TRINITY COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 17, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Abernathy, W. C. 12-1-1927 M Elvie Carroll Sam Houston Abernathy Ables, Robert Daniel 7-3-1927 M Emma J. Taylor James A. Ables Alexandria, Dewey Inf Of 7-25-1927 F Nannie Bell Tally Dewey Alexandria Allen, Robert Inf Of 5-26-1927 F Nettie Tipton Robert Allen Andrews, Mary 12-31-1927 F Effie Bradley Eddie Andrews Autley, David F. Inf Of 8-16-1927 F Alethia Reynolds David F. Autley Balls, Booker T. Jr. 10-31-1927 M Maydell Smith Booker T. Ball Beard, William Thurman 1-25-1927 M Eunice Vaughn John Beard Belcher, Plaise Lafett 10-8-1927 M Lillie Askew Robert Earl Belcher Bell, Billie Joe 9-24-1927 F Ola Cloys Luther Warren Bell Bennett, Bob 6-16-1927 M Lula Due Floyd R. Bennett Benton, Jesse Franklin 4-17-1927 M Carre Stanley W Davad Benton Bochat, James Nicholas 7-22-1927 M Agnes Mary Sion H. Bochat Bostick, Herman Washington 12-11-1927 M Maggie Oats J. W. Bostick Boyett, Jo Gwendolyn 1-17-1927 F Evelyn Beeson William E. Boyett Brazier, Walter Inf Of 2-7-1927 M Gracy Perry Walter Brazier Breazeale, John Westly Inf Of 8-15-1927 M Gracie Koonce John Westly Breazeale Brooks, Robert Inf Of 6-29-1927 F Pearl Campbell Robert Brooks Callaway, Plake 5-8-1927 M Carcu Gregory Robert Callaway Car, Walker Inf Of 3-7-1927 M Rotie Deason Walker Car Chamberlain, Maurine 7-11-1927 F Maurine Harwell Albert Chamberlain Chandler, William David 10-6-1927 M Emma Mills Lewis Legette Chandler Clark, Celeste 10-17-1927 F Tempie Baker Charles W. Clark Clark, Lavern 5-23-1927 F Ada Terry J. E. Clark Conley, Mary Ophelia 12-1-1927 F Naomi Cox L. E. Conley Crow, Nelda Marie 12-9-1927 F Clarence Crow Jr. Davis, Darly Inf Of 4-27-1927 F Gertie Ponder Darly Davis Dewyer, Lelan Inf Of 8-16-1927 F Opal Downing Lelan Dewyer Dudley, Dan Inf Of 8-20-1927 F Nina Crow Dan Dudley Due, Robb. A. Inf Of 5-30-1927 F Bessie Kemper Robb. A. Due Dwier, Thomas L. Inf Of 7-23-1927 F Laura Stevenson Thomas L. Dwier Eduards, John Henry Inf Of 9-24-1927 F Winnie M. Darsey John Henry Eduards Edward, Philip Inf Of 5-28-1927 M Vada Richerson Philip Edward Evans, Joe Scot Inf Of 1-17-1927 M Lillie Rush Joe Scot Evans Faircloth, Leona Fae 10-19-1927 F Gertie Sheffield June Edgar Faircloth Foster, Telma Elizabeth 3-23-1927 F Edna Ethel Norworthy J. Frank Foster Friday, Blanch Lucell 11-27-1927 F Ada Reed O. L. Friday Fussell, Coy Nelson 2-20-1927 M Matie Stanley N. F. Fussell Gaiser, Carl Inf Of 3-9-1927 F Nora Oniel Carl Gaiser Gilford, May Dorothy 3-11-1927 F Alma Smith Ed Gilford Glass, Worthington G. Inf Of 7-4-1927 F Lilly R. Jones Worthington G. Glass Groves, Russell A. Inf Of 11-2-1927 M Gladys Lee Hall Russell A. Groves Hamilton, Troy Inf Of 5-30-1927 M Enda Mae Dickey Troy Hamilton Hampton, Jewel 7-13-1927 F Peal Hampton Jones Louis H. Hampton Harris, Hazel 10-19-1927 F Luella Abraham Frank Harris Hayes, Ima 5-27-1927 F Jessie Norworthy Jno. W. Hayes Hollis, Thomas Clayton 3-9-1927 M Iva Etta Trullos Odel Hollis Horace, Harvey Inf Of 1-18-1927 F Janie Horad Harvey Horace Humphreys, Ike Inf Of 2-22-1927 F Mary Thigpen Ike Humphreys Hutto, Dorothy Earnstine 4-12-1927 F Susie Thompson George W. Hutto Hutto, Geo T Inf Of 5-2-1927 M Dora Levins Geo T Hutto Isaacks, Earl Edward Jr. 8-11-1927 M Beulah Alexander Earl Edward Isaacks James, Jeanne Jocelyn 1-16-1927 F Lura Allen C. E. James Jernigan, Jessie Irene 1-4-1927 F Rena