TRINITY COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1930 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - July 13, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Ables, Bernice D. Inf Of 2-18-1930 F Bernice D. Ables Adams, Albert Roy 9-21-1930 M Lillie Sanford Sylvester Adams Alexander, Lea 4-2-1930 M Novella Alexander Ad Alexander Allen, Lee Inf Of 7-9-1930 M Alma Blair Lee Allen Anderson, J. D. 1-4-1930 M Cassie Harrison Joe Dixon Anderson Arnold, Clayton Ellen 7-11-1930 M Trudie Allen Jessie Clayton Arnold Baker, John L 7-20-1930 M Pearl Hobbs John Baker Baker, Nona Fay 5-29-1930 F Olga Faircloth Bochran D. Baker Barfield, Curtis Raymond 5-9-1930 M Pearl Gary John Henson Barfield Barnes, Molly Louise 10-18-1930 F Blanche Fitzgerald Burt Barnes Barton, Mary Francis 7-19-1930 F Lelia Eloise Morrison Dudley Carrol Barton Bates, Everett Gene 7-8-1930 M Johnnie Bates George Wade Bates Beeson, James Stanley Jr. 2-19-1930 M Bertie Odessa Walker James Stanley Beeson Bell, Bettie Annie 6-15-1930 F Nellie Allen Elijah Bell Bell, Francis Jane 5-11-1930 F Ella Torer Horace Bell Benge, Joseph Ehmer 1-2-1930 M Nora Brooks Clifford Benge Bennett, Orren Edgar 10-10-1930 M Lula Estell Due Richmond Floyd Bennett Boley, Roy Calvin 1-15-1930 M Ethel Witt Homer Boley Boswell, Lula May 4-25-1930 F Gertrude Faust A. E. Boswell Boyce, Cora May 12-24-1930 F Bessie Beatrice Pipes William Francis Boyce Boyd, Willis Pope 7-15-1930 M Nea Lore Pope **Death File Number Exists** Breozeale, Peggy Jean 11-1-1930 F Grace Koonce John Westley Breozeale Brock, Tom Jr 4-12-1930 M Lula Mayo Tom Brock Brooks, John E Inf Of 9-24-1930 M Eleana Baker John E Brooks Broughton, Joseph Otto Jr. 10-27-1930 M Faye Potts Joseph Otto Broughton Sr. Burks, Elizabeth 12-22-1930 F Louise Burks Horace Burks Burnett, Mary Jane 4-4-1930 F Obie Burnett Butler, Marget 6-2-1930 F Melia Butler Will Butler Cain, Louise 10-31-1930 F Vergil Jones William M. Cain Campbell, Aaron Isaac Inf Of 7-18-1930 F Mattie Thompson Aaron Isaac Campbell Charlton, Virgie Marie 1-13-1930 F Mollie Kate Nettles Ethel Charlton Christian, Charles Douglass 11-7-1930 M Ila May Dove Connie C. Christian Clenden, John Jr 7-5-1930 M Beulah Green John Clenden Collier, Pauline 1-28-1930 F Viola French Andrew Jackson Collier Collier, Rubie Lee 8-26-1930 F Myrtle Williams Joe B Collier Cope, Lois Jean 10-15-1930 F Mary Lee Seale C. A. Cope Cunningham, Guy Winston 10-9-1930 M Myrtle Hartnett John Henry Cunningham Davidison, Mary Lee 6-11-1930 F Anne Byan Robert Davidison Davis, Merrel 1-8-1930 F Mary Elizabeth Mericle Clint Davis Davis, Percy Cleon 12-1-1930 M Erma Smith Jessie Davis De Walt, David Eugene 6-14-1930 M Lila Waltz David Barney De Walt Deaton, Conrad Inf Of 3-21-1930 F Faloie Smith Conrad Deaton Dickson, Betty Jean 9-28-1930 F Susie Birmingham J. R. Dickson Dorsey, Edna Inez 11-24-1930 F Lora Inez Perkins John Wesley Dorsey Dry, Emma Jean 4-13-1930 F Jessie Baker Otis Dry Due, Billie Bee 10-27-1930 F Winia Leva Cockrell Ed Mcdougald Due Due, Mary Emily 12-20-1930 F Mona Lillian Polk Wilmer Brasher Due Dukes, James Autrey 11-14-1930 M Linnie Lee G. L. Dukes