Wise County TX - Births, 1926 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: shall@balista.com 7/30/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. http://www.tdh.state.tx.us/bvs/registra/index.htm _________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================================================================= Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ======================================================================================================================= Alexander, Moody Holland 10-8-1926 M Ida May Holland Boston G. Alexander Wise Arrington, Veneta June 7-5-1926 F Elva Walker Drew A. Arrington Wise Arrington, Willie Doris 3-8-1926 F Ola Lee Nesmith Burrell Arrington Wise Atkinson, Pansy Lu 9-21-1926 F Allie Frances Hudson John Thomas Atkinson Wise Badger, James Rogers 9-10-1926 M Ethel Gertrude Bradford Marvin Woody Badger Wise Bailey, Cecil 11-24-1926 M Vaudie Avis Early Cuil Bailey Wise Barksdale, Betsy Jean 9-8-1926 F Ruthe Dale W. G. Barksdale Wise Barrett, Harold Ray 9-24-1926 M Nellie Aline Hall Thomas Ragland Barrett Wise Bearden, Dorothy 2-20-1926 F Vera Viola Nichols Henry Harry Bearden Wise Bellamy, James Henry 8-17-1926 M Edna Carruth Gus Shultz Bellamy Wise Best, Harold Richard 1-15-1926 F Jesse Marie Nix Philip Dafiat Best Wise Binion, Wm Harrold 4-2-1926 M Bessie Dee Barnett Wesley Flem Binion Wise Blocker, Darrell 9-8-1926 M Myrtle Moser W O Blocker Wise Blythe, Ruby Venus 11-16-1926 F Mary Eva Bounds Clarence Marion Blythe Wise Bobo, Wanda Lee 1-25-1926 F Omie Fay Hice Loyd Winford Bobo Wise Bobo, William Adron 4-12-1926 M Lillian Zay Thompson William Alfred Bobo Wise Bolding, Elsie Faye 10-6-1926 F Myrtle A. Aycox Jesse B. Bolding,Sr. Wise Bonds, Richard 1-10-1926 M Lillie May Vess Leroy Bonds Wise Boner, Alvis Benjamin 10-28-1926 M Myrtle Edge Ben Boner Wise Boner, Ben Inf Of 10-28-1926 M Myrtle Edge Ben Boner Wise Boring, Mary Edith 9-16-1926 F Carrie Whatley Arthur Lee Boring Wise Boydston, Raymond Frank 9-16-1926 M Elsie C. Hudson Quint Raymond Boydston Wise Brady, Alfred Drew, Jr. 5-22-1926 M Sylvia Cora Howell Alfred Drew Brady Wise Bramlett, John Wesley 2-7-1926 M Lillian Davis Erney Emmett Bramlett Wise Brasher, Bettie Joe 6-17-1926 F Mattie Mae Smith Herbert Jones Brasher Wise Brown, Alf Inf Of 1-13-1926 M Virginia Rhine Alf Brown Wise Brown, Gene Howard 8-19-1926 M Carrie Florence Burns Sam J Brown Wise Brown, Lawson Inf Of 2-22-1926 F Ruth Robinson Lawson Brown Wise Brown, Lester Inf Of 5-30-1926 M Oma Davidson Lester Brown Wise Brown, Lonnie Poteet 8-22-1926 M Lucy Ann King Ballem Luther Brown Wise Brown, Mae Belle 3-3-1926 F Agnes Davidson Fred E. Brown Wise Brownlee, Ella May 8-28-1926 F May Dell Beacham Thomas Brownlee Wise Buck, Joseph Herschel 1-3-1926 M Mary Lena Tallant John Claud Buck Wise Burk, Clifford Elton 1-23-1926 M Lalla Alla Judge Steve Archley Burk