Funeral Services Held Last Week For Mrs. Robinett *********************************************************** Submitted by: Dave simmons Date: 2 Feb 2012 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** Supplement to The Enterprise Nov 15, 1945 Mrs. Alma May Simmons Robinett was a native Texan, born in Hopkins County on July 21, 1882. The family to Van Zandt County when she was only a child, locating in this community where she has been a resident for fifty years. She married Dee Robinett on Sept. 21, 1897, to which union seven children were born, two of whom, a son and a daughter, preceded her in death. Surviving her are her husband; three sons, Grady Robinett of the state of Washington, Mike Robinett of California, Weldon Robinett of Navada; two daughters, Mrs. E. T. Pringle of Nebraska, Mrs. Rowena V. Northcutt; seventeen grandchildren; one great- grandchild; two brothers, Melton Simmons and Clem Simmons; one sister, Mrs. Alice Caswell; and other relatives, including a number of neices and nephews. Mrs. Robinett had long been a member of the Church of Christ, always faithful in her attendance upon the services of the Church whenever and wherever possible. Certainly, Van Zandt County never had a better citizen than was Mrs. Robinett. While rearing a large family of her own, she found time to assist the needy in the communities in which she lived. She had been a sufferer for many years, part of the time in a rolling chair, though her faith never faltered. The entire community has been saddened by her passing. Funeral services were held at Morince with Rev. Edd Barrett. officiating. The Enterprise extends deepest sympathy to the bereaved.