1926 Cactus, Yearbook of the University of Texas, Austin, Texas Submitted by Don Brownlee Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ------------------------------------------------------ The following students and faculty are individually pictured in the 1926 Cactus, yearbook of the University of Texas at Austin. They are listed by family name, given names, class, hometown and yearbook page number. The class designations are: fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman; law=law school; md=medical school. For information on sports/club participation, you are welcome to contact: Abshear, Laura Evalyn, gr, Austin, 34 Adam, Alwin, sr, Hillsboro, 74 Adams, Clyde, so, Swift, 164 Agnew, Frances Ferris, sr, McAllen, 38 Akkerman, John William, sr, San Antonio, 82 Alcon, Dave N., so, Houston, 165 Allen, Andrew Q., sr, Petersburg, 74 Allen, Frank Campbell Jr., sr, Corpus Christi, 74 Allen, Sovern Wallace, md, Malone, 140 Alley, Elizabeth Manning, sr, Austin, 38 Ammon, Annie, md, Coleman, 147 Anderson, Emily Corrine, sr, Goldthwaite, 38 Anderson, Thelma Dura, sr, Hisslboro, 74 Armstrong, Wallace David, sr, Leonard, 38 Aronson, Howard Stanley, md, Dallas, 140 Aronson, Sam J. R., md, El Paso, 140 Arstein, Helen Dorothy, sr, San Antonio, 38 Arstein, Vivian Gladys, sr, San Antonio, 38 Ashcroft, Ina Maye, sr, Sulphur Springs, 38 Atkinson, Victor H., fac, 139 Austin, Priscilla Marshall, sr, Brooklyn, 38 Bacon, Louise Marzelle, sr, Killeen, 38 Beckwith, Alma Alrena, md, Coleman, 147 Bailey, Charles Ferguson, md, Balalinger, 140 Bailey, Patti Elizabeth, sr, Rockport, 38 Bailey, Thomas Burke, sr, Royse City, 74 Bain, W. Clarence, sr, Caldwell, 74 Baker, Harold Dowling, sr, San Antonio, 82 Baker, Lavonia, gr, Austin, 34 Baker, Rhodes S., fac, 24 Baker, Robert Metcalfe, sr, San Antonio, 82 Balcar, Edward, sr, Dime Box, 38 Baldwin, Elizabeth J., sr, San Antonio, 38 Baldwin, Mary Frances, sr, Sabinal, 39 Ball, Marion Ellen, sr, San Antonio, 39 Barclay, Leland, sr, Almeda, 82 Barclay, Margaret McGregor, sr, Waco, 39 Barnard, John Murray, sr, Wichita Falls, 74 Barnes, Edwena Shain, sr, Austin, 39 Barr, H. Buford, md, Beaumont, 140 Barrington, Mary Sue, sr, Ennis, 39 Barrow, Sidney Aline, sr, Shreveport LA, 39 Barry, Marie Louise, sr, Marshall, 39 Bartlett, Harry, sr, Corpus Christi, 82 Barton, Robert Clark, sr, Buda, 39 Basila, Basil Farris, sr, San Antonio, 74 Bass, Woodward L., law, Fort Worth, 68 Baugh, Frances E., sr, Cisco, 39 Beakley, Bennie Marie, md, Shannon, 145 Beard, Campbell Bryce, gr, Fort Worth, 34 Beaty, Mildred, sr, Waco, 39 Beavens, Charles Massie, md, Houston, 140 Beck, Cora Mae, sr, Wills Point, 39 Bell, Charles Wesley, law, Austin, 68 Benkendorfer, Madie Marion, sr, San Antonio, 39 Bennett, Mary Frances, sr, Decatur, 40 Benson, Margaret Elizabeth, sr, Bonham, 40 Bentley, Edith Pearle, sr, Austin, 40 Berry, Willie Mae, sr, Hubbard, 40 Bilberry, James Lee, law, Barstow, 68 107 Bingham, Neal Jesse, sr, Mexia, 40 Birkman, Frederick W., fac, 140 Black, Carl Monroe, sr, Austin, 40 Blakey, Joe Bennett, sr, Austin, 74 Blocker, Mamie, sr, Austin, 40 Bonnet, Edith Marguerite, fac, 140 Bounds, Mary Williford, sr, Fairfield, 40 Bounds, Robert Elmer, sr, Hubbard, 82 Bowers, Claire, sr, Austin, 40 Boyce, William Quincy, law, Amarillo, 68 Boyd, William Paxton, gr, Denton, 34 Boysen, Helen, sr, Austin, 40 Bradley, B. Leon, law, Groesbeck, 68 Bradshaw, William White, sr, San Antonio, 74 Bramlette, Dana Bess, sr, Austin, 40 Brand, Abe, so, Houston, 293 Brennan, Willie Bruce, sr, Laredo, 40 Brewster, Henry Leo, law, Fort Worth, 68 Brewton, Roy Rencher, sr, Grapeland, 74 