Wise Burrow, Robert Lee, Jr. 10-17-1926 M Lottie Davis Robert Lee Burrow Wise Bussell, Don J. 2-9-1926 M Velma C. Thornhill Andrew Alvoid Bussell Wise Byrom, Lawrence Russell 9-26-1926 M Lula May Beauchamp James Harris Byrom Wise Campbell, Lee Inf Of 2-2-1926 M M C. Holt Lee Campbell Wise Caraway, James 1-9-1926 M Katie B. Sherman Bud Caraway Wise Caraway, Mary Jane 3-5-1926 F Ola Bigham Wiley Caraway Wise Carpenter, J. H. Inf Of 9-23-1926 F Della Green J. H. Carpenter Wise Carson, Billie Jean 10-31-1926 F Beatrice Walker Cecil Wesley Carson Wise Caruthers, Bettie Jo Ozell 9-17-1926 F Viola Jeter Stanley Caruthers Wise Cash, Joe Henry 2-22-1926 M Fannie Williamson J. D. Cash Wise Caswell, Javene 2-18-1926 F Evelyn Christine St Clair James Raymond Caswell Wise Cates, Dorothy Pearl 10-5-1926 F Audrey Lillian Bivens James P. Cates Wise Chandler, Raymond Dee 5-3-1926 M Nora Pinkerton David C Chandler Wise Chester, Annabelle Johnny 4-30-1926 F Glennie Minerva Leonard Ernest Chester Wise Childers, Maurine Ruth 11-27-1926 F Willie Lee Lewis Lonnie B. Childers Wise Childress, Janie Evelyn 5-13-1926 F Kizzie Elizabeth Baldwin Alfred Rushing Childress Wise Claborn, Wanda Fay 1-20-1926 F Lillian Hoffman Virgil M Claborn Wise Clark, Carolina 4-3-1926 F Trula Mae Stutt George Henry Clark Wise Clayton, A. J. (Pete) Inf Of 2-26-1926 M Leona Carter A. J. (Pete) Clayton Wise Clifton, George William 8-24-1926 M Bernice Louise Splawn William Floyd Clifton Wise Climer, Roy Everett 1-30-1926 M Willie Mae Flowers Jack Climer Wise Collins, Charlene 8-8-1926 F Nora Lee Ferguson Chas Leon Collins Wise Collins, Ollie Etta 9-13-1926 F Katie Lee Hite Walter Monroe Collins Wise Cruz, Mildred Earline 5-7-1926 F Pearl Pauline Keeter Audie Coleman Cruz Wise Dacus, Edna Earl 10-20-1926 F Esther Rambo Elmer Hale Dacus Wise Davis, Banks Inf Of 3-16-1926 M Valley Setser Banks Davis Wise Day, Alma Ruth 1-9-1926 F Blanche Hutcherron Joe Fletcher Day Wise Denny, S. H Inf Of 2-15-1926 F Cora Bailey S. H Denny Wise Dillard, Elva 8-20-1926 F Ezzie Brown William Carroll Dillard Wise Dillard, Elvis 8-20-1926 M Ezzie Brown William Carroll Dillard Wise Dooley, Edna Fay 8-15-1926 F Merena Bell Caraway Mack Henry Dooley Wise Doyle, Earlena Rae 2-22-1926 F Lena Mae Watson Earl C Doyle Wise Drain, Alice Murl 9-16-1926 F Mary Lucy Baldwin George Edward Drain Wise Drain, Byrl Jefferson 9-16-1926 M Mary Lucy Baldwin George Edward Drain Wise Draper, Jesse Lee, Jr. 1-21-1926 M Edith Vera Taylor Jesse Lee Draper Wise Dunn, D. H. Inf Of 5-25-1926 F Ida Belle Holt D. H. Dunn Wise Dunn, Dock Inf Of 11-9-1926 F Manisea Jeter Dock Dunn Wise Dunn, Robert Eugene 10-8-1926 M Mae Clare Spann James Alton Dunn Wise Dye, Bobbie Dee 7-8-1926 F Bertie Hall Dee W. Dye Wise Earley, J. H. Inf Of 11-10-1926 M Roberta Messer J. H. Earley Wise Early, Johnnie Richard 3-26-1926 M Flora Arvingtion Johnnie Richard Early Wise