Duneway, Tol 4-16-1930 F Burthy Duneway Tal Dumeway Dwire, George Leland Inf Of 3-19-1930 F Opal Dominey George Leland Dwire Eastepp, Hoyt Cecil 4-21-1930 M Eula A. Stewart Hiram D. Eastepp Eaves, Alice Fay 9-4-1930 F Susie Goodwin Clint Eaves Elliott, Billie Marie 7-5-1930 F Jessie J. Wells S W Elliott Emanuel, Viola Marie 2-27-1930 F Della Elaine Rowe Lonnie Emanuel Ethridge, Martha Ellen 2-25-1930 F Mamie Louise Dukes Paul Benford Ethridge Evans, Enola B. 1-14-1930 F Mary Ella Pennington George Evans Jr. Farell, Evylyn May 12-20-1930 F Margarite Elizabeth Carson Claude Lee Farell Fleetwwod, Ann Amelia 11-8-1930 F Ima Jo Fairbonet Mill Ware Fleetwood Ford, Vivian Corinne 9-27-1930 F Dixie Lurline Bumstead Frank William Ford Foster, James Lemuel 12-15-1930 M Edna Norsworthy Frank Foster Fox, Ninagene 3-15-1930 F Nina Birchfield Eugene Fox Frakes, Billie Louise 9-4-1930 F Louise Mccrary C. N. Frakes Franklin, Robert Inf Of 7-29-1930 M Mamie Warren Robert Franklin Freeman, Alton Jr. 10-14-1930 M Lillie Dell Hester Alton Freeman Freeman, Clarence Inf Of 6-10-1930 M Mary Mcconell Clarence Freeman Freeman, Louie Alfred Inf Of 10-25-1930 F Bertha Hutto Louie Alfred Freeman Fussell, Nathan Floyd Inf Of 7-7-1930 F May Etta Stanley Nathan Floyd Fussell Gilbert, Evelyn Marie 6-17-1930 F Dorothy Evelyn Brock Emmett Benjamin Gilbert Gillyard, Delethe May 12-14-1930 F Rosie Fisher Clidee Gillyard Goodrum, Felix Martin Jr. 3-1-1930 M Endora Hanner Felix Martin Goodrum Sr. Graham, Hazel 2-19-1930 F Nora Hathorne Nathan Harvey Graham Guynes, Clell E. 2-2-1930 M Ruby Franklin Clifford Guynes Hall, John Lewis Inf Of 2-15-1930 M Zonie B. Cockrell John Lewis Hall Hall, Roy Thurston 9-26-1930 M Clara Bell Arnold Roy Wilton Hall Haralson, Thomas David 3-8-1930 M Meta Kelley William David Haralson Hawkins, Albert 1-16-1930 M Claudie Hawkins Peet Hawkins Hayes, Jack Nelson 4-24-1930 M Rachel Butler Joshua J. Hayes Hayes, John Inf Of 11-4-1930 F Jessie Norsworthy John Hayes Hearn, Charline 12-17-1930 F Bertie Franklin Charlie Preston Hearn Henderson, Curtis 6-6-1930 M Austrolia Kings Leroy Henderson Hester, Clayton Gene 7-13-1930 M Libbie Morrow Arthur Lee Lester Hicks, T. L. 4-20-1930 M Ester Richardson Troy Lee Hicks Hicks, Wanda Fay 7-15-1930 F Ollie Burks Oscar Hicks Hilton, Harold Junior 6-23-1930 M Cora Burks John Hilton Hollis, Thomas Urban 4-29-1930 M Minnie Lee Scoggs Thomas Eugene Hollis Hollis, Wanda Ruth 7-6-1930 F Minnie Ola Person Levy Lee Hollis Holmes, Calvin Jim Henry 5-30-1930 M Annie Lee Henry Holmes Homister, Willie Jean 3-23-1930 F Lennie Sizemore William Frank Homister Hooks, Gertie 7-3-1930 F Annie Mills Henry Hooks Horton, Frank Jr 6-9-1930 M Vera Smith Frank Horton Howell, Doris Rhoda 11-23-1930 F Mary Andrews Andrew Howell Hytower, Jack Inf Of 3-25-1930 M Tonie Shaw Jack Hytower James, Jay Morris 11-16-1930 M Leona Allen C. E. James Jandro, Ernestine Virginia 1-1-1930 F Lucile Mary Clements L. U. Jandro Jimerson, Alvin Reukn 6-5-1930 M Mildred Taylor Alvin Reukn Jimerson Johnson, George F. Jr 5-8-1930 M Clara G. Carter George F Johnson Jones, Clifford Jr. 7-5-1930 M Ella May Hickman Clifford