati OH Scott, W. G. Screws, F. G. Shaw, E. Shaw, Leslie E., Elmira NY Sheffield, James R. Shell, James R., Knoxville TN Shelton, Hibbard M. Shipley, Frank H., Whiting IN Shull, Wayne T., Wyandotte MI Sienel, Carl F., Detroit MI Simmons, L. B. Simms, H. D. Skalicky, G. J. Smith, C. V. Smith, Howard K. Smythe, Russell B., Louisville KY Spillmen, Gene E., Julesburg CO Stager, Frank E., Kalamazoo MI Stovall, H. A. Timinski, H. W. Tocher, Stewart R., Santa Rosa CA Tothill, Francis R., Roanoke VA Van Dyke, John L., Fort Worth TX Van Tuyle, R. D. Wagner, Robert C. Jr., Champaign IL Wallace, Charles C., Dallas TX Walls, John R., Covington KY Walters, Robert C., Burlingame CA Warren, John W., Moore MT Waski, Raymond, Las Vegas NV Weed, Oscar F., Longview WA Whaley, J. N. White, R. M. Whittaker, Morton K., Great Falls MT Williams, Omar R. Winchester, Alexander W., San Francisco CA Winters, J. W. Zimmerman, Vincent D.