Easley, Lucile Laverne 8-4-1926 F Bertha Halt Geo Easley Wise Edwards, Robert F. Inf Of 7-14-1926 M Audry Loafman Robert F. Edwards Wise English, Carl Lavarn 2-7-1926 M Vernola Wright B. R. English Wise Eubanks, Mattie Ester 5-21-1926 F Mattie Leota Heard Ernest William Eubanks Wise Evans, James Randolph 9-25-1926 M Ruby Perl Jenkins Archie T. Evans Wise Farrestes, Wm Virgil Inf Of 2-28-1926 F Sarah Ellen Lauderdale Wm Virgil Farrestes Wise Fennell, William Leroy 5-24-1926 M Minnie Hicks John Fennell Wise Ferguson, Billy Glynn 2-10-1926 M Jewell Howard John Ferguson Wise Finley, Alada Jane 8-10-1926 F Annie Gee Ralph Monroe Finley Wise Finley, Bobby Louise 8-30-1926 F Sarah Gertrude Green Willy Henderson Finley Wise Fletcher, Bobbie Ruth 6-17-1926 F Myrtle Amyx James Hugh Fletcher Wise Foster, Billie Adam 1-30-1926 M Edith Lynch E. R. Foster Wise Foster, Calvin Fuller 3-10-1926 M Lillie Day Fuller Richard Booker Foster Wise Fox, Bluford Douglas, Jr. 6-7-1926 M Mabel Missouri Taylor Bluford Douglas Fox Wise Griffeth, Tommie Ruth 8-23-1926 F Tommie Homer Perkins Thomas Edward Griffeth Wise Grissom, Thas Haywood Inf Of 7-18-1926 M Minnie May Stone Cipher Thas Haywood Grissom Wise Grissom, Wm Lee Inf Of 2-28-1926 M Mattie Ola Pierce Wm Lee Grissom Wise Grounds, Mary Helen 4-12-1926 F Ombra Ella Boswell Hargrove Grounds Wise Guerro, Burrtala Inf Of 1-9-1926 M Burrtala Guerro Wise Haines, B.B. Inf Of 1-28-1926 M Ludie Cook B.B. Haines Wise Hale, Lee Roy 6-12-1926 M Ella Catherine Hudson Benjamin Franklin Hale Wise Harbuck, Habie 2-20-1926 F Vick Mckenzie W. G. Harbuck Wise Harder, Lavern 2-27-1926 F Effie Gage Carl Frederick Harder Wise Harlan, James Albert 10-3-1926 M Ruth Womack Tim Harlan Wise Harms, Edyth Floryne 2-13-1926 F Nora Pearl York Harry Franklin Harms Wise Harris, W. C. Inf Of 10-17-1926 F Dollie Hargis W. C. Harris Wise Hartsell, Lovand Inf Of 9-30-1926 F Trovora Harris Lovand Hartsell Wise Helm, Margaret Loraine 11-14-1926 F Goldie Bell Palmer William Curtis Helm Wise Hestand, James Inf Of 11-21-1926 F Ethel Durham James Hestand Wise Holman, W. H. Inf Of 10-29-1926 M Tressie Dewey W. H. Holman Wise Hornbeck, Carlton Wayne 7-27-1926 M Dessie A. Mcneely C.C. Hornbeck Wise Huddleston, Dortha May 8-18-1926 F Beatrice Harrison Lonie Baird Huddleston Wise Huff, Jackie Ray 4-29-1926 M Minnie Prudy Hollis Thomas Bell Huff Wise Humphreys, Vonie Rex 2-21-1926 M Opal Lee Franks Vail Montgomery Humphreys Wise Inman, Ronald 3-11-1926 M Margie Elizabeth Allrews Gillys Cowan Inman Wise Inman, Will Inf Of 2-4-1926 M Cleo Alexandera Will Inman Wise James, Arthur Ray 3-15-1926 M Millie Karnes Arthur Elihu James Wise Johnson, Gracy Imogine 2-1-1926 F D. L. Moyer G E Johnson Wise Johnson, Rosa Lee 3-19-1926 F Dora Sanson Roosevelt Johnson Wise Jones, Vergie Oleta 7-7-1926 F Dora Ethel Hanner Wm.Henry Jones Wise Jordan, Bennie Floyd 7-16-1926 M Susie Melvin Edwards