Bridgers, Lucille, sr, Temple, 41 Brigham, Ben Madison, sr, Blanco, 74 Brinkley, P. G., md, Houston, 145 Brockhausen, Mable Katherine, sr, San Antonio, 41 Brockman, Marie, sr, Mason, 41 Brodbeck, Elsie Agnes, sr, Austin, 41 Brogdon, Aline, sr, Bryan, 41 Broughton, S. Donley, gr, Tyler, 34 Brown, Lawrence Lord, sr, Gulf, 41 Bruhl, Lawrence Lee, law, Llano, 68 Bryant, Kathryn Hale, sr, Austin, 41 Bubar, Donald Charles, law, Fort Worth, 68 Buchan, Alma, sr, Galveston, 41 Burdine, John Alton, sr, Paris, 41 Burnaby, Emily Elizabeth, sr, Beaumont, 41 Burns, Margaret Aileen, sr, Austin, 41 Burns, Maudie Marie, jr, Austin, 164 Burroughs, Hazel E., md, Rio Hondo, 147 Burrow, Dorothy Elizabeth, sr, Canyon, 41 Burton, Lowell C., md, Orange, 145 Buse, Russell Hardy, sr, Houston, 82 Butte, Felix L., md, 140 Byram, Ronald Wesley, sr, Houston, 42 Cain, Aileen Blanche, sr, Sherman, 42 Cain, Corinne, sr, Bastrop, 42 Caldwell, Walter Spohn, sr, Alpine, 42 Calhoun, J. W., fac, 29 Calvert, Hulon Elwin, md, Austin, 140 Campbell, Katherine Wiley, sr, Austin, 42 Campbell, Mary Aitken, sr, Austin, 42 Campbell, Ralph Gunn, sr, Austin, 75 Campbell, Willie, sr, Winnsboro, 42 Canfield, Delos Lincoln, sr, Austin, 42 Cardwell, Edith, sr, Lockhart, 42 Carr, Mary Elizabeth, sr, San Antonio, 42 Carter, Alfred Nathan, sr, Austin, 42 Carter, Frank Claire, sr, Wichita Falls, 75 Carter, Theodore O., sr, Austin, 75 Cary, Ludye Leon, sr, Pampa, 42 Caswell, Anna Louise, sr, Austin, 43 Cate, Nathalie Elizabeth, sr, Austin, 43 Cauley, Troy Jesse, sr, Comanche, 43 Cavette, Nina Elizabeth, sr, Austin, 43 Cecil, James Jay, md, Galveston, 140 Cerf, Mabelle Blanche, sr, Fort Worth, 43 Cheek, Maurice, law, Dallas, 68 Cherry, Robert Leslie, md, Giddings, 140 Childress, Virgil Simmons, sr, Bellevue, 75 Christian, Thomas Edward, md, Abilene, 141 Clack, John Alexander, sr, Austin, 43 Clawson, Ernest E., sr, Flat, 82 Clements, Otto John, sr, Austin, 75 Clements, R. E. Jr, md, Goldthwaite, 145 Cline, John Everett, law, Fort Worth, 68 Cline, William B., md, Bryan, 141 Cobb, William Moulton, sr, Cameron, 43 Cohen, Melvin David, sr, Houston, 82 Cohn, Abe, fr, Houston, 293 Cohn, Simon, so, Austin, 293 Coleman, Annie Louise, sr, Comanche, 43 Conti, Caroline E., md, Victoria, 147 Conway, Charles Henry, sr, Floydada, 82 Cook, Albert Carlton, sr, Austin, 82 Cook, Cecil Newton, law, Lufkin, 68 Cook, Lewis Goodwin, sr, Austin, 82 Cooke, Willard R., fac, 138 Cooper, Dorothy Ava, sr, San Antonio, 43 Corbett, Ruth, sr, Fort Worth, 43 Cornwell, E. R., fac, 29 Coston, Tullos Oswell, sr, Lufkin, 43 Couch, Florence Elizabeth, sr, Weslaco, 44 Cousins, Sue Margaret, sr, Dallas, 44 Cox, Robert Young, md, Austin, 141 Cozart, Hubbard Reed, sr, Normangee, 44 Craft, Herbert Olberg, sr, Dallas, 75 Crews, Mary Sam, sr, Crowell, 44 Crosslin, Hiawatha, sr, Waco, 44 Crutchfield, Earl Dean, fac, 137 Cummins, Maurine, sr, Austin, 44 Cunningham, J. Kenneth, sr, Paris, 75 Cunningham, James Morrow, md, Austin, 141 Currie, Evelyn Anna, sr, Kerens, 44 Curry, Leonora, sr, Alexandria LA, 44 Dabbs, Freda, sr, Austin, 44 Dabney, Gordon Willeford, sr, Gorman, 83 Dashiell, Catherine, sr, Austin, 44 Davis, William Ralph, sr, Grandview, 75 Davison, Margaret, sr, Galveston, 44 Decherd, George Michael Jr., sr, Austin, 44 Delhomme, Daniel Locke, sr, Houston, 83 Derrick, Leland Eugene, sr, Sweetwater, 45 Deuschle, Ruth Marie, sr, Terrell, 45 Diamond, Nathan, so, Galveston, 165 Dickerman, Leopold, sr, Brooklyn NY, 45 Dilworth, Eugenia Nola, sr, Austin, 45 Disch, William J., fac, 170 Dixon, George E., so, Shepherd, 166 Doherty, Jessie Eula, sr, Bishop, 45 Donaldson, Cyril, sr, Cleburne, 