Jones Jones, Ozell 8-2-1930 M Myra Bush W. J. Jones Jordon, Lonie Joe 7-19-1930 F Iva Lee Lozenly Gorland Jordon Jurek, Rudolf John 1-7-1930 M Francis Janek Joe Jurek Keels, Gladys 10-27-1930 F Lula Keels Clarence Keels King, Ima Oneta 5-12-1930 F Lila Hill Roy King King, Martha Erline 8-4-1930 F Ardie Davis Lee King Knyder, Lewis Edwin 2-3-1930 M Eddie Dunn J. C. Snyder Landum, Jewel Inf Of 5-13-1930 M Jewel Landum Lee, Herman Inf Of 9-17-1930 M Dell Ponder Herman Lee Lewis, Laquater 12-22-1930 F Bulah Horace Josiah Lewis Likehort, Clifton Ray 10-23-1930 M Velma Cameron J. P. Likehort Littles, Clifton Eugene 3-4-1930 M Algia Lee Hood Willie Lee Littles Lott, Raymond 10-4-1930 M Ila Lou James Joe Howard Lott Lowery, Bobby Gene 11-20-1930 M Ruby Starling Neal Lowery Lowery, Grover Hart Inf Of 4-17-1930 M Eva Trawick Grover Hart Lowery Lowery, Mabelle 4-26-1930 F Myle Hatham Able Lowery Madden, Velma 6-8-1930 F Allie Madden Johnie Madden Magee, Joyce Marie 3-2-1930 F Mae Mcmichael Ed Magee Mangrens, Henry Herman 5-16-1930 M Nann Bennett Sol W. Mangrens Mangum, Billie Ruth 7-27-1930 F Addie Deaton Howard Mangum Martin, Jonell 8-17-1930 F Beulah Mae Hart Dallas Martin Maxey, John Murral 10-31-1930 M Edith Bass Howard Maxey May, Grove Weldon 11-17-1930 M Juanita Fern Warren Osie Lee May May, Helen Vergelin 11-14-1930 F Lottie Plant Fred E. May May, Ross Inf Of 9-6-1930 M Stella Wolf Ross May Mayo, Charles 3-5-1930 M Alma King R R Mayo Mcadams, Lonita 3-9-1930 F Alice Antley Evan Erwin Mcadams Mcbride, Arbrey 1-29-1930 F Jewel Bennett J. T. Mcbride Mccall, Caldonia 9-11-1930 F Caldonia Hodust Richard Mccall Mccall, Mattie Virginia 5-28-1930 F Daisey French J. A. Mcball Mcclain, Billy Jean 2-3-1930 F Mamie Myers Other Hildridge Mcclain Mcfarland, Mildred Jeannette 3-5-1930 F Bettie Ashworth Tom E. Mcfarland Mcfarland, Paul Coleman 3-26-1930 M Ethel Clark Jeff D. Mcfarland Mcgee, James 11-14-1930 M Andrey Marian Thornton James Harold Mcgee Mcgonghey, Naoma 3-17-1930 F Cora Stutts J. L. Mcgonghey Mcmanners, Arthur Earnest 10-29-1930 M Evie Shaw Ernest Nolan Mcmanners Mcmanners, Lucien Inf Of 11-3-1930 M Edna Bagwell Lucien Mcmanners Mcmullen, Mary 1-10-1930 F Ila Cole Ernest Mcmullen Mcwilliams, Nancy Evelyn 1-27-1930 F Birdie Lee O'donnel A. Travis Mcwilliams Mericle, James 6-26-1930 M Gertrude Warren Eugene Mericle Middleton, Tom A. Jr 3-8-1930 M Sarauah Kinsell Tom A. Middleton Miller, William Jasper Inf Of 7-6-1930 M Madge Thompson William Jasper Miller Mills, Carroll Hinson Inf Of 9-25-1930 M Doxie Mcclain Carroll Hinson Mills Milstid, Hamilton Duffy Inf Of 10-3-1930 F Lizzie Newman Hamilton Duffy Milstid Money, Robert L. Inf Of 9-3-1930 M Glena B. Dial Robert L. Money Moore, Georgie Gerildine 12-5-1930 F Laura Bell Red Clifton G. Moore Morgan, Willie T. Inf Of 7-20-1930 M Treba Red Willie T. Morgan Morrison, W M Inf Of 10-15-1930 F Janie Forsythe W M Morrison Mouser, Paul Thomas 11-22-1930 M Annie Rodgers John Alexander Mouser Mullins, Willis Inf Of 8-6-1930 M Bettie Rushing Willis Mullins Nash, Annie Fay 2-15-1930 F Martha Ann Nash Isaac Nash Nash, Geneva 3-2-1930 F Susie Simons Claud Nash Nash, Joyce