John Robert Jordan Wise Jordan, Jimmie Lloyd 7-16-1926 M Susie Melvin Edwards John Robert Jordan Wise Kent, William Hansell 1-19-1926 M Arveler Swinner James Russel Kent Wise King, Bertie Ruth 1-13-1926 F Lena Higgins Dewey King Wise King, Edward Oliver 9-15-1926 M Ruby Pearl Faith Cecil Edward King Wise Kirby, Doris Edna 5-14-1926 F Minnie Loyrella Gregory Henry Lathrop Kirby Wise Lederer, Carl Edward, Jr 7-8-1926 M Octavia Boden Carl Edward Lederer Wise Lexors, Bernie Floyd 9-26-1926 M Cleo Patry Mae Richardson Floyd Leroy Lexors Wise Lisby, Earline 8-12-1926 F Ruth Mckinnon John R. Lisby Wise Looney, Mavis Jewel 12-4-1926 F Gertie Powell Eugene Looney Wise Lorentz, Ollie Olin Inf Of 8-11-1926 M Hettie Trammell Ollie Olin Lorentz Wise Lovelace, Dorothy Cleo 4-24-1926 F Estelle Plumlee J. Ellen Lovelace Wise Manire, Robert Arthur 5-4-1926 M Ida Stone A. D. Manire Wise Martin, Travis Hubert 2-17-1926 M Mary M. Ables J. F. Martin Wise Mattix, Sam Petty 12-30-1926 M Georgia Lee Eudaly John Alfred Mattix Wise Mckinnon, Reginald L Inf Of 2-17-1926 M Velma Pricillia Aldridge Reginald L Mckinnon Wise Meadows, Opal Ruth 7-2-1926 F Edith Allen Perry Jerome Meadows Wise Miller, Joseph Le Roy 3-14-1926 M Effie Frances Mitchell Charles More Miller Wise Milligan, Alford Ray 8-25-1926 M Elna Jauneta Balthrop Olin Alford Milligan Wise Monk, Marvin Mark Inf Of 2-25-1926 M Vera Emolino Whitt Marvin Mark Monk Wise Moody, Annie Lorena 3-26-1926 F Josie Mcdaniel William Corn Moody Wise Moore, May Ruth 2-12-1926 F Amanda Kathleen Preston Milton Oscar Moore Wise Moore, Stanford Inf Of 8-18-1926 M Dora Garrett Stanford Moore Wise Morgan, Mary Iona Jo 2-21-1926 F M. L. Watson J. C. Morgan Wise Morgan, Mary Josefine 7-30-1926 F Ruth Morgan Masters Walter Perry Morgan Wise Morrow, O. C. Inf Of 9-25-1926 F Willie Lewis O. C. Morrow Wise Motsenbocker, Ralph 9-5-1926 M Ollie A. Holt John Floyd Motsenbocker Wise Mowery, James Leon 1-13-1926 M Libbie Rosenburg Lewis Henager Mowery Wise Mowery, Wesley Harold 10-7-1926 M Ollie May Watson Ollie William Mowery Wise Mulkey, Gilley Hayes 2-7-1926 M Julia Price William Parrish Mulkey Wise Neel, Julia May 9-16-1926 F Linnie Bell Vess James Waller Neel Wise New, F. D. Inf Of 2-17-1926 M Ada Barker F. D. New Wise New, John Curren, Jr. 1-14-1926 M Minnie Ada Askey John Curren New Wise Newsom, Frankie 3-11-1926 F Beatrice Rigsby Daniel P. Newsom Wise Newton, Carnie Newell 5-2-1926 M Sallie Myrtle Dickinson Wm Alfred Newton Wise Newton, Luther Inf Of 5-24-1926 M Reta Cooper Luther Newton Wise O'brien, Mildred Jean 1-2-1926 F Iris Ward Walter Jennings O'brien Wise O'neal, Grady Joe 5-22-1926 M Ethel North Ray Hebert O'neal Wise Owen, Letha Frances 12-14-1926 F Laura Myrtle Patterson Fred Mack Owen Wise Pannell, Milton Lee 10-25-1926 M Minnie Dell Fortenberry Bernice Clyde Pannell Wise Patterson, Norman Leon 10-12-1926 M Audie L. Nelson