83 Donovan, William Merrill, sr, Lampasas, 75 Douthit, Katherine Elizabeth, sr, Palestine, 45 Douthitt, Ambrose C., sr, Henrietta, 45 Dove, Wendell S., md, Galveston, 141 Dowis, Joe Marion, md, Wichita Falls, 141 Dryer, Ralph Giddings, sr, Austin, 45 Duff, Marian, sr, Elgin, 45 Dunk, Waldo C. H., sr, Houston, 75 Durham, Prebble Irene, sr, Sterling City, 45 Dyer, Frank Gray, law, Houston, 68 Dyess, Anna Carolyn, md, Bryan, 147 Dyke, Martha, sr, Fort Worth, 45 Dyke, Richard Burt, sr, Orange, 75 Eagleton, Mary R., md, Commerce, 147 Easterling, Edward Walter, law, Beaumont, 69 Ekman, Naomi A. M., sr, Austin, 45 Elkins, William Sims, sr, Houston, 46 Ellis, Ora Maye, sr, McGregor, 46 Elphand, Elia Timof, sr, Galveston, 83 Endress, Charles P., sr, Austin, 75 Erler, Elsa Gertrude, sr, San Antonio, 46 Erwin, Bonnie Cecile, sr, Austin, 46 Erwin, Thomas Wilson, law, McKinney, 69 Esquivel, Sandy, sr, El Paso, 46 Estes, Jack Milton, sr, Abilene, 46 Estes, Sol B., sr, Clyde, 46 Evans, William Hiram, sr, Lubbock, 46 Ewing, Elizabeth, sr, Shattuck OK, 76 Exum, Frank Martin, sr, Shamrock, 76 Farmer, Louis Fleming, sr, Waskom, 46 Farrell, Evelyn, 111 Feagin, Ernest, so, Hemstead, 167 Feller, Sophie, sr, San Antonio, 46 Fenley, Curtis William, law, Lufkin, 69 Ferguson, Annie Kate, sr, Haskell, 46 Ferguson, Eugenia, sr, Cleburne, 46 Ferguson, Lola Belle, md, Sour Lake, 147 Feuerbacher, Mary, sr, Austin, 47 Fewell, Olin K., sr, Hico, 76 Fielder, Cecil Kay, sr, Lockhart, 47 Fields, Vivian Charline, sr, Austin, 47 Finger, Olene Louise, sr, Austin, 47 Fish, Pascal E., md, Matador, 141 Fitch, Mary Eleanor, sr, San Antonio, 47 Fitze, Shelby, law, Houston, 69 Fletcher, Roy William, sr, Giddings, 47 Flinn, Gladys Lora, sr, Bellevue, 47 Floyd, James McAfee, law, Fort Worth, 69 Fomby, Marion, sr, Austin, 47 Fonville, Herman A., sr, Wichita Falls, 47 Forbes, Mary Margaret, sr, Houston, 47 Foresyth, Pansy Louise, sr, San Antonio, 47 Forgotston, Bessie, sr, Gonzales, 47 Fowler, Irma Deane, sr, Victoria, 76 Freeman, Alma, jr, Denning, 164 Fry, Gordon K., md, Burnet, 145 Fulton, Cecil Ralph, law, Cottonwood, 69 Gardner, Sam Wood, sr, San Marcos, 76 Garza, Leonel, sr, Brownsville, 76 Gates, Margaret Haynes, sr, Fort Worth, 48 Gause, Bob Michie, sr, San Benito, 76 Gause, Ralph, sr, San Benito, 48 Gibson, Irene Maxine, sr, Pawhuska OK, 48 Gibson, Pauline Maurine, sr, Pawhuska OK, 48 Gidley, William F., fac, 139 Gierhart, Guy Balcer, sr, Shamrock, 48 Giesecke, Serena, sr, San Antonio, 48 Gilbert, Sol M., so, Fort Worth, 293 Giles, Frank Curry, sr, Dallas, 48 Glass, Sam L., sr, Sweetwater, 76 Glosserman, Herman, so, Lockhart, 293 Godbey, Vera Evelyn, md, Houston, 147 Gold, Virginia May, sr, Marshall, 48 Goldberg, Abraham I., md, Temple, 141 Goldberg, Irving L., sr, Port Arthur, 48 Golden, Lucius Duke, sr, Austin, 83 Gomez, Virginia Maria, sr, El Paso, 48 Goodstein, Lionel, so, Lockhart, 293 Goodwin, Richard Henry, gr, Austin, 34 Gordon, Malcolm Andrew, sr, Del Rio, 76 Gosch, James Albert, sr, Austin, 48 Gould, Robert Wright, sr, Henderson, 48 Graham, Grace Canton, sr, Abilene, 49 Graham, John B., sr, Hillsboro, 76 Graham, Leta, sr, Ozona, 49 Graham, Veto Joseph, sr, Gorman, 83 Grantham, Hazel, sr, McGregor, 49 Graves, Marvin Lee, fac, 138 Gray, Truman Stretcher, sr, Austin, 83 Grebe, Alfred A., md, Brenham, 145 Green, Bernice, sr, Austin, 49 Greenslade, Lillian Flora, sr, San Benito, 76 Griffin, Maud, sr, Houston, 49 Guelich, Richard Hugo Jr., sr, Longview, 76 Guinn, Rembert Shields, sr, Rusk, 83 Gunn, William Thomas, sr, Austin, 49 Guttman, Abe, md, Galveston, 145 Guy, William Thomas, md, Abilene, 141 