Obits: Mr. W. M. G. WILSON, Van Zandt County, Texas, 2003 *********************************************** This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Susan Burns May 2003 *********************************************** Obituary of W. M. G. Wilson Wills Point Chronicle, 19 February 1920, Van Zanddt County, Texas Wills Point TRAGIC DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN Sheriff Carpenter and County Attorney Greer were called to the W.M.G.Wilson home, near Myrtle Springs, to investigate the death of that old citizen Saturday morning. The word that came to the sheriff's office was to the effect that Mr. Wilson had shot and killed himself, but on investigation the officers decided that circumstances surrounding his death were such as to warrant full investigation of the tragic occurrence and accordingly Mrs. Wilson, her sister, Mrs. Pool, and a man named Isham, with the latter's 13 year-old daughter, were arrested charged with the murder. On going to the place, Wilson was found lying on the side of a neighboring road, leading away from his home. He was lying face down with a pistol in his left hand and a bullet wound behind the right ear.There was a deep gash at the point where the bullet entered and the skull showed to have been beaten with an instrument of some kind. Physicians opened the skull and found the bullet directly opposite the point of entrance, this leading officers to doubt that Wilson could have held the pistol in such a position to shoot himself. Further enquiry led to the information that Wilson and his wife had separated and that at her request Isham, who lived on the Wilson farm, had come over to move her things out. It is the belief of the officers that a general row and perhaps fight occurred in the yard and while this was in progress one of the women knocked him down. The officers have it that at one time Wilson drew his gun on Isham and that the latter ran behind the wagon, preventing the enraged man from shooting him. The parties under arrest concur in the statement that Wilson shot himself, after leaving the house, and that they saw him commit the act.The little girl states they all went to the place of shooting after hearing the shot fired and found him in the position he was when the officers arrived. The little girl was first to leave the scene and states that she was first to phone about the tragedy. She thinks she heard a shot after leaving, but of course has no idea who fired it or for what purpose. Officers and physicians are of the opinion that he was knocked insensible and that the pistol was then placed in the wound and fired. Mrs. Wilson was the divorced wife of a man named Jackson who was tried in district court at Canton last year on a charge of bigamy, she having married Wilson, after Jackson had married another woman in the county. Recently Wilson was beaten by "white caps," this occurrence having been investigated by the recent grand jury, with what result we are not informed. Deceased formerly resided in either the Tundra or Jackson community and was well known. Burial took place at Edgewood. He was 60 years of age and Mrs. Wilson is his junior by about twenty years. ********************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************