K. A. Patterson Wise Patterson, Ralph 1-6-1926 M Ioma Ross Will C. Patterson Wise Patterson, Roberta 1-6-1926 F Iona Ross W. C. Patterson Wise Pennington, Billie Penn 2-15-1926 M Jessie Titsworth John Thomas Pennington Wise Perkins, Ilavern 7-11-1926 F Eula Estell Dollars Emouy Bryan Perkins Wise Perkins, Sylvia Laverna 2-13-1926 F Toy Mcelroy John Perkins Wise Phillips, Bistha Wanda 9-30-1926 F Lola Dessie Howard George E. Phillips Wise Phillips, Ida Ivon 4-29-1926 F Pauline L. Hobbs B. P. Phillips Wise Pinkerton, Allen Jimmie 10-3-1926 F Grace Bazzley A J Pinkerton Wise Pittman, Eveline Mildred 9-3-1926 F Lela Warner Jim Perry Pittman Wise Poteet, Daisy Dee 10-27-1926 F Bertha Lena Biles Lucean Mertz Poteet Wise Pound, Clyde Calvin 10-29-1926 M Vera Davis Claud William Pound Wise Price, Dora Alene 2-22-1926 F Ann Bel Askew Cullen Price Wise Priddy, Juana Jane 8-23-1926 F Mattie Lou Johnson Roscoe Priddy Wise Ray, Anna Lois 6-19-1926 F Frances Devers Fred Ray Wise Ray, Frances Marie 2-23-1926 F Nellie Moss Dave Quin Ray Wise Ray, Watt L Inf Of 9-11-1926 M Etta Crawford Watt L Ray Wise Reddell, Mary Ruth 9-27-1926 F Mary Hassetine West James Frank Reddell Wise Reed, John Lesley 8-15-1926 M Birtie Renfro Charlie Reed Wise Rhoads, Wanda Lee 1-6-1926 F Tressie Belle New Joseph Clifford Rhoads Wise Riley, Orville 2-9-1926 M Ira Thomas Samuel E. Riley Wise Robertson, Mabeth 3-26-1926 F Lottie Mae Potts Roy Nathaniel Robertson Wise Robinson, Gerald Layne 7-2-1926 M Ruth Adelle Dickinson Melvin Robinson Wise Rogers, Joseph Oliver 9-20-1926 M Rosa Anna Lemme Gideon Mancil Rogers Wise Ross, Lou Ida 5-10-1926 F Mary Minor Roy Ross Wise Sanders, J. H. Inf Of 11-24-1926 F Allie Maddux J. H. Sanders Wise Sands, Hal Mosley, Jr 4-5-1926 M Nellie Dillingham Hal Mosley Sands Wise Sedgwick, Wilbur Dale, III 7-11-1926 M Pauline Kerr Wilbur Dale Sedgwick,Jr. Wise Shipley, Floyd Dorman 6-3-1926 M Birdie Veach George B Shipley Wise Shipley, Loyd Garmund 6-3-1926 M Birdie Vouch Geo. B. Shipley Wise Sipes, Helen Louise 3-9-1926 F Mary Elizabeth Parsons Newton Wright Sipes Wise Sitz, James Lawrance 3-9-1926 M Jewel Lucile Malone Alvin Jessie Sitz Wise Slagle, Margaret Whitten 6-10-1926 F Nellie Louise Barnes Grady Moreland Slagle Wise Slane, Kenneth Elliott 2-17-1926 M Georgia Elizabeth Elliott William Walker Slane Wise Slimp, Minnie Francis 1-3-1926 F Ruth Bryant Young Landon Clyde Slimp Wise Smith, David Lafayette 11-18-1926 M Minnie Leona Slimp James Edward Smith Wise Smith, Laura Fay 7-1-1926 F Laura B Griffin C E Smith Wise Smith, M. A. Inf Of 11-9-1926 F Gladis Tberler M. A. Smith Wise Smith, Ruby Faye 5-7-1926 F Letha Margaret Read David Milford Smith Wise Smith, Virginia Nell 2-8-1926 F E L. Balger Robert R. Smith Wise Snow, Myrtle Lee 7-26-1926 F Myrtle Eddie Pope William Taylor Snow Wise Snow, William Rogers 7-26-1926 M Myrtle Eddie Pope William Taylor Snow Wise