Haden, Nan, sr, Fort Worth, 49 Haley, J. Evetts, gr, Midland, 34 Hall, Marvin Redman, law, Woodsboro, 69 Hall, Wendell C., sr, Hico, 49 Halsell, Ben, sr, Bonham, 77 Halsell, Charles Marion, sr, Bryan, 77 Hamburger, Max Julius, law, Eagle Lake, 69 Hamby, Carrie Mae, sr, Austin, 49 Hamilton, Robert Houston, sr, Amarillo, 49 Hamilton, Viola, sr, San Antonio, 49 Hander, May Dorothy, sr, Beaumont, 49 Happ, Howell Chester, sr, Beaumont, 77 Haraway, George C., sr, Paris, 83 Hardwicke, Charles P., md, Dallas, 141 Hardwicke, Kathleen Bass, sr, Dallas, 50 Hargrave, Helen, law, Austin, 69 Harker, George Herbert, sr, San Antonio, 83 Harlan, Mary Jo, sr, Cameron, 50 Harlan, Rudolph Kenner, md, Bartlett, 141 Harmon, Vita Griscelta, sr, Austin, 50 Harper, Henry Winston, fac, 19 Harper, Margaret Belle, sr, Dallas, 50 Harris, Dorothy Louise, sr, Amarillo, 50 Harris, Lady Jane, md, Austin, 147 Harris, Robert Lee, sr, Cleburne, 50 Harrison, D. A., md, Batesville, 141 Hart, Helen Furman, sr, Austin, 50 Hartgraves, Hallie, md, Menard, 142 Hartman, Henry C., fac, 138 Harwell, Lillian Gullette, sr, Austin, 50 Hauser, Abe, jr, Galveston, 165 Hauser, Harry, fr, Galveston, 165 Hazlewood, William Grady, law, Canyon, 69 Heacock, Dorothy Anne, sr, Edinburg, 50 Heatly, Mary Hoyle, sr, Austin, 50 Hedick, Hazel Allene, sr, Austin, 50 Heisig, Helen Ruth, sr, Beaumont, 50 Hendrix, B. M., fac, 139 Henson, Coy B., sr, Stephenville, 51 Henze, Henry Rudolph, fac, 139 Hermes, Gilbert, so, La Grange, 167 Herndon, Hester Lena, sr, Greenville, 51 Hershey, Edythe, so, Galveston, 164 Hicks, Joseph Harkess, gr, Beaumont, 34 Hildebrand, Ira P., fac, 21 Hill, Joel Milam, md, Fort Worth, 142 Hill, Waydelle, so, San Antonio, 167 Hilton, Ethel Grace, sr, Alvin, 77 Hodges, Henry A., sr, Marquez, 51 Hogg, Virgie Velma, sr, Gilmer, 51 Holland, Elizabeth Jean, sr, Fort Davis, 51 Holloway, Sterling Clark, law, Ranger, 69 Hood, Grace Humphreys, md, Ben Wheeler, 142 Hooker, Lynn C., md, Carthage, 145 Hornbeak, Mary Agnes, md, Corsicana, 148 Horne, Willie Low Smith, sr, Austin, 51 Houston, Thomas Lee, sr, Corsicana, 77 Howard, Catherine Lee, sr, Dallas, 51 Hoyle, Helen, sr, Decatur, 51 Hudspeth, Claude B., sr, El Paso, 51 Hudspeth, Elizabeth, 113 Hughes, Fred Morris, md, Houston, 142 Hughes, Robert Godber, law, Hico, 69 Hulan, Arl Guy, sr, Kerens, 83 Hull, William Deryl, sr, Cumby, 77 Hume, Millicent, sr, Austin, 51 Humphries, Edith Veloy, sr, Austin, 51 Hyde, William Arthur, md, Fort Worth, 142 Irving, Albert S., md, Fort Davis, 142 Irwin, Jeffie, sr, Austin, 51 Jackson, Edythe Lucille, sr, McAllen, 52 Jackson, Lola, gr, Gladewater, 34 Jackson, Sidney Douglas, gr, Franklin, 34 Jarrell, Curtis Fletcher, sr, Burkburnett, 83 Jeffrey, Lewis Andrew, law, McMahon, 70 Jenkins, Ira C., sr, Canyon, 77 Johnson, Clifford M., sr, Mart, 77 Johnson, Dallas Curtis, md, Galveston, 142 Johnson, Harry McCrindell, md, San Antonio, 142 Johnson, Hart, law, Fort Stockton, 70 Johnson, Julia Amelia, sr, Lubbock, 52 Johnson, Mary E., sr, Austin, 52 Johnson, Mary Olarine, md, Otoka OK, 148 Johnson, Sam Clinton, sr, Marlin, 52 Johnston, Ola, gr, Burke, 34 Jolesch, William Dorothy, sr, Dallas, 52 Jones, Augustus Claiborne, md, Henderson, 142 Jones, Linna M., md, Thornton, 148 Jones, Mary Frances, sr, Robstown, 52 Kahn, Ansel M., law, Houston, 70 Kehoe, Irene Elizabeth, gr, Shafter, 34 Keiller, William H., fac, 138 Kelley, Doris Katherine, sr, Henrietta, 52 Kelling, R. V., md, Galveston, 145 Kelly, Charlee, sr, El Paso, 52 Kelly, Henry Simeon, law, San Antonio, 70 King, Edward E., law, Abilene, 70 King, Jack J., sr, Laredo, 52 Kinney, Dexter Cleveland, sr, Austin, 