Marie 8-8-1930 F Estelle Lovett G. H. Nash Newman, Billy Joe 8-10-1930 M Docia Clark J. A. Newman Nichols, Leo 3-3-1930 M Nanoler Nichols John Franks Nichols Nichols, Opal Joyce 11-25-1930 F Elizabeth Nichols Arthur Nichols Nichols, Telma Rubine 7-28-1930 F Maggie Vinson Norman Harrison Nichols Odom, Clarence Inf Of 5-6-1930 F Eva Chatman Clarence Odom Odom, Jimmie Bob 6-10-1930 M Elizabeth Glover J. T. Odom Odom, Joseph Edward 1-10-1930 M Minnie Jackson Jim Odom Odom, Lorraine 5-6-1930 F Eva Chapman Clarence Odom Pennington, Roy Lee 12-19-1930 M Thelma Ferguson Judge Otis Pennington Pharris, Kenneth Rayford 5-27-1930 M Irene Kerch Edward Pharris Phillips, Betty Jean 5-21-1930 F Eloise Duke J. B. Phillips Phillips, Jerry Morris 11-3-1930 M Lela Inez Morris Gerald Dana Phillips Pillowes, Robert Inf Of 11-1-1930 F Omie Lee Robert Pillowes Pipes, Guy Inf Of 3-4-1930 M Lee Pipes Guy Pipes Pope, Elma Laverne 11-2-1930 F Bonnie Lawrence A L Pope Porker, James Albert 5-10-1930 M Media Elmer Lott James Oscar Porker Powell, Eva Mae 5-9-1930 F Lillian Isabell Powell George Washington Powell Powell, Olivia 1-23-1930 F Sallie Lawrence Luther Powell Prothro, Cloid 2-4-1930 M Eva Campbell William Prothro Purris, Nelson 7-19-1930 M Maudie Rayburn Eli Purris Ramey, Thomas Paul Inf Of 11-1-1930 M Helen Gates Thomas Paul Ramey Ray, Dora Louise 7-2-1930 F Lenora Butler Charles Edward Ray Ray, J C Inf Of 2-6-1930 F Lollie Garrison J C Ray Ray, Nina Jo 9-21-1930 F Nalma Womack Alvin Wilson Ray Red, Helen 2-13-1930 F Bernice Elizabeth Hicks Clint Ansel Red Red, Peirs Haden 5-5-1930 M Cora Sullivan Ernest Red Reed, Travis Dean 9-27-1930 M Alma Rains Travis Reed Reese, William Albert Inf Of 10-15-1930 F Maudie Sowell William Albert Reese Reeves, Robert L Jr 3-9-1930 M Lela Blair Robert Lenard Reeves Rench, Geraldine 3-8-1930 F Edith Gertrude Baker William Earl Rench Rice, Melba Lee 10-14-1930 F Magnolia Landrum Frank Emery Rice Roach, Dolores 10-6-1930 F Maude Christie Elias A. B. Roach Roach, Lawrence A. Inf Of 4-12-1930 M Littie Vick Lawrence A. Roach Roach, Lillie 1-16-1930 F Lillie Wells Emerald Roach Roberts, Perry Allen 12-27-1930 M Annie Stanley Martin Luther Roberts Rodgers, Fleet Inf Of 2-18-1930 M Fleet Rodgers Rush, Bettie Sue 5-22-1930 F Ida Florence Stiphenson Cuther Rush Safford, James Bethel 8-31-1930 M Sybel Sigrid Tyere James Bethel Safford Sanders, Joyce Lumurl 1-18-1930 F Lonnie Hathorne Earl Sanders Sanford, Jennie Nell 4-22-1930 F Donie Nell Truss K. Sanford Sanford, Nellie Fay 7-22-1930 F Florince Duneway Sam Sanford Scarborough, Billie Jean 6-23-1930 F Elmina Nahoma Walker James K Polk Scarborough Scott, Rowena Chrystine 9-15-1930 F Ellen Anderson Arnold Scott Shaines, Pearl Katherin 10-3-1930 F Pearl Mamie Balch Elmer Earnest Shaines Shaw, Bobby Wendall 11-8-1930 M Etta Lott Herbert Lee Shaw Shoemaker, Gardner Inf Of 11-29-1930 F Pearl Allen Gardner Shoemaker Sisk, Dwight Earl Jr. 4-19-1930 M Mattie May Wheeler Dwight Earl Sisk Skaines, Betty Joyce 9-29-1930 F Clara Lucas William Allen Skaines Smiley, John Inf Of 5-27-1930 F Oda Dixon John Smiley Smiley, John Inf Of 5-27-1930 M Oda Dixon John