Stephen, R. W., Jr. 1-14-1926 M Nell Bly Cook Rual Watson Stephen Wise Stephens, J. E. 1-14-1926 M Nell Bly Cook Rual Watson Stephens Wise Stepp, William Allan 11-8-1926 M Florence Beulah Hinsdell William Joshua Stepp Wise Stevens, Frank Inf Of 6-4-1926 M Annie May Ashton Frank Stevens Wise Stigall, Foy Denon 8-6-1926 M Myrtle R. M. Hendley Charlie K Stigall Wise Stone, Ella Marie 12-16-1926 F Beulah Wiley R. O. Stone Wise Stroud, Leonard Ray 7-7-1926 M Lena Gladys Bailey Clifford Eliya Stroud Wise Sullivan, Dorothy Jenell 2-7-1926 F Eumn C Reiche John Henry Sullivan Wise Taylor, Bobbie Jewel 11-24-1926 F Prudie Dunlap T Silvester Taylor Wise Taylor, Elvis Rex 8-28-1926 M Lula Isabell Henry Vernie W. Taylor Wise Taylor, O. C. 4-26-1926 M Ruth Crownover Leo Taylor Wise Thomas, Evelyn Sue 4-9-1926 F Susie Hunter Smith Leo Lester Thomas Wise Thomas, J B, Jr. 2-6-1926 M Beulah Black J B Thomas Wise Thompson, Bobbie Ruth 1-12-1926 F Lottie Albritton Claude Leslie Thompson Wise Thrift, Curtis Inf Of 6-8-1926 F Mammie Bell Ward Curtis Thrift Wise Timmous, Marjorie Lois 7-18-1926 F Manie Elizabeth Pell Cary Ray Timmous Wise Trammel, Ruby Evelyn 3-7-1926 F Vena Iona Sisk Teddie R Trammell Wise Truitt, Raymond 2-27-1926 M Letha Bentley C. Bryan Truitt Wise Vaughn, Edward Ray 9-8-1926 M Opal Landers Clarance M. Vaughn Wise Veal, Billy Jim 11-18-1926 M Josie Abernathy Lee Veal Wise Verner, Joseph Charles 2-8-1926 M Essie Mae Arrington Arthur Flynt Verner Wise Wakeman, Scott Rauls 6-20-1926 M Cella Jeanette Hamm William Scott Wakeman Wise Walker, Dewey Elton 2-1-1926 M Hattie Giles John Harris Walker Wise Walker, O. C. Inf Of 1-18-1926 F Ruby Walker O. C. Walker Wise Wallice, Clifford Inf Of 11-9-1926 F Laura Band Clifford Wallice Wise Waltz, Jimmie Doyle 8-30-1926 M Lucile Beaumont E. W. Waltz Wise Watson, G.Y. Inf Of 7-22-1926 M Nora Adams G.Y. Watson Wise Watts, Edward 4-1-1926 M Maybell Parks Oscar Riley Watts Wise West, Vinnie Ruth 1-15-1926 F Bennie Howard Sims Thomas Clarance West Wise Whaley, Romie Inf Of 2-21-1926 M Lillie Walton Romie Whaley Wise Whitaker, Ruth Ernestine 12-16-1926 F Ruthie D. Smith Ernest B. Whitaker Wise White, Edna Jo 6-14-1926 F Martha Rossanna Bailey John Henry White Wise White, W. F 8-6-1926 M Fannie N Cook William Nathaniel White Wise Wiley, Eula Fay 8-22-1926 F Audie Sanders Harvey Joe Wiley Wise Wilkins, Wilford Wayne 10-28-1926 M Martha O. Sells J. S. Wilkins Wise Williamson, Lou Ann 3-18-1926 F Ruth Taylor Homer Williamson Wise Wilson, William Osborn 8-23-1926 M Julia Mae Jones Sam Henry Wilson Wise Wilson, William Thomas 6-13-1926 M Icie Hollis Tom A Wilson Wise Withers, J L Inf Of 2-18-1926 F Dona Lewis J L Withers Wise Wortman, Raymond Leon 4-4-1926 M Vera Alice Parker Robert Frank Wortman Wise Yate, Billy Joe 12-4-1926 M Hazel Choat Willie L. Yate Wise Young, Marion Paul 1-21-1926 M Annie Bell Owens Jessie Monroe Young Wise