84 Kirby, Homer T., sr, Kaufman, 77 Kirk, John Henry, sr, Austin, 84 Klatt, Emil Henry, md, 142 Klawansky, Alta Flora, sr, Cameron, 52 Klobedans, C., so, Flatonia, 167 Klossner, Onata Arnice, sr, Edinburg, 77 Klotz, Alice, sr, San Antonio, 164 Knight, Harry O., fac, 139 Knipling, Raymond Ben, sr, Ganado, 77 Koch, Norma Rossy, sr, San Antonio, 52 Koennecke, Albertine, sr, Fredericksburg, 52 Kohler, Henry Fred, sr, San Antonio, 84 Konz, Paul Raymond, sr, Austin, 84 Kooken, Duff Adolphus, sr, Arlington, 53 Kopecky, Joseph, fac, 139 Kopecky, Ludna, md, El Campo, 148 Kraege, Hilmer, so, Yorktown, 167 Krikorian, Aram, sr, Erivan ARMENIA, 84 Kuehne, Ellen Clara, sr, Austin, 53 Lacy, R. Lucille, sr, Mt. Enterprise, 53 Lamar, Lorraine, sr, Meridian, 53 Langford, Charlie M., sr, Mt. Enterprise, 53 Langner, Fredrick William, sr, Knippa, 84 Latimer, Wilson Adrian, md, Meridian, 142 Laughlin, John Reagan, sr, Austin, 53 Lawhon, Thomas J., sr, Houston, 53 Lawing, Graden Carl, sr, Arlington, 77 Leissner, Butler E., md, Yorktown, 146 Levin, Gus, so, Brenham, 165 Levy, Hennie Jeanne, sr, Navasota, 53 Levy, Herbert Sidney, sr, Monroe LA, 84 Levy, Robert E., sr, Waco, 78 Lewis, Louise Stoner, sr, Austin, 53 Lilly, Joseph Travis, sr, Devine, 78 Lindsley, Joseph Worchester Jr., sr, Dallas, 53 Ling, Milton, 106 Little, Harry M., md, Austin, 142 Littlefield, Clyde, fac, 171 Lochridge, I. P., fac, 28 Long, W. R., fac, 29 Longnecker, Oscar Milne Jr., sr, Houston, 53 Lopez, J. V., md, Alice, 146 Lopez, Simona, md, San Diego, 148 Love, Albert Luther, sr, Austin, 53 Lovell, Aline, sr, Temple, 54 Lowe, Hamilton, 104 Lowe, Virginia, gr, De Leon, 35 Lucas, James Beeman, md, Augusta, 143 Lung, Inez, gr, Austin, 35 Lyon, Inez St. Cloud, sr, San Marcos, 54 Mackey, Gertrude McGee, sr, Harrisonburg LA, 55 Mallery, Sally, md, Huntsville, 148 Manby, Constance Mary, sr, Shamrock, 55 Mangum, Carl E., md, Trent, 143 Manning, Ernest V., sr, Yoakum, 84 Manz, Karl George, gr, Austin, 35 Marburger, Bernice Maxine, sr, Smithville, 55 Marsh, Gordon, sr, Dallas, 55 Marshall, Edwin A., sr, Edinburg, 78 Martin, Edna Viola, sr, Austin, 55 Martin, Ethel Jane, sr, Winters, 55 Martin, Margaret Catherine, sr, San Antonio, 55 Martin, Quintin Morris, sr, Llano, 55 Martin, Roy Aubrey, sr, Houston, 78 Martin, Velma, sr, Memphis, 55 Mason, Stella, sr, Austin, 55 Mather, Dorothy Georgia, sr, Austin, 56 Mathews, E. J., fac, 29 Mathis, Darden, sr, Kingsville, 78 Matthews, Wilbur Lee, law, Big Springs, 70 Mattingly, Claude, md, San Antonio, 143 Mauritz, Gladys Lucille, sr, Ganado, 56 May, Ellen Douglas, gr, Huntsville, 35 Mayfield, Frances Margaret, law, Austin, 70 McCamish, Frances, sr, San Antonio, 54 McCaughan, Helen Holderby, sr, Corpus Christi, 54 McCelvey, Mary, sr, Temple, 54 McDaniel, Susie Taylor, gr, Elgin, 35 McDowell, Martha, sr, Lockhart, 54 McElroy, Mildred Torbett, sr, Georgetown, 54 McElroy, Winifred Torbett, sr, Georgetown, 54 McFarland, James Dorr, sr, Cleburne, 84 McGinnis, E. Karl, fac, 22 McHugh, Josephine Helen, sr, Slaton, 78 McIlhenny, Alfred Swearingen, sr, Dalworth Park, 84 McIlhenny, Samuel Alfred Jr., sr, Dalworth Park, 78 McKee, P. R., md, El Paso, 146 McKinley, Lela Ethel, sr, Pearsall, 54 McKown, Grace, sr, Sherman, 54 McLean, Dorothy, sr, San Antonio, 55 McLeod, Ora, sr, Wortham, 54 McMurray, James R., md, Ennis, 143 McNamara, Grace Leona, sr, Austin, 55 McNamara, Patrick William, sr, Austin, 78 McQueen, Luela Tannehill, sr, Dallas, 55 Mehl, Abe, sr, Fort Worth, 293 Melasky, Marian Jessel, sr, Taylor, 56 Messer, Jesse Neal, md, Austin, 143 Michel, E. G. Jr, md, Marble Falls, 146 Milburn, Bennie, sr, Austin, 