Smiley Smith, Beulah Bernice 7-23-1930 F Beulah James J. Monroe Smith Smith, Gerald 7-26-1930 M Ludie B. Mccloin Rolland H. Smith Smith, John Frances 11-7-1930 M Vannie Dew W. D. Smith Smith, Margaret 12-4-1930 F Lena Ida Mccoy Clyde Smith Snyder, John Charley 2-3-1930 F Eddie Onelia Dunn J. C. Snyder Spencer, Mary Laverne 11-14-1930 F Myrtle Mary Barnett Charlie Roy Spencer Standley, James Oliver 8-26-1930 M Opal Young William Myrth Standley Steel, Thomas Walter 5-28-1930 M Ana More Mcduffie Stelo Stepelton, Marion Jr. 1-24-1930 M Sleta Andrews Marion Franklin Stepelton Stewart, Nova Ruth 11-3-1930 F Ione C. Foster Thomas Edward Stewart Stokes, Christine 8-13-1930 F Callie Ashworth Claude Lois Stokes Sullivan, Dema Lee 5-10-1930 F Sibbie Kendrick Lee Adell Sullivan Swor, Bertie 11-23-1930 F Minnie Young Bert Swor Tarbert, Doyle Ray 1-3-1930 M Lola Fox George Tarbert Tarwater, James Arthur 10-7-1930 M Doris Lillie Bell Slocum Sampson Lee Tarwater Taylor, Martin Jr 7-19-1930 M Vesta Mccullough Martin Taylor Teer, Thurman J. 9-23-1930 M Nettie Teer Joe Teer Terry, Ernest Inf Of 9-3-1930 M Mary Mcclain Ernest Terry Thomasson, Billie Jean 7-30-1930 F Lillie Moore Luther Burton Thomasson Thompson, Betty 9-20-1930 F Betty Hill Yet Thompson Thompson, Bonnie Genett 1-30-1930 F Eva Russell Bud Thompson Thompson, Erabelle Susie 3-23-1930 F Pearl Ozetta Friday Henry Steve Thompson Thompson, Jessie Lee 1-31-1930 F Media Caroline Thompson Jesse Preston Thompson Toger, Gene Elizabeth 12-17-1930 F Frances Elizabeth Ford Jimmie Coy Toger Tolbert, Nathan 12-25-1930 M Gertie Tolbert Lun Tolbert Trawick, Steven T. Inf Of 1-18-1930 F Ollie May Rushing Steven T. Trawick Tullas, Bettie Love 7-18-1930 F Mary Tullas Clarence Tullas Tullas, Theora 1-5-1930 F Ollie Wayne Davis Lee Tullas Tullos, Grover Cleveland 10-9-1930 M Bertie Simons S R Tullos Tullos, P. F. Inf Of 10-6-1930 F Vila May Watson P. F. Tullos Valday, Josephine R. 7-2-1930 F Josephine Valday Ross Valday Venath, Dale 5-24-1930 M Leona Elizabeth Singer Jesse David Venath Vick, La Nell 11-10-1930 F Nellie West William H. Vick Walker, John Will Inf Of 6-18-1930 M Agnes Adele Standley John Will Walker Wallace, J H Jr 5-31-1930 M Alma Etta Allister J. H. Wallace Ward, Gaston Inf Of 10-25-1930 M Blanche Patrick Gaston Ward Warren, Elnagene 3-29-1930 F Mispah Whittlesey William Daniel Warren Warren, Steave Edward 4-27-1930 M Daylene Standley Stephen Warren Washington, O. C. Inf Of 11-7-1930 F Eva Jane Washington O. C. Washington Watson, Marece And Marene 5-1-1930 M Girtrude Watson Olie Watson West, Edgar F. Jr 9-8-1930 M Mary Lee Bounds Edgar Frank West Whitaker, Robert Dalton 12-1-1930 M Nellie Jane Parker Joseph Enoch Whitaker Wiggins, Forrest Wayne 5-13-1930 M Fannie Dixon Zeten Forest Wiggins Williams, Laura Bell 11-1-1930 F Georgia Williams J. C. Williams Willis, John Curtiss 7-13-1930 M Vinia Alice Sims John Everett Willis Wooten, Robert 4-16-1930 M Jennie Wooten Richard Wooten Wortham, Marthella Ruse 6-11-1930 F Joella Wortham Wortham, Ruby 3-18-1930 F Jessie Wortham Charlie Wortham Wreyford, Harold Earnest 7-13-1930 M Roxie Hazel Skains Earnest Edgar Wreyford