Davis J. J. Jernigan Johnson, D. Clifford Jr. 5-3-1927 M Reba Skipper D. Clifford Johnson Johnson, Nella 3-18-1927 F Nella Smith Tom Johnson Jones, Frank Lewis Inf Of 4-14-1927 F Lelia Craven Frank Lewis Jones Jossenaud, Billie Jean 12-27-1927 F Myra Walters H. M. Jossenaud Jurek, Joe Inf Of 10-7-1927 F Francis Janak Joe Jurek Kemper, Roselle 10-4-1927 F Rosa Belle Kemper Tullos J. Otis Kemper Killion, Arthur Roy 1-8-1927 M Ida Jewel Clark John A. Killion Krampota, Eddie Jr 9-26-1927 M Ruby Blackman Eddie Krampota Lahman, Clifford 3-19-1927 M Beatrice Coleman J. H. Lahman Lee, J. C. 11-26-1927 M Etta Best Nolan Lee Lee, William H. Inf Of 8-4-1927 M Lula Dell Ponder William H. Lee Lloyd, Hasseltin 1-9-1927 F Dora Annie Harrison W. Ernest Lloyd Maddox, Ethel 2-7-1927 F Ethel Lane Duel Maddox Manguin, W. Jessie Inf Of 9-15-1927 M Annie White W. Jessie Manguin Mayer, Marlan Inf Of 1-24-1927 M Clara Lee Morrow Marlan Mayer Mcgraw, F. Inf Of 7-10-1927 M Murine O. Scroggins F. Mcgraw Mcphail, Joseph Lee 2-5-1927 M Myrteil Townes J. Hendrick Mcphail Mcwilliams, Ella Louise 9-19-1927 F Birdie Lee Odonnell A. T. Mcwilliams Mericle, Glen 1-29-1927 M Ernestene West Wyet Mericle Miller, William 12-16-1927 M Lucile Goette W. W. Miller Moulder, Fayma 3-13-1927 F Ione Fann Simon Peter Moulder Nierth, Roy Edward 11-16-1927 M Lottie Mae Scott J. C. Nierth Jr. Noroworthy, Margrie 4-8-1927 F Edna West Calvan Nosworthy Parker, Bob Wright 8-1-1927 M Hester Wright Jeff J. Parker Parker, Naoma Lavern 11-16-1927 F Media Elmer Lott James Oscar Parker Parker, Wm Inf Of 5-24-1927 M Susie Warren Wm Parker Perkins, Harrison Inf Of 5-2-1927 M Emma Young Harrison Perkins Phillips, Annie Virginia Rose 1-10-1927 F Nellie Virginia Benton W. A. Phillips Rack, Billie Jean 12-8-1927 F Doris Ella Satterwhite Frank Rack Rector, John W Jr. 7-8-1927 M Edith Rushing J. W. Rector Sr. Richards, Jeanne Marie Madeline 2-10-1927 F Jeanne Marie Sicard Ben R. Richards Roberts, Elton Inf Of 1-15-1927 M Ethel Bane Elton Roberts Rogers, Jessie E 7-14-1927 M Jessie Mae Gates Floyd Rogers Sizemore, Oliver Inf Of 1-6-1927 F True King Oliver Sizemore Skelton, S. Ernest Inf Of 7-4-1927 M Rosa Loraine Inglish S. Ernest Skelton Smith, Ernest M. Inf Of 5-29-1927 M Ada Morrell Ernest M. Smith Sofford, Ed B. Inf Of 6-28-1927 F Erma Jasserand Ed B. Sofford Stroud, Curtis Monroe 1-11-1927 M Lula Bell Proctor G. W. Stroud Stutts, Wilburn Edward 8-19-1927 M Minnie Murphy Wilburn Edward Stutts Sullivania, Dorotha 6-15-1927 F Vans Holcombe C C Sullivania Terry, Albert S. Inf Of 8-13-1927 M Edna Edington Albert S. Terry Thomas, Jerel M. 6-10-1927 M Maud Patton R E Thomas Thompson, William Harrison 10-7-1927 M Johnnie Javel Cleveland A. G. Thompson Tullus, D. P. Inf Of 4-28-1927 F Georgie Sammons D. P. Tullus Turner, Henry Inf Of 8-4-1927 M Falma Richardson Henry Turner Tussell, Cloyce Lee 5-15-1927 M Nina Green Lu Roy Tussel Vick, Leviz Inf Of 1-3-1927 M Dovie Vick Leviz Vick Walker, Alwyn Trimman 11-10-1927 M Ollie Boswell Milam Walker Walton, Dotsie Marie 5-7-1927 F Virgil Milligan Robert A. Walton Jr Walton, T P Jr 5-1-1927 M Nettie Mc Claire Tom P. Walton Williams, Herculine 2-2-1927 F Wit Jackson L. Williams Wilson, George S. Inf Of 2-1-1927 F Annie Allen George S. Wilson Womack, Monroe Inf Of 2-16-1927 M Gertrude Oneil Monroe Womack Wooley, Dellwood 9-24-1927 M Mildred Dorthy Marile Wirt Wooley Wright, J. S. Inf Of 9-12-1927 F Viola Money J. S. Wright