56 Miller, Ann Winburn, sr, Austin, 56 Miller, David, jr, Mineral Wells, 293 Miller, Eugene, law, Garner, 70 Miller, Francis, sr, Palestine, 56 Miller, Iola, md, Crystal City, 146 Miller, May Belle, sr, Austin, 56 Mills, William Laverne, sr, Ruston LA, 56 Mills, Winnie Vivian, md, Nacogdoches, 148 Minter, Bessie Lillian, sr, Austin, 56 Mitchell, Glynn Haddon, sr, Mexia, 56 Mitchell, Melba, sr, Victoria, 56 Moch, J. Jerome, jr, Dallas, 165 Montgomery, Mina Amenda, sr, Ozona, 56 Mood, Margaret Ruth, sr, Channing, 57 Moody, Edmund K., gr, Austin, 35 Mooney, Elsie Catherine, sr, Denison, 57 Moore, Henry T., law, El Paso, 70 Moore, Thomas, A., sr, Caldwell, 78 Moore, V. I., fac, 30 Morgan, Maud Rose, sr, Greenville, 57 Morris, Seth Mabry, fac, 138 Morris, Thomas Dudley, sr, Fulton, 57 Morriss, Will A. Jr., law, San Antonio, 70 Moseley, Joel Nathaniel, gr, Alba, 35 Mosley, Louie Warren, sr, Lubbock, 57 Moynahan, Eleanor Cecil, sr, San Antonio, 57 Mueller, Ruth Henrietta, sr, San Antonio, 57 Murchison, Eugene Alexander Jr., sr, Austin, 57 Nabors, Abijah Owen, sr, De Leon, 78 Nall, Lola Agnes, sr, Beaumont, 57 Nathan, Annie, sr, Beaumont, 57 Naugle, Shirley Schwartz, sr, Austin, 57 Neblett, Robert Alexander, sr, Jackson TN, 57 Neely, Sue, sr, Austin, 58 Nelson, Bascom Mack, sr, Wichita Falls, 58 Nemir, Rosa Lee, sr, Austin, 58 Nettleton, Dorothy May, sr, Dallas, 58 Newbury, Edward Lee, sr, Dallas, 58 Newcomer, Donna, gr, Silsbee, 35 Newton, Lera Frances, md, Merryville LA, 148 Nichols, James Wood, sr, Austin, 78 Nimitz, Susan Elizabeth, sr, San Angelo, 58 Nisbet, Edward Allan, sr, Giddings, 58, 78 Norton, Eleanor Whiteley, sr, Ranger, 58 Norwood, Mary Ruth, gr, Abilene, 35 Odell, Dorothy Jane, sr, Austin, 58 Odom, T. L. Jr, md, Tyler, 146 O'Keefe, Thelma, md, El Paso, 146 Oldham, Mabel Ruth, gr, Dallas, 35 Oliver, Medina, so, Houston, 164 Olle, Edwin Werner, sr, Flatonia, 79 Omohundro, Edward Greer, sr, Beaumont, 79 O'Neill, Frank Joseph Woulfe, sr, San Antonio, 84 Osburn, Irvin Fischer, sr, Paris, 58 Pardue, Velta, sr, Hamlin, 58 Pargac, Leon J., so, Somerville, 167 Parker, Gladys May, sr, Austin, 84 Parsons, Noel Roscue, sr, Paris, 79 Patterson, Lois, gr, Midland, 35 Pauls, Louis Edward, sr, Galveston, 79 Pearson, Harry Randall, sr, Taylor, 85 Peden, Stella Alexandra, sr, Houston, 58 Peel, Alice Dexter, sr, Austin, 59 Penick, Daniel A., fac, 171 Penn, Sarah, sr, Austin, 79 Pennington, Wilma Annette, sr, Granger, 59 Peoples, Dorothy Francis, sr, Houston, 59 Peterson, Don Collins, md, Nocona, 143 Peterson, Edwin Herman, sr, Lexington, 59 Pickering, James E., sr, Victoria, 79 Pickett, Cornelius Augustus, sr, Beaumont, 59 Pinson, Charlie Campbell, md, Proctor, 143 Piperi, Agnes Cecile, md, Galveston, 146 Pipkin, James Lewis, md, San Antonio, 143 Poetter, W. L. C., md, Yorktown, 146 Pollard, J. Harrison, sr, Bay City, 85 Poorman, Eunice, md, Katy, 149 Porter, Eugene L., fac, 139 Porter, Fred Thomas, law, Terrell, 70 Pressler, Edward Doerk, sr, Austin, 59 Pressley, Doris Kilibrew, sr, Fort Worth, 59 Preston, Walter Bonham, sr, Austin, 85 Price, Granville, sr, Austin, 59 Price, Johnnie Elizabeth, sr, Palestine, 59 Price, Josephine, sr, Alice, 85 Putegnat, G. W., so, Brownsville, 166 Putnam, Lucile, sr, Plainview, 59 Quereau, John Ford, sr, San Antonio, 85 Racey, Dorothy Blanche, sr, San Antonio, 59 Radoff, David, fr, Houston, 293 Ramsdell, Mary Alice, sr, Austin, 59 Ramsey, George Edward Jr., sr, Sweetwater, 85 Randall, Edward H., fac, 138 Randolph, Nowlin, law, Plainview, 70 Rathgeber, Van D., md, Fort Worth, 143 Ratliff, Ruth, sr, Austin, 60 Rauhut, John Anton, sr, Comanche, 60 Reading, William Boyd, fac, 139 Reddick, DeWitt, 103 Reed, Elmo D., md, Goliad, 146 Reese, Horace Connell, sr, Beaumont, 79 Reeves, George Dewey, md, Jonah, 143 Reeves, James Clifford, sr, Austin, 85 Reinhard, Charles, Jr., sr, Boerne, 60 Renshaw, Ralph Raymond, sr, Decatur, 85 Richardson, Vivian, 103 Rippy, Thelma Lee, gr, Grandview, 35 Roach, Margaret, sr, Coleman, 60 Robb, Richard Reed, sr, Lufkin, 85 Robertson, Gordon, sr, Salado, 60 Robertson, Martha Ann, sr, San Antonio, 60 Rodgers, Ross Charles, sr, Austin, 79 Roper, George Henry Jr., sr, Corsicana, 79 Rose, Katherine Elizabeth, sr, Fort Worth, 60 Rounds, Florence Louise, sr, Robstown, 60 Rutherford, Homer Morgan, sr, Corbin KY, 60 Sammons, John M., sr, Austin, 60 Sandel, Helen Elizabeth, sr, Dallas, 60 Sanders, Charles B., md, Orange, 143 Sanders, Jason Poland, md, Galveston, 143 Sauerman, Flora Lee, sr, Cleburne, 79 Scarborough, John A. L., gr, Austin, 36 Schiller, Irene Theresa, sr, Lott, 61 Schlanger, Daniel, law, Houston, 71 Schneider, Valerie, sr, Locker, 85 Schoch, Margaret Madeline, sr, Austin, 61 Schorlemmer, Valtin Charles, sr, Tivoli, 79 Schwartz, Jack, so, Fort Worth, 165 Schwarz, Henry Alfred, sr, Mart, 61 Scott, Dan W. Jr, md, Marshall, 144 Scott, Nellie June, sr, Lipscomb, 61 Scudder, Vera May, sr, Henrietta, 61 See, Robert Samuel, sr, Brownwood, 79 Seekatz, Henry Louis, sr, Austin, 80 Segrest, Margaret Lenore, sr, Corpus Christi, 61 Seiser, Diana Jane, sr, San Antonio, 61 Seitz, Russell T., md, Wingate, 146 Settegast, W. Lester, law, Houston, 71 Sharp, William B., fac, 139 Shawver, Hazel, sr, Dallas, 61 Shell, Avis, md, Stamford, 149 Shelley, Jule, sr, San Antonio, 61 Shelton, Mae Coulter, sr, Wolfe City, 61 Shephard, Brandon Hope, law, Anson, 71 Shipp, Ruby Lee, sr, Burnet, 61 Shivers, Dorothy Ellen, sr, Crockett, 61 Short, Byron Elliot, sr, DeLeon, 85 Siemering, Dorothy Lillian, sr, Austin, 62 Sikes, Worth Travis, sr, Nixon, 80 Simmang, Charlcie Bewley, sr, Austin, 62 Simmons, Dwight L., law, Hillsboro, 71 104 Simmons, Thomas Martin, sr, Paris, 62 Singleton, Albert Olin, fac, 138 Smith, David Heaton, md, Victoria, 146 Smith, Elizabeth Mina, gr, Austin, 36 Smith, Fred B., md, Bairdstown, 144 Smith, Jack Deneale, sr, Belton, 80 Smith, Lois Weir, md, Chireno, 144 Smith, Lucille Burynes, md, Alto, 149 Smith, Mabel Brooks, gr, Colorado, 36 Smith, Mamie E., gr, Denton, 36 Smith, Russell, sr, Kaufman, 85 Sneed, Jerome Robert, law, McKinney, 71 Snell, Bernice Kathryn, sr, Lampasas, 62 Snow, James Byron, md, Winnsboro, 144 Snyder, Samuel L., sr, Austin, 62 Solcher, Esther Arsinoe, sr, Austin, 62 Sorelle, Seth A., sr, Clarendon, 80 Sparenburg, Charles Herman, sr, Austin, 80 Spence, Agnes Telfer, sr, Austin, 62 Spencer, Mary Katheryn, sr, Houston, 62 Spivey, Cordelia, sr, Bonham, 62 Splawn, Walter Marshall William, fac, 17 Springer, Joyce, jr, Austin, 164 Stallings, Gladys Lucille, sr, San Antonio, 62 Stallings, Unus Urban, sr, Moody, 86 Stanley, Oma, sr, Tyler, 62 Stark, Henry J. Luther, fac, 18 Stark, Martha Janet, sr, Orange, 62 Steen, Annette Elizabeth, md, Austin, 149 Stengel, F. C., md, Mason, 147 Stephens, George J., fac, 28 Stewart, Arthur C., sr, Matagorda, 63 Stewart, E. J., fac, 170 Stickney, Clydine Catherine, sr, Lubbock, 63 Stokes, Bernadyne C., sr, San Antonio, 63 Stone, Ben Brandon Jr., law, Fort Worth, 71 Stone, Charles T., fac, 139 Stover, Lucille Amelia, sr, Orange, 63 Strackbein, Alma, sr, Rocksprings, 63 Straiton, James Waugh, sr, Fort Worth, 86 Strutton, William Russel, md, Cleburne, 144 Struve, Guido Louis, sr, Campbellton, 86 Studer, W. M., fac, 29 Swiedom, Karl Louis, sr, Austin, 86 Taber, Virginia Louise, sr, Brownwood, 63 Takeuchi, Sterling Harper, gr, Tatsuno JAPAN, 36 Taylor, Mary Katherine, sr, Corpus Christi, 63 Taylor, Mildred, sr, Weatherford, 63 Taylor, Morinne, sr, Dallas, 63 Taylor, Sara Ethel, sr, San Angelo, 63 Taylor, Thomas Ulvan, fac, 23 Teller, Franklin Washington Jr., sr, Brooklyn NY, 86 Templin, Sam Sharp, md, Galveston, 144 Terrell, Ruby, fac, 30 Terry, Albert Asbury, sr, Dallas, 63 Theilen, Irvin Frank, sr, Austin, 86 Thompson, James E., fac, 138 Thompson, John, md, Galveston, 144 Thrasher, Christian Elizabeth, sr, Austin, 63 Threlkeld, Oswald Edward, sr, Texarkana, 64 Tietz, O. L., md, Yorktown, 147 Tillery, Ola Mae, sr, Reagan, 64 Tipton, Van Collier, md, Bartlett, 144 Tittsworth, Coma Ardis, sr, Sabinal, 64 Todd, William Lee, gr, Austin, 36 Toepperwein, Gustav Adolph, sr, Boerne, 86 Toone, John Love, law, Lampasas, 71 Trow, Richard F., sr, Trinity, 86 Turner, Olen Cecil, gr, Graford, 36 Tyler, Barney Gilbert, sr, Clyde, 80 Ulrich, Ora emma, sr, Lampasas, 64 Underwood, Rip Cornelius, sr, Amarillo, 64 Vanzant, Francis Ralston, md, Houston, 144 Veazey, Henry Clay, sr, Rogers, 86 Veazey, John Hobson, md, Van Alstyne, 144 Voight, Roland Beauregard, gr, San Antonio, 36 Von Blittersdorf, Ben Louise, gr, Austin, 36 Von Roeder, Herbert Spencer, sr, Knapp, 64 Voss, Helen Ethel, sr, San Antonio, 64 Walker, Mary, sr, Cleburne, 64 Wall, Dick P., fac, 138 Ward, Sarah Elizabeth, sr, San Angelo, 64 Watkins, Esther, sr, San Antonio, 64 Watkins, Evelyn, sr, San Antonio, 64 Watson, M. Marjorie, law, Austin, 71 Watts, Rufus Paton, sr, Amarillo, 86 Wear, John Brewster, md, Rogers, 144 Weaver, Findley, gr, Austin, 36 Weaver, Ted Langford, sr, Henrietta, 80 Webb, Kathryn Madeline, sr, Waco, 64 Webb, Miriam, sr, Alpine, 65 Weems, Annie Lou, sr, Sherman, 65 Weems, Sands Smith Jr., sr, Columbia, 80 Welch, Roberta Margaret, sr, Houston, 65 Wells, Sara Frances, gr, Austin, 36 Wester, Neva Nell, 110 Wharton, Lucille Richter, sr, San Antonio, 65 Whipple, Howard Russell, law, San Antonio, 71 Whitacre, Velma, sr, San Antonio, 65 White, R. L., fac, 28 White, Sarah E., sr, Fort Worth, 65 Whitehurst, Dorothy Leavel, sr, Houston, 65 Whiteside, Warren Tristam Jr., sr, Paris, 86 Whitley, Joe Frank, sr, Cushing, 80 Whitsett, James Mortis, sr, Weatherford, 65 Wigodsky, Raye Eileen, sr, Bay City, 65 Wilcox, Julia Evelyn, sr, Bryan, 65 Willenberg, Lorena Gertrude, md, La Grange, 149 Williams, Charles R., md, Mineral Wells, 144 Williams, James Harry, sr, Daingerfield, 80 Williams, Mary Lee, sr, Austin, 65 Williams, Maurice Moore, law, Bonham, 71 Williamson, Howard, 102 Williamson, Melvin E., sr, San Antonio, 65 Williford, Herman B., md, Fairfield, 145 Wilson, Hubert Frank, sr, Silsbee, 86 Wilson, Inez B., md, Corpus Christi, 149 Wilson, Ivie Queen, sr, Eastland, 66 Wilson, Mary Dan, sr, Sonora, 80 Winn, Mary Erma, sr, Port Arthur, 66 Winston, James Edward, sr, Houston, 80 Wiseman, William Madison, sr, La Vernia, 66 Witter, Wilma, sr, Belton, 66 Wood, John K, md, Cooledge, 145 Woodruff, Philip Douglas, law, Harrisburg, 71 Woods, Lee, sr, Del Rio, 66 Wootters, Frank Stokes, md, Crockett, 145 Worley, Garland Wilson, sr, Xicotencatl MEXICO, 66 Worley, Gladys Lorene, sr, McAllen, 66 Wright, Daphne, md, Alto, 149 Wright, Dixie, md, Alto, 149 Wupperman, Alice Margarethe, sr, Austin, 66 Wynne, Ada Kaletah, sr, Wills Point, 66 Yarbrough, Juanita Fayette, sr, McKinney, 66 Yonak, M. M., jr, Dallas, 293 Young, Irma Blanche, sr, San Antonio, 66 Young, James Jr., law, Kaufman, 71 Young, Zetta Alonso, sr, San Antonio, 66 Youngblood, Thomas W., md, Floresville, 147 Zrubeck, E. W., so, Granger, 166